DBD Movie?

Now, I’m not expecting this to ever happen, but let’s think about this. The opening cinematic that plays every time you start the game is amazing. It’s so well done that I am impressed every time I watch it. Not only it, but many of the trailers for DBD and its DLCs are just phenomenal. 

What if they were to make a full movie using the same methods? I think it would be quite successful. 


  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478
    I think it would be cool, but it could follow a new survivor, just somewhere in their life the end up walking toward the campfire. As they walk up they see 4 people sitting around just staring into the fire in a strange trance. As he approaches he sees two of them are female and two Male, one of the females seem to be braiding her hair and the other is looking around picking up various plants and kicking up rocks... I could go on but I think it would be cool for someone else to take it from here 
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172


    I would love to see more short cinematics for each Killer/ respective survivor but I do not think DBD would have enough of a plot to make a full length movie.

    Its like the amazing cinematics they have with any Blizzard game. I think they could make some amazing short films but trying to make a full feature film just isn't their writers specialty.

  • My_Dude
    My_Dude Member Posts: 132

    We'd have to limit this to a single killer they made themselves.

    Out of all of those, I'd love a Huntress Movie, maybe even during WW 1 show her ambushing German, and Russian Troops randomly that were fighting on her hunting grounds.

  • chococri
    chococri Member Posts: 355
    Maybe not a movie but animated shorts it would be awesome. The quality of the intro, Michael's and the clown's shorts are amazing. Why not do more? Do they need a storyboard artist? Hire me. 
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    Where Mattheui Colte comes out and beats the killer senseless with TOS and a ban hammer in the end yes. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TheMidnightRidr said:
    Now, I’m not expecting this to ever happen, but let’s think about this. The opening cinematic that plays every time you start the game is amazing. It’s so well done that I am impressed every time I watch it. Not only it, but many of the trailers for DBD and its DLCs are just phenomenal. 

    What if they were to make a full movie using the same methods? I think it would be quite successful. 

    I dont think whether viewers would liek a movie where the killer that is supposed to be scary is bullied and where half of the game the characters run in circles.

    Dont think that would sell very well tbh

  • Jed
    Jed Member Posts: 254

    @Yrutan said:
    Things that I would expect a DBD movie to have :
    -The first four survivors
    -The Trapper
    -The inability for the survivors to communicate with each other, either speaking is spooking the crows which alert the killer or they each speak different language.
    -Showing a few references to the game (survivor personal perks, killer add-on or discovery of offerings).
    -The movie ends either the first time that one or all survivor “escape” only to end up at the Hillbilly’s map.

    If the movie would be different than the game, I would put both the Trapper and the Hillbilly in the same movie. Imagine this, the survivors are running away from the Hillbilly but they eventually end up in the Trapper’s map (by running through the fog or something). They figure this out when the Hillbilly's chainsaw sprint is stopped by a trap or the Hillbilly stops chasing them only for one of the survivors to walk into a trap. That movie would probably end after the (remaining) survivors reach Autohaven and they hear a resounding bell.

    Yes and I would pay to see that!..But no no we need millions of dollars to make a movie based off the video game Rampage hehe. I swear people in Hollywood pick the worst games to make into a movie.

  • ekto
    ekto Member Posts: 103

    dead by daylight is literally monotony the video game. do they just repair generators for 2 hours and then the credits roll?
    i think the universe needs to be FFARRRRRR more fleshed out than it currently is. the entire story is currently built upon the illusion that they've thought everything out, when in reality the lore is relatively shallow:
    entity makes people crazy and murderous, sends them into the fog, sends survivors who walked in a bad spot into the fog, and then send them into the same trial over and over again, bringing things from their memories along with them.

    remember on that "buckets and buckets of lore" dev stream where they explained like 3 things? did you see the part where dave tried to explain the basement? yikes!

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    I'd like to see mini movies/vignette's of each killer and survivor's story and lore in the realm over a 2 hour generator simulator movie.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869


    I would love to see more short cinematics for each Killer/ respective survivor but I do not think DBD would have enough of a plot to make a full length movie.

    Its like the amazing cinematics they have with any Blizzard game. I think they could make some amazing short films but trying to make a full feature film just isn't their writers specialty.

