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Would you suggest to a beginner killer to buy Pyramid Head?

Anniehere Member Posts: 1,262

I started playing as killer at a wrong time only after MMR.

I only played with Spirit but not a lot, i got 4k just once and after that the matches were pretty hard for me so i went back to play survivor.

I love her but it's quite tedious to risk the situation when using her power and to hear very closely what's going on around.

If i can think of another character that others find fun to play is Pyramid Head. i take into account that it takes time to get used to him and do decent.

But I'm debating whether to buy him or not.

Is it really worth spending money at current situation with MMR?

Is playing with him a good choice for a beginner killer?

The first character i bought is Cheryl, i made a mistake in not buying the full DLC...


  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193
    edited October 2021

    No. He's hard to play and his perks are bad

    But if you like him and want to try sure why not

  • deadbyknightfall
    deadbyknightfall Member Posts: 37

    buy who ever looks most cool to you

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    I highly recommend him as a killer, but just note you'll only really get to play with his base powers as his addons are straight up TRASH. But yea he's a fine killer and there's not too much nuance to his abilities or how to play him. He will teach you patience too and baiting with powers. Not a bad choice at all.

  • conqueror_worm__
    conqueror_worm__ Member Posts: 96

    I always thought that The Clown was a good one for a beginner, he isn't the fastest but the potions are easy to use and provide a good slow down, if you are mismatched and come up against a real good team who just want to run you ragged then you will probably struggle but he's a decent one to learn on I'd say.

    Failing that I would say Legion are good, they have some great perks (discordance - it lets you know when more than one person is working on a gen) and then you can activate you feral powers and sprint across the map quick time and land a couple of hits, also Legion has the ability to vault pallets so you can surprise survivors with that if you can time it right.

    I get a feeling that most people will disagree with me on them two but they are who I'd recommend anyway.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Best beginner Killer will always be Wraith, Pyramid Head is up there with one of the hardest to play. A Huntress hatchet is easier to his than his M2.

  • Vizikk
    Vizikk Member Posts: 115

    Absolutely not if your just looking to play to win. If you like the look and how the power might feel. Go for it.

    But his kit is very skill dependent and sometimes even then can be avoided.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Pyramid Head is not a Killer I'd suggest for beginners. His Antiloop is very strong being able to hit almost anywhere but getting those hits is hard as it's pure skill and maybe a little luck. For beginners I'd recommend Bubba or Wraith seeins as their skill floor (how good you have to be to start playing them) is lower than PH's but they're not as strong imo. Play whoever you want but PH is not easy to pick up

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    Just use Bubba. Easy camping kills.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    Nope, he's very tricky to play and has bad perks. If you feel up to the challenge you can still get him, but for a beginner killer, I'd recommend either Doctor, Bubba (Cannibal), Legion or Wraith. All four of these killers are easier to play than most, are (mostly) strong and rewarding, and some in particular like Bubba and Legion have good perks.

  • Gyro
    Gyro Member Posts: 11

    I joined DBD around the silent hill chapter reveal, therefore Pyramid head was the first killer I ever touched and fully mastered so I’d like to consider myself a die hard pyramid head main. Finally, I can actually use my knowledge about thick dorito msn to help someone.

    Pyramid head has his fair share of cons when it comes to beginners but he has some serious pros that beginners will come to appreciate.

    Cons: Has a high learning curve for beginners, his add-ons are a huge disappointment and are completely worthless except for maybe his ranged add-ons, has painfully unremarkable mobility, and has poor synergy with hook related perks such as BBQ and Chilli

    Pros: Can apply immense amounts of pressure on survivors from anywhere at anytime, has the ability to completely ignore the survivor’s most strongest perks like DS and Borrowed Time, has INSANE chase potential (the best in the game in my opinion), can turn the match in his favour instantly even if a survivor makes the smallest of mistakes, renders most loops unsafe.

    In my opinion, you should definitely pick him up if your willing to take the time to truely master his power and get the full effect of his potential. I would only disagree on picking him up if you are new to DBD entirely, but you seem to have a decent amount of experience with DBD already, so I’d say you’d have a good shot already.

    I hope this helped you, sorry if I needed out over pyramid head for a bit.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    Probably not. He's not exactly a "normal" killer and definitely changes some core mechanics, such as hooks. He requires a different play style than pretty much all the rest of the cast.

    The best killers to begin with are gonna be ones with simple and straight forward powers, typically M1 killers like trapper, wraith, meyers, etc. In all fairness they aren't quite as strong as others, but for learning the basics, you're better off sticking to a basic killer.

