What do you count as a win? (as killer)

Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513
edited October 2021 in Off-topic

I'm assuming it's a mix, so just pick the most prominent category.

What do you count as a win? (as killer) 6 votes

Having a close game.
0% 0 votes
Pulling off something clever.
16% 1 vote
Goofing off.
16% 1 vote
4ks by any means. (or 3k + hatch)
0% 0 votes
Legitimately scaring someone.
16% 1 vote
0% 0 votes
0% 0 votes
33% 2 votes
Getting lots of Bloodpoints/a good ranking.
16% 1 vote


  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I found focusing on bp instead of kills helped me stress a little less.

    Getting more bp than the highest scoring survivor was a win. If one or two had more than me it was a draw. If 3 or 4 people scored higher than me it was a loss.