Michael Myers needs to be deactivated from the game or given a Warning Label until you re-work him.

SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I am a new DBD player, have about 30 hours in so far. I bought Halloween DLC at same time I bought DBD, and have been maining Michael Myers.

It almost turned me off to DBD entirely, and I was about to quit. Being a Myers Killer is horrendous, it's underpowered, it sucks really bad. The devs are turning new players AWAY from this game while Myers is in this state.

The Halloween franchise has a NEW movie out, "Halloween Kills" released October 15, 2021. The 2018 sequel of Halloween made a lot of money. Michael Myers is (almost) as iconic as Jason Vorhees. You are going to have players (like me), who will come to DBD to play as Michael Myers.

And then you will turn them off to the game because he is so underpowered and weak and horrendeous.

Personally, I was about to quit DBD. Read my profile for my post on it a few days ago. But, today, I was reading the forums, and people were complaining about Hillbilly. So I decided, for my first ever time, to play a Killer game as someone other than Michael Myers. I played Hillbilly, as a level 1, with only 1 perk, and 0 add-ons. For the perk, I chose Tinkerer, which ######### ITS SO STRONG. You mean to tell me, you notify me when a generator has been repaired to 70% !?!?!??? WHAT. That's amazing!!!! Compare that to Dying Light or Myers' other Obsession GARBAGE perks!!!! And Lightborn is another one of Hillbilly perks, immune to flashlight spam??! I even complained about being flashlight spammed in my thread a few days ago. How the hell are these Hillbilly's perks so good, but Michael Myers has straight up TRASH perks all themed around "Obsession" crap that doesn't even trigger until you do stuff, and it's not even that good anyway. One of them even gives the Obsession a 33% faster time to do healing and stuff. #########. Another one makes you waste time chasing your Obsession, and INTENTIONALLY letting them get away just for a Coin, wasting precious time and being counter-intuitive..... and then you lose the coin on your next basic attack LMFAO #########?

The entire "EVIL WITHIN" mechanic is counter-intuitive, because you have to stare at survivors, which are sometimes not aware you are there, but most of the time, they know, and they are running away. So you have to charge up EW while watching people run away. Counter-intuitive. You would think EW3 would be permanent at least? Nope, it has a time and runs out, forcing you to start all over.

Anyway, I selected Hillbilly, then I go into game, and I notice I have a secondary insta-down attack from the beginning?!? #########. So I have a basic attack AND a insta-down attack on demand. Meanwhile I was out here with Myers' stupid knife. Just me and my Knife, no abilities, no secondary attack, nothing. Oh, and to charge up Evil Within 3 to be insta-down, you have to stare at survivors as they run away from you, once again, shooting yourself in the foot allowing people to get away just to get a TEMPORARY insta-down. Then it runs out and you're back at square one. Meanwhile Hillbilly's chainsaw is ready to go for free from the start of game, on-demand. #########.

Anyway, I killed all 4 Survivors as Hillbilly, rank 1, only 1 perk, 0 add-ons. ZERO GENS REPAIRED. ZERO. If ever I got notified one was at 70%, I ran over there and damaged it and chased the survivors away and didn't need to hit them twice, as I could just activate my chainsaw for an insta-down.

Can you imagine what I could do, if I combine Tinkerer with the Clown's insta-damage progress on generator by 25%? Oh, you got this gen to 70% Here, let me fix that. Boom, down to 45% again, and degenerating by the second. And then other perks??!?

What the F. Michael Myers is not "low tier". Michael Myers is TRASH TIER, HE IS "DO NOT PLAY STATUS"


The most famous Killer on your game is in an embarrassing situation right now and will turn off new players who come to play him.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,180

    So you want them to de-active a killer because you don't like them?

    He absolutely is a low-tier killer who could use some BHVR love but he's not so bad that BHVR should remove him from the damn game...

  • DorkianBae
    DorkianBae Member Posts: 227
    edited November 2021

    Does he need buffs? 100%

    But he's not unplayable bad, he's just very addon and perk reliant.