    Those overwatch Videos give me diabettes from the sugary sap of them, cancer from the fake sweet sense of childlike wonder they presume to have, and heart disease from all the cringe inducing dialogue and cliche storytelling. It's like communist Pixar, made by a species of replicons that missed a chromosome. 
  • poeticjustice
    poeticjustice Member Posts: 60

    I work on films and I’d gladly take this up and do it ha.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    I dunno. A bunch of youngsters doing squats at a large and muscular man?

  • Lothak
    Lothak Member Posts: 6

    It could be well done and it doesn't have to be generators. You could bring just there original killers in and original survivors. I could see it beginning with someone running from something and then getting killed at the beginning. Then it goes to a group of friends (the survivors) out camping in the woods (or which every killer they want to start with) and realize something isn't right after nightfalls and the fog rises t yet I. As they investigate they find something that tells them they are being tested blah blah blah and they have to figure out how to get through each of the trials to live saying there are this many trials (number of killers) they must survive in order to live. As they finish one trail the fog gets so to thick that they can't see and when it resends they are in a completely different area with a new trial and new killer after then which they only realize it's a different killer after the first encounter.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I think if they were to do this the killer in the movie should be a necromancer.

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    A DBD movie wouldn't be that hard to make honestly, i have made a couple stories myself starring my OC (Detective Jonathan) as he tries to investigate the disappearences of the original survivors we have now. I even went as far as to describe his transition into the realm of The Entity, taking inspiration from Adam Francis's lore and he ended up there.

    However, i think to be able to flesh out the characters, i think a tv series would best fit the game. Because that way you will be able to tell the story in a much broader detail, instead of having everything rushed and trying to get it out there, with a tv show, you'll be able to expand on the universe.

    Either that, or you could do a movie for all the killers we have now, and a tv show for every survivor we have. Kind of like how Marvel does it, and then have it all lead up to the main to the franchise finale. Or keep milking it until the game ends.

    All in all, i've been pushing for them to consider making one, and if they do decide to make one, i would love to be able to be on the team as some sort of writer, that way i can be able to give inputs from the community and such.

    Just my idea though.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    I think it would be awesome, but it would be hard too do since their is no real lore in the game besides the biography for killers and survivors. And even if they do their own lore for a movie, the game is just too linear for a movie too be made. Maybe a mini series but it would struggle.

  • RamiSamii
    RamiSamii Member Posts: 173

    I'd love an updated intro. Every survivor we have so far, with their respected killer [minus Ash, and I'm sure some assignments here and there could be made for the base characters and killers.] Things like Nea and Nurse, Jane and Plague, Adam and Spirit, etc. When they said something about the intro in the patch notes, it was what I kinda hoped for lol.

  • Lothak
    Lothak Member Posts: 6
  • DoubleP
    DoubleP Member Posts: 1

    Okay guys this is the movie plot that I have been thinking for sometime. Just read it for fun though don't take it seriously. So, here is how DBD movie should be

    Opening scene with you know..Movie thing like Sony 4k and Warner Bro. Something whatever then start with a pretty normal life of a new character(which I think it would be good to have new exclusive character in movie then later add as dlc to the game). In my opinion the main protagonist should be a woman then the movie show who she is, what kind of life and job she is doing you know? Like normal life and this is the fun part when we focusing on this character life we will see some easter eggs like for example, when the main character go to the job place there might be the same place of some character we know and might have some either mentioned or background newspaper like "Missing Person" and a name we know like "Dwilght" like that just for the audiences to know that there some connections in DBD Universe. Then show some of her issues that been going on cause we know every survivors have their issues problem before coming to the fog. So she got problems start building from small to big problem that she need to run away like that then somehow she might run from people and get into the forest. While hiding in the forest she found 1 cave. She went inside like(Kate in Tome 2 archive cutscene I think) saw the weird(Enitity) portal thing and suddenly fall down. Waking up in the middle of the same but not actually same forest. She walk through forest saw some light, follow the light and then found the campfire we know in the game except this is not the 4 survivors we know they all new and there is only 3 of them so she is the 4th(to show that this world is like an escape room game of entity that there is other campfire and people out there just not there yet) so she met them then normally those people act self protection ask her name and fear her blah blah blah they get to known each other and describe who they were before come here to her, describe their objective(to get out) through a big door which like the Maze Runner that these people have been stuck here for so long they don't even know if the behind of the door is really the exit but they believe so and to get to that we need to pass the level or(the map and fixing all generators without getting killed by Trapper).

