Reminder that trickster should be 115 ms

- Dropping a pallet forces laceration decay as he can't catch up in time, this also causes for bloodlust gaming
- After actually getting a blade hit it takes ages to catch up
- Worst map pressure in the game
- 40m lullaby (for some reason?)
- Has to frequently locker reload
- Literally useless at high wall loops]
- Useless past 10m
- Better to not use his power in most situations
Why plague and blight are 115% and trickster isn't baffles me.
reminder that trickster shouldn't exist
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like I have said several times, this would only cause issues where people would flat out not use his power, he doesn’t need buffs he needs a complete overhaul
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Pyramid Head: 8m~10,5m range, travels incredible slow.
Nemesis: 5~6m range, has to give a free speed boost to actually start damaging.
Deathslinger: 18m range, 40m/s projectile.
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Unpopular opinion but as of now, I think Deathslinger would be a better fit now for getting 115, and trickster should get reworked or get a better use of his power.
Not saying deathslinger should get 115, I just think he deserves it more than trickster, deathslinger doesn't have a lullaby and has a 32 m TR, he practically fits the 115 killer thing.
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I agree seriously and the fact pyramid head can hit multiple people and through walls with his range attack easily, cant tell how that makes hook rescue crazy he can literally hit the unhook and other survivor doing rescue and the worst case scenario if its a injured person helping you with no BT your both down lol.
Idk why plague needed 115 and they have the nerves to make her not slow down anymore when she is readying her stupid annoying nasty brain dead stomach turning vomit, same with fat spoil whooper boy bubba with his chain saw no longer slowing him down.
Finally yeah neme too the fact he has zombies to pinpoint where people is or help him in chases and that whip clapping you through windows/pallet via fast vault without a blink of eye yeah idk these ranged killers are poorly balanced. The weaker of the 5 ranged is the slowest? makes no sense
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Yes thats why I said that he needs to be overhauled
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Its fine, I didn’t say rework this time
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You're probably right -- the thing I want most is to play Trickster without using his power, and just walk at normal speed and hit people with a bat. If they gave him an add-on like Huntress where he could go normal speed at 0 knives, I'd just throw all of my knives away and be happy.
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I m1 with him like 90% of the time with franklins nice to slap all those flash lights out the hands and to add salt I make em gen rush on purpose 1 hit the obession via rancor and kill em LOL.
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Trickster: Laceration decay, is slowed down more than any other killer to get a health state, useless beyond 10m, useless at high wall loops, needs to hit 6 projectiles, needs to reload after every chase.
Plague: Needs to hit 1 vile purge to get an infect, literally has machine gun huntress special ability, barely slowed at all for both projectiles, still needs to collect it however.
Nemesis is a decent killer because after he gives the speed boost, his progress on downing a survivor is still there and he is 115. Trickster just loses a chase if he can't BL a pallet or if the surv gets too much distance.