    Personally I think they need to remove tier 2 and just make 2 tiers for Myers....Super stealthy Myers and 1 shot mad lad running through windows super fast Myers. Tier 2 Myers is boring. That or they need to buff Tier 2 Myers to do something special because being a M1 killer only is pretty bad.

    You are new to the game though so 100% agree you should probably not play Myers because you won't have good perks for him. However Myers does have 2 very strong perks that just aren't very strong on him....Save the Best for Last is really good on a few killers. Also play with your food is pretty decent and actually not that bad on Myers when used with Tier 3 Myers.

    The main perk you want as a Myers player though is Bambozzle so you can block windows so people don't perma vault against you, it also makes you go super fast though windows when you are Tier 3.....Bambozzle is a clown perk.

    Congrats on learning Billy though

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    Why would deactivating it help? If they are trying to rework they would need some data and turning Micheal off literally does the opposite of that. Does Myers need a buff? Yes he should, he is very underwhelming and very weak which seems very wrong, but turning him off ti'll a rework doesn't help.

    Also how was Halloween Kills? Was it good?

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Why do people rage without learning how the game works first?

    It seems to me that this guy thinks every killer can only use their perks and nothing else.

  • Kumakx
    Kumakx Member Posts: 262

    So you are new to the game, yet you want to do balance changes? Excuse me? I agree that Myers does need some sort of changes, but perhaps you should play a bit (as both sides, to get a full picture) and only then suggest some changes, once you unlock more perks that balance out killer powers a lot, you learn proper looping, etc.

  • YuisPinkBob
    YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 353

    Maybe get some more hours in the game and come back to this. Myers is not that bad.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    ^ this is very true. He is not unplayable, he just needs Add-ons and perks to perform well. Basekit perkless Myers is terrible garbage.

    I used to be a Shape main, and I can tell you that his best Add-on is likely the Hair Bow, as it extends Tier 3 quite a bit in exchange for barely any more evil required. The 2 Add-ons that make him gain evil quicker are also extremely good. Scratched Mirror is only good with the Boyfriend's Memo, as without that you barely have any lunge at all, and you're also best off bringing an indoor map offering with it as well.

    Monitor and Abuse is a very, very good perk on Myers. It gives him an 8 meter terror radius in Tier 2, 6 meters with the Dead Rabbit Add-on, which basically makes him permanently stealthy. Additionally, Infectious Fright is also very good on Myers, and Monitor and Abuse enhances Infectious Fright, great combo if you ask me. He goes from a stealth killer in Tier 2, to an almost Oni-like Killer in Tier 3. The fact that you can swap between these 2 is great.

    Additionally, Bamboozle, Fire Up, and Brutal Strength can work well with him too, as they make his Tier 3 even more powerful. The vault speed increases stack with Tier 3's extra vault speed, making you vault blazingly fast.

    You just need to try out the right combination of Add-ons and or perks for Myers, it gets bearable once you know what you're doing.

    With that said, he certainly does need buffed, but he is not "unplayable."

  • quarantined
    quarantined Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2021


    Post edited by quarantined on
  • fiorefe
    fiorefe Member Posts: 17

    Read tf u wrote man.

    If Myers's in the game it'll catch the attention of ppl like ya, but If there's no Myers, tf will happen? lol.

    Now that Im thinking... u actually wrote a bible, only to say that one of the most ""weak"" killers, should get out of the game? ######### man, learn to play Myers, to build Myers, bc he's GREAT. (If u know how to build It, obviously.)

    Bud, u're new, I think there's a lot of things u dont know, but Myers perks are good, try to search how to use'em and what to build with, and you're fine ;).

  • fiorefe
    fiorefe Member Posts: 17

    Exactly! Man thinks he knows everything bout the game with 30 hours.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Myers isn't amazing baseline. But MOST killers aren't amazing baseline. Killers with no perks and no addons are balanced around 100% new survivors who have never played the game before and constantly flub generator skill checks. The whole thing falls apart with even the lowest level of competency.

    On the up side, Myers has one of the best, most creatively diverse selection of AddOns of any killer in the game. Try using his auto-kill Tombstone or his Infinite T3. You'll be surprised how much fun Myers is when ever M1 is an auto-down and you don't have to screw around with Hillbilly's obnoxious Overheat or uncontrollable dashing.

