The Lack of Polish on the "validation" for DH and Pallet's is awful.

Near enough to the point where I don't wanna play anymore. A feature such as this should be as clean as Pinheads animations. The crap where a survivor screams because the game says "killer got a hit" and then proceeds to go down (if injured) and then bounces back up and run away is "alpha build" crap. No amount of "just take it as if you didn't get the hit" will convince me of what has been released is okay because it's not.
There's way to many changes that seem to be incomplete and just ugly.
- the change of when the stun comes on the pallet drop: The stun to my understanding happens when the server receives the notification of when the player presses the button, before it was by animation. this makes the game look very ugly and annoying because the game is not keeping up with the player or what is actually happening. This change makes pallets a lot stronger and almost unplayable if the survivor chooses to camp them.
- DH: samething, the activation isn't lining up with the animation.
These are indirect buffs. Especially the pallet change. DH is more annoying, you can still learn the timing as awful as working with something out of sync is.
But I'm going to wait for the Devs (yet again), to polish this "validation" system, so that it's at least in sync.
its not an issue with the hit validation, its an issue with the visual feedback we are getting.
if we never got the scream and blood (but no damage actually being taken) on our screen, then i dont think anyone would complain about it nearly as much as they currently do.
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I never said anything was "wrong" with the "validation system" or how it works. The system is far to unpolished, ugly and annoying.... it looks out of sync because it's been released to early. the activation now happens at the press of the button, rather then the start of an animation. That's why pallet drops and DH are as ugly as they are.. Pallet drops would be complained about and will be complained about because it's a big buff to them, DH not so much.
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I'd rather deal with something that works physically and not visually. Stuff working the way it is supposed to should be a bit more important that how it works visually
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I’d reckon there are a lot of Polish people using DH
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Hit feedback is client side while hit validation is server side. Thus the desync.
With pallet hit validation, I didn't mind it too much. This is because the pallet stun breaks the chase and gives you time to assest the situation. Dead Hard validation on the otherhand does not break the chase and thats a problem.
If BHVR wants this type of hit validation then the Hit Feedback also needs to wait on the servers ruling. That way the killer doesn't receive false information. Its going to look janky but the problem with false feedback is worse in comparison.
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I will never cease to laugh when killers complain about survivors camping pallets. Like they’re giving you a free pallet when they could just drop it and waste even more of your time. Man survivors could put themselves on hooks and killers would still find a way to complain
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Overall the mechanic is fine and no problem. The survivor is not supposed to get hit while dead-harding and as such this part is okay. The perk has to work as intended same as with pallets. At least now you can say that a survivor dropped the pallet too late when you hit them and they can no longer complain. Same for Dead Hard, now if they are on the ground, clearly they pressed E a bit too late.
However I do agree that this system is ugly right now. I had a few instances of hitting a survivor, they were screaming and I received no hit. Especialy for newer or uninformed players this looks like a bug and that in itself is a problem. No feature that is as prominent as Dead Hard should look so buggy.
Still, better to fix the mechanical side first and then the audio/visual site.
With pallets this is no problem. You as a Killer now know the outcome of swinging into the pallet: You will get stunned unless they mess up big time. This is easier to handle: Your expectation is bad (stun) the other possible outcome is good (hit). So you get a pleasant suprice. The "buff" happended when you consider interactions such as Hillbilly and Bubba, where it go easier to stun them mid sprint.
Now with Dead Hard it is a different matter: Your expecations is good (hit and you get a scream), the outcome is bad (miss + loss of distance) without any indication beside the survivor dabbing away. This feeling makes Dead Hard hitconfirmation so weird and unpleasant to deal with.
I also advice everybody who hates pallet stuns to run Enduring. The perk is now much better because you get stunned more often and get more value...
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I just imagine how new players must react to this change. "Man, I finally downed this survivor". BHVR as usual doing a great job for the new player experience.
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I agree. I'm glad survivors are not getting hit through pallets or dead hard when they shouldn't, but it's annoying, frustrating, and confusing for the killer (especially new players) to hear the sound of the hit and the scream only for the survivor to still be standing. I know someone mentioned have the survivor glow white for a moment if a hit is validated since the devs probably can't realistically roll back the sound queues of a survivor getting hit. I think that would be a good start!
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Especially with the Dead Hard part. I could accept the pallet one (eventually) just because you kind of knew when it was going to happen. But now at any point in the match, the game might tell you that you hit a survivor and then you didn't. In the hands of a good survivor, Dead Hard was already a moral killer but now those same hands get an extra little salt to throw into the killers wound.
Just...absolutely demoralizing to think you finally took someone down because the game told you that you took someone down and then it tells you never mind.
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Reading the name of the thread in that way is so funny
"The lack of polish [People] on the validation for dh and pallets is awful"
And that is my resume