Devs Balancing Allows Survivors to Have the Biggest Egos

As the title says, when the devs choose to balance this game for casuals with barely 100 hours in the game it just allows Survivor mains to be even more toxic towards Killers because lets face it their objective is way easier than Killers and Killers just get shafted near enough every patch.

You get these Survivor mains who genuinely think they are gods gift to the game but stick them on any other multiplayer you will find they are wither insanely low rank or they just get destroyed and rage every game. DbD is the only game they got going for them where they get a victory 85% of the time.

Logging into DbD I had a Trickster daily, to my luck on RNG I get put on Haddonfield, already off to a bad start. I end up downing these guys very quickly but it didn't matter because gens fly and the map is horrifically balanced even when I was playing well. On 7 hooks surprise surprise all the gens get done and I manage to secure 8, rather good for Trickster on Haddonfield.

As you'd expect, end game chat these guys had the biggest inflated egos imaginable saying how I'm the trash one, I should get good, I should learn to play etc. So I said, lets have a rematch to which point I'd play a killer who could definitely compete against these guys, I could already down them quickly with a trash killer so a viable one who can gen pressure should realistically be rather simple to go against with. Do you think these guys accepted? Of course they didn't instead they went off with their egos even more which also means they are unsportsmanlike. In a fighter you don't just say you are better than someone because you beat them once, you have rematches. All bark no bite with these guys and they will just keep doing it over and over again playing their little bully simulator.

I really do not understand why the devs choose to balance their game for people like this just to allow them to create even more bigger egos. I guarantee you if this game was even remotely balanced in a way where all Killers have a chance to compete without gen defence a lot of these Survivor mains who think they are gods gift would probably get bricked on most matches because they have no real skill in the game, they just get carried by bad game design.