  • fiorefe
    fiorefe Member Posts: 17


    Get sum friends to play the game with.

    Go to a custom and try some builds with Myers, u'll see his powers when he's with op perks and addons.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    New player starts game, expects to be the best, that isn't how pvp games work, declares a playable character to be deactivated. This and more at 6 p.m.

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2021

    You talk like it is his fault, that he got pushed away from DBD, because you said "because you don't like" him...?

    Yes he is mad and maybe they should not deactivate worthless Killers. Instead they should delete those Killers and refund players :^)

    Just joking. BVHR needs to do something about quitting Killer Mains, because i can find Lobbys as Killer in about 10 seconds, while i'm sitting in front of my monitor for around 5-8 Minutes until i find a Lobby when playing as Survivor. Killer Playerbase is pretty dead imo.

    Meyers is one of the best examples of why BVHRs behaviour in terms of balancing is bad for their own game.

    I could imagine of a very simple Change for maby Killers out there, which would bring back some of the needed balancing. It may not work for every Killer but it would be a kind of huge step in the right direction:

    Give us the old Hex:Undying back, so we can have a kind of reliable gen regression and a snowball potential, which BHVR took away from Killers completely with introducing Boon Totems (Healing Totem).

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    the problem is the better killers are leaving or staying on survivor because survivors not only get new and interesting perks, but they ALSO MAKE PLAYING KILLER HARDER.

    when pinhead arrived they "buffed" ghost face by lowering his base CD but killing his addon CD reduction which was an overall nerf while not touching any of his other addons to make them desirable.

    when mikeala arrived she brought TWO new game changing perks, one of which being incredibly broken because it both hides scratchmarks AND auras, most killers best addons and perks are aura readers, on certain maps shadowstep is so powerful it can single handedly block 1/3 of a maps scratchmarks+auras (or even 1/2 if its RPD) and that in itself cripples a majority of the lower killers who already struggle with map pressure and tracking.

    then they "added deadhard hit validation" which seems like a "fix" till you experience it first hand, it straight up gives you a "hit" but they also get the speed boost and are not downed, that "hit" criples nearly 40% of the killers abilities because it "hits" but did nothing.

    and thats just RECENTLY, gods forbid we go back to Feb.

    this is why killers (myself included) are either quitting or playing survivor, because its straight up unfun these days because of the one sidedness, and thats not even dipping into how broken SWF comms is.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    I like the idea of an emergency rework :D except they've stated in previous Q&A sessions that they think Myers is fine where he is. You'll come to find that they feel completely ok with killers being much weaker than survivors. They make money from survivors, and they want money. Welcome to capitalism! Which is kind of weird to say because they're canadian. I guess we can blame globalization...

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    This is the funniest thread I have ever read

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204

    The killswitch is only if the map/character/perk either crashes the game or otherwise breaks the game in some way. They won't disable a killer because they are too weak.

  • SilentShepherd
    SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527


    the reason I wrote this thread is to help you understand you are pushing away new Myers Killers from the game. We are new. We don't have the good perks from other killers. All we have is base Myers without good add-ons. Base Myers with no add-ons is not fun at all.

    Myers is your most famous killer on the roster. I promise I'm not the only person who came to DBD to play Michael Myers. The same thing will happen when DBD gets Jason Vorhees. Imagine if Jason is in a trash state and requires hundreds of hours of grinding just to unlock perks to make him viable. New players would get turned off and leave. That's how Myers is right now.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Well I have 1700 hours played in DBD and in my experience Myers is overpowered when using certain addons. I don't think you've played the game long enough to really criticize it like this, but that is just my opinion. At first it can seem frustrating but things should get better the more you play and unlock more items. I personally think Myers perma tier 3 addons should be removed as well as the one that allows him to kill anyone while in tier 3 regardless of hook status. It feels like the addons just make him an entirely different character that has an unfair advantage over survivors whereas when using other addons feels fine. He's actually very fun to play against as survivor unless he has those nasty purple and red addons then I just want the match to be over (and it usually is very fast).

  • SilentShepherd
    SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527
    edited November 2021

    This is the problem.

