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DBD just broke my third controller

First controller, Xbox One: Right Bumper for sitting on a gen. Needed to remap the controlls to Right Trigger as the Right Bumper didnt worked all the time anymore, which caused many failed skillchecks. So now i do all actions with Right Trigger and it's fine (exept vs. Pinhead chains).

Second and third controller, Series X original and Power-A Controller: Overused Left Stick from struggeling out of killers grasp. Problem is we can't remap this action. And when i struggle i'm tend to be very immersed and rotate the stick very hard. Ppl told me you can just move the stick slightly from left to right and right to left, not sure if that helps to struggle effectiv. So when playing killer the stick won't respond properly sometimes, which causes me to stop walking randomly. Weird thing is, the stick still responds properly in other games.

I know i'm not alone with this. Any solutions besides play less DBD? Because i can't! :D

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  • Member Posts: 6,987

    Wow... Those controllers sound like they are somehow a cheaper quality than the Sony ones. I am shocked.

  • Member Posts: 320

    I have two xbox one controllers and they never broke

    I have two ps4 controllers (one is second party) and one has drift, the other hase a loose R2

  • Member Posts: 320

    Tbh the only controllers that should be expected to break are the switch's joycons

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    pro tip do a circular motion while wiggling

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    This is how i used it most of the time.

    And now it seems some deadzones are "noodled out". (I'm from germany and this term fits fine for me)

  • Member Posts: 2,015

    This honestly sounds like a you problem to be honest. I've used 3 controllers from different consoles and none of them have had any problems.

    I'm not sure how the bumper gets screwed up but I guess you could have been pressing it in too hard. Spinning the stick around can be done pretty slowly to be fair as there is a cap on wiggle speed so for that I'd have to guess you were too aggressive with it.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Definitely not a "you problem".

    XBOX controllers are poor quality which is why YouTube is flooded with XBOX controller repair guides.

    Particularly the rb (right bumper) and lb (left bumper) tend to break easily because the connection between the button itself and the connection point is made from a tiny piece of plastic which wears out and breaks quickly when used regularly.

    I personally have about 4 XBOX controllers because the LB and RB break all the time. I don't feel like repairing them so I usually just get a new controller everytime these low quality controllers break.

    I've also started re-mapping in-game actions in every game so I use LB and RB as rarely as possible.

  • Member Posts: 512

    Regardless of quality, there is no reason to be so rough with the analog stick in this game. You can rotate the left stick really slowly and it will still wiggle at 100% effectiveness. If you can hear your stick making noise while wiggling, you are being way too rough.

  • Member Posts: 538

    Yooo you press too hard haha, I understand because I also apparently grip very very hard when playing games. Idk how to ease up on it but it's defs us, and not the controllers themselves

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    How hard are you squeezing those buttons?

  • Applicant Posts: 193

    I think you might just be pressing the buttons too hard because I've never gone through any controllers playing this game.

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    Apex legend broke my controller. Definitely not because I dropped it accidentally a couple of times.

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