    *THE FIRST DBD MOVIE film should be Trapper*

    Continue: So they start their mission. In their campfire have a Hatch(The same Hatch in the game however, I will use the Hatch as a way like tunnel between campfire and 1stmap so they only have 1 exit to next level and the other exit back to camp like retreating) Anyway they get into the Hatch and open the other Hatch come out to the 1st map. They hide and suggest to use hand signal instead of talking so the killer won't hear them. They separated. The main character dont know what to do yet cause this is her first time she hide and crouch carefully looking around don't see anything then she turn back and see Trapper face! Trapper swing at her then she dodge it and start to run while running the other survivor came to help her by throwing a firework to get attention, Trapper get mad and changed the target then the main character run and hide behind thr rock with other survivor

    "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!?" She asked in like whisper tone

    "Thats the problem we need to deal with"

    Said the survivor

    They replan and go doing generator while the other is getting chase for borrowing time for other survivors to speed up their repairing

    After many many footages and thrilling chase they finally finished 5 gens they all run to the gate 1 of them opening it and the last one unexpectively got trapped! They just going to help that one lose the trap but Trapper come and drag that person. 1 survivor become selfish and said to leave that one behind meanwhile our main character said no and denied to leave the person and the other survivor agreed with her so 2 of then went back to save the last person leaving the opening gate one felt guilty.

    The scene is the basement room the last survivor got hooked and hurt in pain and the Trapper watching the last one in pain(like a camper LOL) the main character have the firework in her pocket and look at other survivor and nod. The survivor ran down and attract the killer attention to look at dodge inside the basement the main then quickly run down and throw firework at Trapper then quickly unhook the last survivor and run up and Trapper followed them to the gate (the running scene is very intense cause we dont know if they gonna make it or not) the main stayed as the last person to protect 2 survivors in front and run pass the pallet and quickly take down and stunt Trapper. Arrived at the gate they all reunited and the opening gate continue the opening and the Trapper suddenly grab the gate opener one everybody try to help him but he said to leave him and struggle to keep holding down the button gate the gate finally opened and he continue to get drag away the main try to go help again but this time the entity very mad after the gate opened like in the game the countdown start where the floor start to get messed up and entity popping everywhere and getting close at them that the main regrettly have to leave the one behind and the 3 of them exit the gate. Outside the gate is like a plain floor then there is a forest in front with a light they all run followed the light and THEN!! They found the campfire again. This scene should mindblow audiences because instead of they getting out of this world they went to the next level campfire like checkpoint so the previous exit gate is not the real one they feel disappointed and give up one of them try to suicide by running back then the Entity pop up and killed that one from nowhere which mean you can't go back only forward. Leaving the 2 of them in miserable situation. The main character keep having the hope and told that she will eventually take everyone out of this mess as promise. The movie is about to end and then somebody spoke up

    "You guys need help?"

    The main and other survivor look at the forest direction seeing shadows coming to them. The figures getting clearier when walking to the light. There are 4 of them and the camera slowly pan from their foots to their head

    There are the well known 4 survivores cameo from the game

    Dwlight, Meg, Jake, Claudette

    Standing, looking and smiling at them

    The main and other survivor look at them

    "Who arw you guys?"

    The camera zoom to Meg smiling and movie end with black screen and scrolling credits

    Post credit scene show 2nd map(level) and the sound of Nurse then blinked to the camera. End

    So there you have it the DBD movie with the setup to the sequel. Hope Behaviour Interactive read this. It might not be possible for now but who know? Anyway thanks for reading guys and sorry for my grammars and vocabulary.

    -Double P

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    It could be called "the entity" and also, I don't think you were here in the first 3 killers and survivors trailers, it wasnt animation it was ugly

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    Now I am scarrd, just noticed that 6 guys here got banned, what happened here

  • Ishoot
    Ishoot Member Posts: 3

    They could make a movie with all the unlisenced killers and survivors. It would feature wraith, billy, hag, doctor, huntress, clown, spirit, legion maybe because it's said to be based off a tv show, plague, oni, and deathslinger.

    And then all unlisenced survivors but there are way to many to list