    Experienced players with tons of unlockable perks and add-ons don't see the issue. But try from the perspective of new players coming to the game, buying DBD, and buying DLC.

    We don't have the perks and addons you are talking about. All we have is base Myers, which has no secondary attack or special ability or debuff. And his horrible perks. And our only solution is to keep grinding many many hours so you can unlock things to make him viable? New players are being turned off.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    While I agree Myers is bad and needs buffs, you do know that you can use Hilbillys perks on Myers as well? And Myers do have some good addons while Hilbillys is pretty trash.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Umm... we already experienced this... in our first 30 hours of playing too just like you. You say you don't have the perks and addons we have as if it is some kind of excuse. What do you expect to have at this point in the game? I have grinded out millions of blood points to unlock perks which took me awhile. You're not the exception here. You say new players are being turned off from the game. You may be, but how do you know another Myers player isn't having a blast right now? Your experience is your own and people who have played this game for far longer than you, and went through exactly what you did, is trying to tell you that things can get better in time. Do you think new survivor players start the game with tier 3 perks from the best loadouts? Nope. I remember all too well playing Kate with only her perks for a long time and spending weeks grinding out points to unlock more perks and addons so I can have a better experience in the game.

  • hu4all
    hu4all Member Posts: 2

    I don't get people saying saying he's low tier... I run into Myers more than almost any killer in gold rank. He's an absolute monster.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited November 2021

    "Gold Rank" has nothing to do with tiers of play. The grade system is just a measure of emblem progress, not high/low level play.

    The previous ranking system was similarly oversaturated, but it was better than what we have now.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981
    edited November 2021

    I am sorry to say this but...maybe you are just not very good with Myers.

    We are all aware that he is not the best Killer in the game but he is not as useless as you make him out. First of all he come in an undetectable stat which allows him to creep up on survivors. Then he has to look at them for 5 seconds to get into his Tier 2, starting the fun. Myers has a 16 meters terror radius which can be further decreased by add-ons (Dead Rabbit) or Monitore & Abuse. This alone allows him to get closer to his target and get easy hits.

    Now for his Tier 3. You do not just go into Tier 3, you have to think a bit about this. Tier 3 should be activated when you are close enough to get your first down. We like to call it 99ing and it is quit popular. This way Tier 3 is a sure fire down with more to follow if you suprice more than one survivor.

    I play Myers on a regular base and I am not the best Myers player, sure. I run "Monitor & Abuse", "Enduring", "Infectious Fright" and a rotating perk. Most times I get the jump on survivors with my low terror radius and have an easy time chasing them. Monitor gives me an 8m terror radius which is a very easy first hit. Enduring allows me to stalk a survivor that stays at the pallet, accumulating an easy T3 and Infectious Fright allows me to snowball the game with that T3 by slugging (means: leaving people on the ground while going for the next survivor that screamed because Infectious). The last perk is ever changing: Safe the Best for Last, Sloppy Butcher, Bamboozle, Lightborn, No way out...you name it, I tried it.

    Myers also sports some of the strongest add-ons in the game with his Tombstone Piece and his Vanity Mirror (do not run both at the same time). Tombstone allowing you to outright kill a single survivor when you are in Tier 3 at the cost of ending your Tier 3. Vanity allows you aura reading while stalking which allows you to end chases fast.

    Now okay, you say that his perks are crappy. This is not true. I encourage you to run "Safe the best for Last" on most basic Killers. It is a very efficient perk when you stack it up as survivor have very little time getting to safety when you run it. Many Killers are quit good when using this perk: Ghostface, Demogorgon, Trapper, Wraith, Pig, Nemesis...and many more. "Dying Light" looks bad on paper and is not a very good perk, true. But it is not crappy either just very performance based.

    Now you say you have no perks. Okay, I get it. But this is no reason to trashtalk Myers. As you are already running Hillbilly (who becomes one of the most complex and frustrating to learn Killer later) I suggest that you try the following build: "Safe the best for Last", "Enduring", "Sloppy Butcher" and "Whispers".

    Myers is hard to play and that is no joke. But he is not as trashy as you make him here and he does not need a complet rework more like some buffs here and there.