The event’s been fun, now here’s my beef

For the most part everyone participating as played well and allowed each other to enjoy the event, and while most have obtained what they set out for already not all of us are done with that last minute rush. For the love of God, don’t be that d-bag Killer that DCs when you see the petal offerings or that Survivor that goes around sucking up the event juice if you have already decided that you’re done participating. With that, in order to avoid spite on either side survivors have to keep playing objectives and running so the Killers don’t get bored and so that other Survivors don’t get frustrated when no one is playing once they get what they came for. I know we don’t all agree on much in general, but can we at least come to an understanding on that? There’s only a few hours left, STAHP. Even if you think the event is garbage, don’t be a troll and ruin it for others.