MMR sentenced DbD

I can only speak for myself but i just can't handle doing more than 3 or 4 matches of DbD a day and that's in the days that i play, which are less and less.
Why? Because i know that if i do well on killer then MMR will force me to face people that will just play so efficiently that i don't have a chance to play how i like and still be able to do something in the match. And whatever killer i pick it doesn't really matter, their MMR will be about the same so playing killers i've played less before will be even harder now. You either stick with a strong killer or you're toasted. Which is why higher MMR people complain they only see the same 4 killers with the same 2 or 3 builds everytime. There's no room for anything else. It's ok to want to win as much as possible, nobody likes going into things knowing they're doomed to fail, but winning as much as possible means you don't get to enjoy anything. This is what SBMM does in every game, you either play to be the best or your games are a jumbled mess of people who don't care, the people who tryhard, the people who are frustrated and just hack the game so they can win, etc. There's no fun in any level, high MMR is the tryhard sweatfest, mid level is where the worst thiungs happen, and low level MMR is a literal Participation Award level where losing means nothing and winning is too easy.
I don't want to just play and lose till MMR decides i can win a match again or win matches till i innevitably lose again. I want every match to have the plays decide the fate of the match, i don't want to go into a match with a sweat build and expect 4 sweat builds on the other people aswell. It's not fun, it's not enjoyable, it's not even playing, at this point the game is a challenge you must complete or you never go anywhere, it's like that Boss Fight you repeat for hours with dozens of tries till you finally do it but by then you're so spent that there's no enjoyment just relief that it's finally over and you can go somewhere else, do something else.
BHVR's Solution to this MMR problem is the Grade System and the Rewards for Grading Up: "At least you get something" That's a very wrong aproach. You can be the highest or the lowest MMR on any Grade and it doesn't matter, you're in that Grade you get a Reward. That would be fine but you'd still lose your Grade and Rewards if you lose matches thanks to MMR and because there's MMR you might go on a lose streak as big as your previous win streak meaning all progress could be lost so what did BHVR do? They made DeGrading IMPOSSIBLE. You achieved that Grade, you're now safe. So this turns into Win and Grade up, then lose and keep Grade until you start winning again and Grade up. It's this same cycle FOREVER. You're determined to lose innevitably and it will happen sooner than you think, you'll lose much more often.
It's not about losing per se it's about losing because you can't win, you don't have the chance to win because you've reached a point where winning is not achievable.
I'm mostly talking about killer side but the experience on Survivor side is the exact same. I've had Escape streaks strech into dozens of matches and i've had losing streaks stretching the same number of games right after. There's no middle ground. No matter what i do i get win streaks and lose streaks that i legitimatly can't do anything about. You'll notice it more when losing because obviously you're not gonna argue against a win right? I've had losses that i can't explain, i could come up with whatever build and contemplate everything lead to my loss and i can still say i'd lose no matter what... This isn't fine. Losing no matter what isn't fine not in life, not in a game.
I wish there'd be changes but i'm not in the honey moon phase anymore, i already understand the reality of DbD, therefore i've already accepted this game isn't for me anymore. I've just spent the weekend playing through guardians of the Galaxy and i'm happy i did, the game is great and never did i thought i need to go play DbD for Grade progress, for the event, or i miss playing X character. I've already accepted my loss with DbD. Which is the last point i make to sum it all up, DbD is a Loss. I feel sorry for the people who are forced to stream DbD or they loose a significant part of their audience. The best i can tell you is taking that Loss will teach you a valuable lesson and open the entire world for you for the rest of your streaming career.
I completely stopped playing killer too and moved on to other games, I've enjoyed playing doom eternal recently with that new huge update they released, it's a very well designed game which isn't something I can say of DBD. I still enjoy playing survivor but I will say some matches are very easy.