My god Deathslinger is awful now
So i played against some Deathslingers now and damn.. He is just so easy to juke now. Probably even the easiest killer out there to go against. It's like stealing a lollipop from a baby easy.
Love and prayers to everyone out there still playing this excuse of a "Killer". Stay strong..
Had a match against Slinger yesterday. He struggles so bad with his shots I felt terrible. I believe he only landed like 2.
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Tbf he can still be decent in a chase even with the nerfs. Still 100% unwarranted though
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Out of curiosity, is he easier to juke than Huntress? Because they both have kind of similar firing mechanics now (i.e. you hold the power button to draw up the weapon which takes a moment, then you can fire instantly with a shot that has a slight lead time.) I’m not talking here about how Deathslinger and Huntress are different at pallets, just asking about dodging them in a relatively open chase. Deathslinger’s shot does have a smaller hit box I think, which could be a factor, but it also travels a bit faster maybe?
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Just another in a loooong list of killer nerfs to favour survivors.
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I really hope they take a look at him again soon in the next mid-chapter or two. He got way too many nerfs and not enough buffs to compensate. The 32 meter Terror Radius still blows my mind. He's a 110% speed killer. It just makes shift + W even more ridiculous against him.
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He has much smaller hitbox than Huntress. Spear projectile speed is the same as fully winded up hatchet. Juking slinger is way easier
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A fully charged hatchet aimed at my ass is harder to dodge imo. Also Huntress has no range limitation wich makes her already so much better on open field.
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Rip Slinger
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Interesting. I should point out though that it takes longer for a hatchet to be fully charged than Deathslinger takes to raise his rifle. So there are times where the Huntress has to throw an only partially charged hatchet or lose the shot where Deathslinger can fire normally.
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Super small projectile vs car projectile.
Also Huntress can flick, Deathslinger can't because of his terrible ADS mechanic that lowers FOV and sensitivity.
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I definitely agree on Deathslinger’s turning speed while aiming feeling atrociously slow!
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It really is such a shame. Nerfed into the ground. I refuse to play him in his current state. Playing him only frustrates me now. It's sad, really.
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I mean, any player that played FPS for some hours can tell it's super bad. That what makes him super clumsy.
It wasn't an issue before, because of quick-scope, so noone actually used ADS.
He is dead for me. He is just clumsy, less unique, worse overall.
They did massive overkill on B tier killer. Wraith nerf wasn't needed too.
If they don't improve, it will actually be good enough reason for me stop playing this game. I have left For Honor and League of Legends for terrible balancing.
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The day I stop playing executioner is when he gets a lullaby for technically being ranged.
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It travels the same speed as a fully charged Huntress hatchet. 40m/s.
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Yes, he is easy to counter now. I don’t play with Deathslinger, so I didn’t care about the nerf. But as soon as I played against him I did realize how depressing weak he is.
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I've been playing him for a while and imo he seems more fun than before. However, that doesn't mean his power doesn't feel clunky to use.
I really hope they make changes to his kit to make him more appealing than Huntress and Trickster, or just revert him altogether. Most of all, he needs better add-ons.
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I hope in future month(s) they will realise how bad these changes were. Otherwise F forever.
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Playing slinger is kinda hard right now. With the removal of quickscope he became the worst killer in the game in my opinion. Aiming with slinger is hard because the turning is slow and the FoV is worst. So at this point i dont believe its because the player who play him are bad but mostly because the became awful
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slowish windup - check
1 shot 1 reload - check
small range - check
reeling mini game if shot lands - check
stunned if chain gets broken + still has to reload - check
can’t get downs over most pallets despite being ranged - check
32m terror radius - check
110% speed - check
wee bit OP - checkmate
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clunky - checked
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Could be people just wanting to do a daily. Deathslinger mains probably dropped him.
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Its like if u cant juke it you are very newbie A.K.A n*b or you werent paying attention.
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Huntress hatchets proyectile go faster I think.
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If you think so but for me and for a lot of people its the aiming that kill this killer.
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Look like you dont play many fps or you were already taking your time when you were aiming a survivor down. For people who play many fps and they are fast with quickscope this is a huge nerf specially because you cant adjust the aiming sensibility plus you lose FoV
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The nerf needs to be undone.
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agreed, with DS now, all you need is good preaim. if you're unsure if you're gonna land the shot, just ADS and wait for them to come right back into your crosshair
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Yeah. Big difference between a newbie killer and an experienced one. Can't judge Slinger off one one or two easy encounters with new killers.
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they need to back pedal some of his changes. way to hard of a nerf
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I used to main him but meh, I don't want anymore. It's like he's aiming a bazooka or something lol.
Playing with him on shack now it's a nightmare. Before there was the surprise factor of a shot on a window but now.....By the time you aim they already hide somewhere