The few give killers a bad name.

I have had the game for over a year now, however it stayed in my Steam library until the last month, when I have played killer and survivor equally. As a killer I have found that sometimes it is better to let the team gets saves, I may not get a 4K every time, but BP stacks up. If I have a bad game and it looks like I won't get a kill without escapes, I either just let them go or hook and give them a chance to save, however not every killer plays like this.
I have just played a game where the killer was about to lose a 4k. At the game he managed to get me down, no problem, it happens. He then took me to a hook and stood in front and kept hitting me, not even worrying about the rest of the team trying to get the rescue. Unfortunately nobody had BT, so as soon as anybody went for the save, I just had to take the death.
He then came on and started being toxic to us on chat.
Then in another game the killer was bad, and decided to camp. We went for the saves with flashlights and the like and did gens. Two escaped and ran out, it was a long game keep trying to lure the killer away, we opened chest, broke pumpkins to give him a chance. The killer was hitting people on the hook. At the end of the game he said he camped cause we used flashlights and started calling us toxic. The only was they got two kills because we gave them a chance. They was bragging that they was a silver and it was higher rank to us and most of what they said was censored. There was a lot about the survivors having perks, which was funny when they ran corrupt, barbeque and chilli and ruin.
I'm not really bothered how people want to play, if they want to camp then they camp and we do gens. If they want to pressure the gens and stop us doing them, then so be it, but please don't get toxic with a team that all said ggs and blame them for the toxic way you play.
Please toxic killers, stop making it worse for us killers that play the game in a fair way. The object is to kill, but not by being toxic. I am the first to say I hate toxic survivors, but you can't moan about them if killers play like that and still carry on. If you don't like that survivors have perks then play something else.
May I ask. What would you consider toxic?
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Toxic is simple. Somebody who stands at the hook hitting the survivor on hook because they cannot chase somebody else, or how about somebody that writes so much at the end of the game that is censored because they only had one hook.
What would you consider toxic?
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Nothing that happens in-game is toxic. Tea bagging, camping, hook disabling, hitting a hooked survivor, whatever. That's not toxic. You may not like it but it's not toxic. It's just little animations on a screen doing stuff.
Toxic is what happens in end game chat or post-game messages where one human says to another human "Get cancer" or some such. What our characters do to each other on a computer game is meaningless. What we do to each other as human beings is what matters.
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But that aint toxic.
T-bagging at pallets, clicky clicky & and head on baiting are all mind games to make a killer lose their cool.
Facecamping you and / or hitting on hook is no different. The devs themselves said not to think in terms of "winning" for killers, but deleting all hope.
Nothing beats a survivor mentally like being trapped in basement while he gives you some slaps.
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Edit: Apperently me advocating that people try and get real help because becoming upset at a game is likely the result of underlying issues coming to head is apparently so abhorrent and offensive to one of the mods I'm erasing the whole thing.
Post edited by cantelope on0 -
The character animations are controlled. They are not AI, so somebody is there with a controller or mouse and keyboard playing that character. The character becomes and extension of the person, so by definition, if the character is being toxic and the character is controlled, then the person playing is being toxic, but that is a different argument.
When somebody then comes on the end chat and starts calling a team every swear word because they was beat, then that is toxic.
Now I don't really care what is said, it is words on the screen and what they do in the game is in the game, but firstly, these are the same people who slate survivors for tea bagging and saying they are toxic, secondly it gives a lot of killers who proxy camp a bad name and increases the toxicity all round. If people saw it as a game, which is what it is, then people could just have fun, after all if you get hit in the game, it does not physically hurt in real life. If you are beat then you are beat, move on to the next game and try harder.
By the way, I am writing this while being camped and hit by a killer, because we have done gens.
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We'll have to agree to disagree. Getting hit by a killer while you're hooked may not be fun but I don't see it as toxic.
Telling someone to die in endgame chat is toxic. I see it as an entirely different thing.
If this sort of behavior impacts you so negatively it might be best you stop playing DbD, however.
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Word of the century is toxic. It's not killers. It's not survivors. The problem is the man babies playing the game. There is no such thing as playing the game "in a fair way". You play the game according to what the game allows. Killers need to stop whining about teabagging and flashlights and survivors need to stop whining about camping and tunneling and whatnot.
