Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Anyone else playing less and less because of face camping?

ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

Every time I get on to play a match or two lately it's just face camp.

I find myself playing less and less because of it. If you don't want me to play the game just say so 😭

I play killer some too but not all the time. It gets lonely and boring after a while I just want a normal survivor match for once where I or a teammate doesn't get face camped 😑


  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    That's certainly a factor

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    You’re not alone. I made a couple posts already in the past couple of days on how killers have just been facecamping and tunneling to the extreme lately in solo que. At this point it’s boring. Luckily for me I got back into contact with my old SWF team and I’ve been having a blast playing with them. I can actually have teammates to rely on and I know gens will get done when needed to keep the facecamping and tunneling minimal.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I should also note that this happens at 5 gens. I don't really have an issue with camping later in the match but being face camped at 5 and then watching teammates die to NOED is dumb. I just have no will to play survivor anymore against this playstyle and it's becoming more and more common.

    I've thought about this. I guess I'll have to either only play with my friends in a group or just not play at all since solo queue can't even be fun anymore.

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    We’re in the same boat I know exactly what you mean. A lot of it happens during the beginning of the match which wouldn’t make sense to me. I could understand if the gates were opened or if the last gen was finished cause the only objective the killer would have is securing the kill. Hopefully you find a group of people you can play with or hopefully your solo que matches go better. I wish you the best of luck.

  • Jerek
    Jerek Member Posts: 92

    Camping is becoming mainstream at this point. Camping at the last 1 or 2 gens isn't that bad, but when most killers I face now just camp whenever they get a hook is just dumb. And for some reason BT isn't as common as it used to, still see it a lot and I always use it. But when I am camped and don't get rescued until my 2nd hook state is forced, then all the killer has to do is tunnel you and dead.

    For the killer that is obviously good, but the poor survivor barely gets a few thousand points, but most importantly they don't even get to play the game. Just watching your team fumble around, even when I bring kindred, is just getting sad especially with all of these campers. I am not talking proxy camping here, I mean literal just waiting around the corner with for a rescuer to come and interrupt them camp.

    This just makes matches a complete waste of time for the 1 survivor, and boring for the whole team because it's just rush gens as fast as possible to get out. I can only play like 3 matches in a day at this point.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998
    edited November 2021

    I mean, the developers literally made the MMR system based off kills and discouraged hooking multiple people by lowering the effectiveness of hit-and-run strategies to apply pressure on the entire team without killing someone outright thanks to free super self cares for the team.

    I'm not exactly surprised camping and/or tunneling is becoming prevalent when they make two huge consecutive changes that can both be argued to promote them.

    My advice to the developers would be to try discouraging it if they or other people don't want it.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    Where do u find those face campers? I've played like 12 games so far, not a single killer face camped. Share some of them, it's a free win every time.

  • Killer_NPC
    Killer_NPC Member Posts: 36

    Facecamping killers take huge punishment if you genrush them , they get 1k and 3 people escape through door so that is -20 MMR, they get Entity Disspleased endscreen so that is -1 pip , and they get under 10k bloodpoints. Wont feel good when it happens to you but they will understand why facecamping is bad idea. BUT SURVIVORS BE LIKE "oH nO wE CaN'T LeT tHe KiLleR geT 1K lEt's gO FoR SaVE anD MakE thIS 1K inTo A 3K , tHaT wiLL TeAcH hiM !!! "

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    Quite the opposite. When a Survivor kills themself I have an issue. I have no issue with Killers trying to win. Then it's fun.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    That's a best case scenario but in solo queue the other three don't tend to be that efficient and the killer almost always secures a 2k or more with NOED.

    I don't know but would you like to have them? I haven't had a normal match in over a week or two.. I've honestly lost track because I play less and less. The only thing motivating me to try at all is I really want the Plague cosmetic from the rift but I just feel like giving up bcuz idk if it's possible to get it by only doing killer side challenges.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    The new matchmaking system, together with the recent changes and the existence of boon totems puts Killers that play nicely at an extreme disadvantage, while at the same time Survivors are discouraged from altruistic plays as their performance only matters if they do escape. It's bad design choices on top of bad design choices, there's no incentive to play any other way for either side, sadly. Personally, I've reached the point where I just let myself die and go play the next game, if the Killer is playing as though his life depended on it and as a Killer, I gladly open the gates for Survivors who want to be out in 3 minutes. It is what it is, but I refuse to become what I dislike myself or worse, play in a way that secures me a victory at the cost of personal joy.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Fix the reason for the face camping and fix the problem.... oh wait.. survivors just want an invulnerability bubble around the hook and the killer to be locked in a cage for 2 minutes if they stay near the hook for 10 seconds.

    Being camped sucks and it is really boring. If they wanted to fix the issue then sbmm would have been based off the number of hooks rather than the number of kills. They would also have fixed gen speeds or map layout and pallet safety but they went the opposite direction making the situation even worse.

  • Wedeguy
    Wedeguy Member Posts: 278

    Yeah? It's fun for you to not be involved in any chases since all you do is trying to rescue a camped survivor for the whole game?

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Oh no, i play les sand less because of...

    Bad map designs

    Bad updates

    Unbalanced game mechanics at its core


    Bugs on the smallest things



    The fact that they dont wanna rewrite the code to progress and get less bugs

    The facg that they dont add much new stuff

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    I basically never encounter successful face camping. Not saying it doesn't exist, but I rarely see face camping in my games.

  • Killer_NPC
    Killer_NPC Member Posts: 36

    Well you can't blame killers for survivors being bad, and survivors can't wait to blame the killer for facecamping even though the genrush and get the hell outta there is the best play. If you dont punih the facecamp behaviour by a good play then the facecamper gets a W and will continue to do it.

    Somehow its easier for people to flame facecamper in chat after game and to open topics on forum crying about facecamping than to acctually make topics on how to deal with facecampers and make it general knowlege which would make more and more facecampers get punished making them look for alternative playstyle...

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    I'm rarely facecamped, proxycamped a lot of times, but facecamped almost never.

  • ElmosPayPig
    ElmosPayPig Member Posts: 128

    I play less because of how annoying and unfun boons are.

    Killer face camping only matters if your team is dumb and doesn't do gens or they don't work together to save you. Unless it's bubba, then you're kinda sol.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Encourage killers to go for multiple chases and hooks and not kills tbh.

    When we have perks that have a huge radius hiding scratch Mark's, unfair loops and being told hooks mean nothing only kills I can see why its disheartening.

    Plus you also have those survivors that try BM, they macro flashlights, that and send messages which certainly just puts a downer on things.

    Fact being survivor is still more fun on a more common basis than killer especially the higher mmr you get.

    Bad game direction is the real killer here, imagine if they encouraged hooks and punished camping. A dream come true for me lol