How to counter Boon: Shadow Step

ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

So I've gotten to play a fair amount of matches against the new Boons lately and have come to realize that the best way to deal with them is so simple: Bloodhound.

I'm not joking. I've been getting so much value out of Bloodhound every match lately. People trying to use stealth builds on top of Shadow Step or even just Shadow Step alone, Bloodhound has allowed me to always find people when I can't see their scratch marks or aura- and yes I know this is only applicable when the survivor you're tracking is injured and bleeding but I am kind of going with the assumption that you're trying to track and down an injured person using Iron Will in a Shadow Step zone.

Seriously I highly recommend that you try Bloodhound if you're having trouble with tracking. It's also let me catch people that jump into lockers and think they're being sneaky since it causes blood to linger much longer than usual.

And before anyone says "Well what about Lucky Break" I mean, Lucky Break is valid. If a survivor is running Lucky Break, Shadow Step and Iron Will that's a lot dedicated to stealth and not as much DS, DH, Unbreakable etc etc but yeah. If I notice that they aren't leaving blood behind and that they're using Lucky Break sometimes I'll just drop chase and go for someone else if they lose me. Lucky Break isn't forever thankfully.

When I realized Nurse's Calling wouldn't counter CoH because of Shadow Step I immediately jumped to Bloodhound as it's a pretty underrated tracking perk. It's allowed me to find people and keep up pressure by getting more hooks.

Additionally Spies From the Shadows can work if that's more your cup of tea. I personally hate the perk though but I have a friend who's been using it and having similar results. Survivors can and will run freely through Shadow Step areas so they'll trigger Crows constantly. I use crows to help track too and they're very underrated.