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Well maybe you should try to read before commenting, because not once did I say it impacted me, what I was saying was that it needs to stop.
Let me put it in simple terms. toxicity breads toxicity. Some survivor plays the game and the killer is toxic, they feel the need to be toxic back, not just in that game but the next, so the next killer feels like they should be toxic, until it is too much and people, as you say, stop playing DBD, just have they have with other games, where people started getting toxic and then people left, then because there was less players, less people buying DLC and skins, servers was shut down and the games died.
Well I like playing DBD, I don't let it impact me negative because I have seen things in this world that would give you nightmares, which is why I don't want the game to end because of the few idiots and the ones that come on here and try to defend it.
But feel free to have your own opinion. I will have mine because I have seen too many games die because of idiots.
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Despite your self-proclaimed life of abject horror and misery, you're showing how much it impacts you by posting on this board. Take a break, dude. You clearly need it for your mental health. Good luck and I hope things get better for you.
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Hitting a survivor in a hook is not always toxic, I do it myself sometimes for shuting up the survivor screams.
Feng Min for example can burst your eardrums and she is my main survi, I hope more killers hit me after hooking, haha.
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Just wanted to point out, that there are humans controlling those characters. The actions taken behind an avatar have the same impact as words spoken behind an alias.
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I dont play toxic whether am survivor or trickster daddy and sometimes if i find am winning to easy as either side sometimes I ease the pressure cause easy games dont score much points. Yeah had a real toxic plague that tunnel like no tommorow on me hooks me and keep whacking on hook while the other 3 did the gens and got to escape . Stupidity lol and then kilers get mad when a survivor dc for a killers tunneling/face camp toxicness right.
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I disagree. Having a character squat and stand several times in front of someone is not nearly as bad as wishing cancer on their mother in end-game chat, IMO. To each their own, however.
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I find it funny when either sides dc over a game.
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Just taking the specific point about the first killer repeatedly hitting you on the hook, versus other hook interractions a killer may do:
A killer camping or face-camping might be frustrating, but sometimes if a killer needs that kill I can understand. Other survivors can still rescue so there is counterplay, and ultimately it's a tactic. A frustrating tactic to face, buy still valid.
A killer hooking a survivor then hitting just once before walking off could be for a few reasons: maybe a response to any cockiness, maybe because Feng will rip your ear-drums out if you don't do something, and also to cut the scream short so as to listen for other survivors who may be near by. That can be taken the wrong way, but there's nothing wrong and can be a mindgame in itself.
Being hooked, face-camped and repeatedly hit - now that is just poor sportsmanship. There's no need for repeatedly hitting someone on a hook unless that player is just heavily insecure and generally a ######### player. As it's just pixels hitting pixels, I'd say it's poor sportsmanship, and not toxicity. Doesn't make it better though - they're still an insecure poece of smelly #########.
Toxicity really is way worse than pissing about in-game; it's hacking to ruin experiences; it's sending abusive messages attacking their skill, sexuality, colour, ableness; it's threatening you or those you love. That you got ######### after the game is terrible, and certainly I hope that knob was reported and banned.
So, I do feel that sometimes bad sportsmanship can ruin a game and some people need to be more grown-up, but I'd separate this from toxicity. Makes it easier to see the boundaries. Toxic gets thrown around too much as a word to describe non-toxic things.
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After getting constantly bm'd by survivors today and getting infinite blinded by a hacker. I really don't give a ######### ######### what any survivor thinks.
I'll hit every survivor on hook from now on.
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tbf, the Only time i bm is when i down a Survivor who Bm'd the hell outta me,
Tis only fair when i caught his ass =P
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I agree with your main point but I just wanted to mention a side issue. The cool down for a missed basic attack is 1.5 seconds and unhooking takes one second. I'm only coming up on my third month so what I'm saying might not be overall true but I did rescue a face camped survivor by standing behind the killer and then unhooking as they swung at the hooked person
It is risky but if you do want to take a chance and it doesn't work out they can't facecamp two survivors. If someone's feeling altruistic, try it. Unrelenting and Save the Best For Last could totally mess it up but I found it good practice anyway. Trying to stand behind could backfire spectacularly as well but if the killer has a lot of spatial awareness they probably wouldn't be facecamping to try to secure a kill.