What Are Your Top 5 Favorite Horror Game Characters?

For the day of fear itself, I figured I'd find out what kind of special interests you, the reader, have with horror games outside of DBD. Halloween is a celebration of horror as a whole, after all! However, you can mention DBD characters if you want.
My list is:
1.) Jeff Johansen (DBD, obviously). He's always been kind of my comfort character, I suppose. He's just a really chill dude that I feel like I can relate to a bit.
2.) Matthew Taylor (Until Dawn). Matt was always my favorite of the characters in Until Dawn, because he kind of reminds me of me. Just a guy that wants to make sure others have a great time. It kind of sucks that he has to put up with Emily for a bit of the game, but at every moment I can't help but enjoy Matt. Really, I still like all of the characters in Until Dawn (except maybe Emily and Ashley because of a few flaws they both have). That's one thing they did awesome with.
3.) Jack Baker (Resident Evil 7). My favorite villain in any horror game. He's terrifying, funny and badass. Not much more to say.
4.) Specimen 11 (Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion). My favorite of the enemies in this game. I love the design, the oddly religious undertones of its death screen, the whole special location of the encounter, and it just always weirdly stood out to me. From the moment I saw it, I loved it. Close second for this spot would be Specimen 12, because of similar reasons, along with it being a massive reference to Clock Tower (and The Shining too, I guess), which was really hard to not put in this list. But for me, the Food Demon still holds that crown.
5.) Jess (VHS). We don't know much about the characters from VHS, but Jess' design is cool.
Runner Up.) Any character from White Noise 2. I like them all equally and they're all great. I would say most likely Vincent because I find his 2 lives funny compared to everyone else's 3 lives.
What about you?
So many to choose from! Okay, so here are 5 of my favourites:
1). Heather Mason (Silent Hill 3): I chose her as this name, because I remember being blown away by her voice actor. She not only was great, but as the story progressed you got the sense of how everything was overcoming her and how real she was. Even by today's standard of voice acting, she is still amazingly authentic. Also, she was strong, clever and probably my first mini gaming crush.
2). James Sunderland (Silent Hill 2): Not many characters have split opinion like he has. However you play, he's either a cold-blooded, selfish murderer; a mercy-killer who couldn't see Mary suffer any longer or anything inbetween. He's as deep and complex in his motives as the town and player sees it. Also, subtle decisions by the player dictate what type of man he is.
3). Jennifer Tate (Primal): An adventure, action horror game from the PS2 era features Jennifer Tate - a balsy, quick-witted protagonist - who can harness demon powers to fight other evil demons. She portrayed an array of emotions from the aforementioned jokester to a very vulnerable character. Voiced by Hudson Leick, who played Callisto in "Xena: Warrior Princess"
4). Lee Everett (The Walking Dead): This guy was beautifully created. Empathetic, fatherly and protective, Telltale games developed an amazing character in Lee. Also built up to one heck of an emotional ending as he does all he can to keep Clementine and his friends safe, even at the expense of his own life. A true hero.
5). Obscura (The Evil Within 2): This abomination is up here for being one of my favourite - if not the favourite - of all monsters I've seen in any game. The fact it all perfectly embodies Stefano's perverse artistic ambitions and voyeurism (big eye in the sky) is second only to its creepy appearance, movement and noises. There are etter characters, but as far as symbolism and design go, then Obscura is right up there.
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- The Spirit (DBD)
- Yui Kimura (DBD)
- Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)
- Meg Thomas (DBD)
- Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)
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- Bill Overbeck
- Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyce Visconti
- Leon Kennedy
- James Sunderland
- Cheryl Mason
Honorable Mention (not on the list because I don't know if it counts): Frank West from Dead Rising.
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1. Julie from Zombies Ate My Neighbors
2. Zeke from Zombies Ate My Neighbors
3. Polterguy from Haunting starring Polterguy
4. Aya Brea from Parasite Eve
5. Ash from Evil Dead Regeneration and Evil Dead Fistful of Boomstick
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In not much of a specific order:
1. Trickster (DBD) - I always said since I started the game I wanted a normal looking/attractive killer in the game. Love the fact that he reinforces and challenges the thought of "beauty ≠ innocent".
2. Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club) - My favorite single player game. Huge fan of psychological horror and I love how intelligent and sociopathic Monika is. Also love the 4th wall breaking.
3. Pyramid Head (Silent Hill) - One of my favorite horror characters since I was a little girl. Always viewed him as badass and he plays into psychological horror that I love.
4. Alice Liddell (Alice Madness) - A favorite childhood game of mine. Love the aesthetic and plot of Alice's psychological state.
5. Withered Bonnie (FNAF) - Not much to say other than I love FNAF and he's the coolest/scariest looking one imo.
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1. Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)
2. Heather (Cheryl) Mason (Silent Hill 3)
3. Louis (Left 4 Dead)
4. James Sunderland (Silent Hill 2)
5. Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)
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I love Dylan from Dead Rising 3 even though he's an underrated boss. Was tempted to put him on my list. He just looks badass and I love his vibe.
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- Bill Overbeck (Left 4 Dead)
- Coach (Left 4 Dead 2)
- The Tank (Left 4 Dead)
- Nick (Left 4 Dead 2)
- Francis (Left 4 Dead)
- Honorable Mentions would be anyone else from Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 and any of Dead By Daylight's killers and survivors.
Post edited by DBDude on1