Why does a lone survivor get #########

A lone survivor should be avle to have their chances of getting off hook n tto be able to use deliverance. Killers have such an advantage being able to aura perk or audio perk us. They can camp which should be penalyzed but isnt. The least we should get is a chance to unhook ourselves. If we havent veen hooked. But we instant die . Why?


  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188
    edited November 2021

    If you're that guy on the team who lets the killer 2hook/kill everyone on your team while you don't take a single hook, you shouldn't be mad at the end result when you need saving and there's nobody to help you. Take pressure off your team or accept what happens when you're alone.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449


    And also, let's just say you did have a chance to unhook yourself as the last remaining survivor. What then? What are you realistically going to do? If that was a thing, killers would simply wait at the hook because they have 0 reason at all to go anywhere else. There would be no other survivors to pressure. No need to stop gens. No need to protect gates. They would sit there and wait for you to unhook yourself, then smack you, and hang you back up on the hook.

    What you're asking for doesn't make any sense

  • themoobs1984
    themoobs1984 Member Posts: 619

    Sounds like you just got owned in a match so you came here to post an emotional and illogical post.

  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,495

    Because if the Survivor is the last one alive and the Killer knows they have a slim chance of unhooking themselves, the Killer has no reason to leave. You're just going to get smacked down the moment you unhook yourself because the Killer was waiting for you to try it.

    It's a waste of both of your time, especially if the Survivor is petty and decides not to try to escape and instead sits there for the entire first stage.

    Take the L and move on.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,955

    If you were able to unhook yourself when you're the last one, the killers knows that you can. They won't leave, that'd be actively throwing.

  • Thunderfrog
    Thunderfrog Member Posts: 218

    When Trapper came for the Nea, you said nothing.

    When Michael came for the Bill, you tried nothing.

    When Nemesis came for the Jill, you did nothing.

    Now that Freddie's coming for you, there's no one left to help.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    If you don't get any hook - it means you are playing good. If all the other teammates get 2 hooks each while you still have 0 - you are basically carrying your team of potatoes.