So what's the deal with the third way to escape?

any leads? anything at all?
Best Answers
I’m not, a random bubba main gave me this information
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I would love to know if the devs still stand by this tbh. Datamining has already happened and we haven't heard anything about a third way to escape.
yeah, I just thought I'd follow up.
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It's DC ing
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I know it, go to the basement, and light the hooks with the flashlight.
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I saw a mention of this a while back. Something about how there’s a third escape and that the devs were surprised that the community hasn’t discovered it yet after all this time. No hint as to what it is though.
my guess. Either kill the killer or submit to the entity to become a killer. (Maybe even a 2nd killer in the same match!)
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Wait... there is ACTUALLY a third escape then?!
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so the devs say
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The dream.
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Obviously if the Killer performs a Mori on all Survivors in The Basement it opens up a hatch that the Killer can use to escape the Trial./s
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It's obviously a locker to Narnia. Why else would there be so many gosh darn lockers in the maps
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I cannot tell if your being sarcastic lol
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Maybe it has something to do with the basement floor under the hooks because all other escapes are made with the same metal possibly idk
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i see
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Maybe they're just changing their slogan.
'Death is an escape' 😒
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It was a video on yt i saw like a week ago where the surivor vaulted a window and got way more speed than than intended and glitches out of the map on rpd and walked out the main exits
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it's a snipe hunt