    That being said, if you DO want to play a more complex killer you certainly can, and if that's the case I'd highly recommend checking out some quick guides on youtube. If you need any suggestions, Otzdarva is a very well rounded killer main with basic AND in depth guides on every killer in the game as well as great perk builds to use with each

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    I would start with nemisis.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m assuming you’ve also tried the base game killers Huntress, Trapper, Wraith and Hillbilly. If not you may want to experiment with them to get a sense of what kind of playstyle you like. In terms of style Pyramid Head is most similar to Huntress out of those four. They both have a ranged attack that can allow them to hit a survivor from across a pallet or vault but otherwise don’t have a way to get around the map quickly. Huntress’ attack has better range and is a bit easier to land than Pyramid Head’s, but she move more slowly and Pyramid Head has some built in tracking with his Trails and can get some time savings with Cages.

    Spirit is most similar to Wraith of those four. They both have stealth abilities and move faster while invisible. Wraith is a bit easier to play than Spirit since you can still see everything normally while phased out, but he can’t instantly decloak to attack like Spirit does so he uses his stealth and speed to get close, decloaks and then hopefully can get in a very short chase from there. (A standard tactic is run in front of a survivor to block them, decloak and chase and hopefully you’ve thrown them off their path toward a pallet or whatever.)

    If you’re having trouble finding survivors as a beginner because they’re stealthy then Doctor is a good choice, he has the best tracking in the game. It’s difficult to stay hidden from Doctor so you’re pretty much always active with him. He only has normal movement speed so you want to be strategic about moving around the map, but in a chase his ability can make it so survivors are able to vault or drop a pallet so he’s reasonably good at making it harder for the survivor to extend the chase too much.

    If what you like about Spirit is moving really quickly around the map then Hillbilly, Blight, or Freddy all have great map mobility. Hillbilly can chainsaw sprint at hyperspeed in a mostly straight path all the way across the map. Blight doesn’t have the instant down Hillbilly does but moves just about as fast as Hillbilly and can bounce off obstacles and walls to do sharp turns so his map mobility is maybe the best in he game. And Freddy can teleport to any generator with a not too long cooldown, so he can get around the map strategically very quickly to keep pressure up all across it. (Demogorgon also can teleport around but I’m not sure if he’s still for sale still.)

  • DorkianBae
    DorkianBae Member Posts: 227
    edited October 2021

    He's not super hard to play but he's not easy either so difficulty level depends on how fast you pick things up.

    Personally the killers I'd recommend to start with are M1 killers till you learn the game....Myers, Doctor, Wraith, Clown...Also Leatherface is a good starter character with 2 decent perks BBQ Chili and Franklins.

    Clown has TWO really strong perks making him a great starting character, warning though he is a weak character the higher rank you go... He unlocks Bambozzle and Pop Goes the Weasel though which are both top tier perks so i'd def recommend him.

    Wraith is a good character for new players but his perks SUCK.

    Doctor is pretty good for new players while also having a strong perk called Monitor and Abuse

    Myers is pretty straightforward as well and you get a good perk called Save the Best for Last

    All this being said play Pyramid Head if you want to, he's not a bad killer just not super easy and his perks aren't very good. trail of torment isn't too bad though, decent perk on Leatherface.

  • DorkianBae
    DorkianBae Member Posts: 227

    I'd honestly say start with Clown and Leatherface simply because their perks are so good to unlock them on killers you actually want to play, but Hell get Pyramid head if you really want him...He is pretty fun

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    I would suggest you get out now when you have the chance.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    I left DbD before learning much of anything about it, and came back when Pyramid Head was announced. He was the first Killer I tried to main.

    I hated it.

    I then looked through the Killer roster and, based on visuals, picked up Legion. That was MUCH smoother, and put me in the right mindset to learn the game properly. As such, I always recommend Legion as a Killer for people learning the game. Legion requires the player to learn the fundamentals, and their power doesn't really get in the way of this. Also, Legions power is great for learning the fundamentals AND how you use Killer powers to work around the basic mechanics of the game. When using Legions power, you also get a very clear idea of how Survivors will often react when actively avoiding you at a distance, which is something you can keep in mind with all Killers. Legions weaknesses are also kind of unique in that they are actually the same weaknesses that all Killers have, but amplified dramatically. This lets a learning Killer REALLY see these issues and forces them to come head-to-head with them, making them learn to deal with them as such. Also, Discordance is a pretty solid Intel perk that works well on many other Killers, so learning to use it is a big bonus.

    Pyramid Head doesn't really have this as well, because his power specifically makes Survivors act in ways that are very different than how they would with any other Killer. Similar to Nurse, Survivors adopt strategies that are specific to that Killer, which can lead to assumptions of Survivor strategies that simply aren't true. Pyramid Heads perks are iffy at best, often situational, and even more often outright kinda useless.

    At the end of the day, it's up to the player if they want to learn on Pyramid Head. My personal suggestion is not to, but it's not against the law to do so. More power to you and whoever you pick.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Wraith is the best killer for beginners since his style is guerilla tactics to keep everyone on their toes. Hit survivors and cloak to another a survivor. It gives you a good sense of how the game progresses and where is everyone at the moment when you should drop chase and whatever.

  • Karltastisk
    Karltastisk Member Posts: 529

    I would suggest to not play killer at all during the current state of the game.