Playing against SWF should give bonus BP

Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
Up to perhaps 50% bonus xp if its 4 SWF.

This doesnt hurt the survivors, gives the killer an incentive to not dodge the lobby, and solves the entire problem. Why hasnt this simple solution been applied?


  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    @Lowbei said:
    Up to perhaps 50% bonus xp if its 4 SWF.

    This doesnt hurt the survivors, gives the killer an incentive to not dodge the lobby, and solves the entire problem. Why hasnt this simple solution been applied?

    This is not an a good incentive to not dodge the lobby and it most certainly does not solve the problem in any way, shape or form. Blood point incentives will not make up for bad game play and busted balance. My number one reason i play this game is to have fun and playing against SWF is not fun. Bonus bloodpoints doesn't make it any less frustrating. You could not give me enough bloodpoints to make it worth it.

    ... this game is about scoring points. escaping or killing people is simply a scoring event. Your logic that this doesnt do enough to solve the problem, and thus shouldnt be considered, is very ignorant.
  • Violator
    Violator Member Posts: 17

    @Lowbei said:
    SadonicShadow said:

    @Lowbei said:

    Up to perhaps 50% bonus xp if its 4 SWF.

    This doesnt hurt the survivors, gives the killer an incentive to not dodge the lobby, and solves the entire problem. Why hasnt this simple solution been applied?

    This is not an a good incentive to not dodge the lobby and it most certainly does not solve the problem in any way, shape or form. Blood point incentives will not make up for bad game play and busted balance. My number one reason i play this game is to have fun and playing against SWF is not fun. Bonus bloodpoints doesn't make it any less frustrating. You could not give me enough bloodpoints to make it worth it.

    ... this game is about scoring points. escaping or killing people is simply a scoring event. Your logic that this doesnt do enough to solve the problem, and thus shouldnt be considered, is very ignorant.

    you dont determine what this game is about. The devs do. your definition is completely opinion based and has very little to no merit on what this game actually is.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Lowbei said:
    SadonicShadow said:

    @Lowbei said:

    Up to perhaps 50% bonus xp if its 4 SWF.

    This doesnt hurt the survivors, gives the killer an incentive to not dodge the lobby, and solves the entire problem. Why hasnt this simple solution been applied?

    This is not an a good incentive to not dodge the lobby and it most certainly does not solve the problem in any way, shape or form. Blood point incentives will not make up for bad game play and busted balance. My number one reason i play this game is to have fun and playing against SWF is not fun. Bonus bloodpoints doesn't make it any less frustrating. You could not give me enough bloodpoints to make it worth it.

    ... this game is about scoring points. escaping or killing people is simply a scoring event. Your logic that this doesnt do enough to solve the problem, and thus shouldnt be considered, is very ignorant.

    You will find that practically no one here agrees with the stupidity you just typed. I am baffled that you think this solves the problem of SWF. That broken ass game mechanics and poor design can all of a sudden be made up for by giving someone more points. The game will still be a broken ######### show whether or not we get 50% more bloodpoints. You are either trolling or just straight up dumb. I honestly cant tell which but regardless what you have to say regarding this game is worth less than dirt. Come back here when you actually have good suggestions because you look like an idiot.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930


    It'd be extremely fast to perform and code, while being a good placeholder for balance. You completely ######### on him, while also being kinda rude; but his idea wasn’t extreme or bad, it just didn’t fix balance. But who said that was what his idea was for, he said it would be a nice incentive and help, even if only a little. I agree, as a killer, I’d LOVE this.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Jack11803 said:

    It'd be extremely fast to perform and code, while being a good placeholder for balance. You completely ######### on him, while also being kinda rude; but his idea wasn’t extreme or bad, it just didn’t fix balance. But who said that was what his idea was for, he said it would be a nice incentive and help, even if only a little. I agree, as a killer, I’d LOVE this.

    Also don’t get why he was flagged, not saying you did it, but what YOU said wasn’t flag worthy, and it was meaner, (not that that’s a problem necessarily) so there’s no reason what he said should’ve been flagged.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    It'd be extremely fast to perform and code, while being a good placeholder for balance. You completely ######### on him, while also being kinda rude; but his idea wasn’t extreme or bad, it just didn’t fix balance. But who said that was what his idea was for, he said it would be a nice incentive and help, even if only a little. I agree, as a killer, I’d LOVE this.

    Also don’t get why he was flagged, not saying you did it, but what YOU said wasn’t flag worthy, and it was meaner, (not that that’s a problem necessarily) so there’s no reason what he said should’ve been flagged.

    I'm not sure who flagged him but his rely was asinine to say the least. The game isn't just about points but about having fun while doing so as well as other things. The points are the end result of the players actions on both sides.

    The killer wants to find the survivors, down said survivors, hook them, sactifice them, damage gens, keep gens from being done, keep survivors from being rescued, keep them from escaping etc. The survivors on the other hand want the exact opposite and how each side goes about it determines the points for the match.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2018

    @Jack11803 said:

    It'd be extremely fast to perform and code, while being a good placeholder for balance. You completely ######### on him, while also being kinda rude; but his idea wasn’t extreme or bad, it just didn’t fix balance. But who said that was what his idea was for, he said it would be a nice incentive and help, even if only a little. I agree, as a killer, I’d LOVE this.

    Perhaps i was a bit harsh but he stated in his post that his solution solves the entire problem of SWF. I respectfully pointed out why that was not so in my first response and provided the reason why bloodpoints were not sufficient as it does nothing to address balance. He completely disregards that because i criticized his infallible solution to the question of SWF thinking i am ignorant because I think alot more needs to be done besides bloodpoint incentives.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930


    It’s not like this is a miracle fix, but more like, it’d take 15 minutes to code, and help somewhat in the meantime before balance is done, at least it’s SOMETHING. And I would definitely enjoy it’s benefits

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Jack11803 said:

    It’s not like this is a miracle fix, but more like, it’d take 15 minutes to code, and help somewhat in the meantime before balance is done, at least it’s SOMETHING. And I would definitely enjoy it’s benefits

    Oh dont get me wrong i would personally love more bloodpoints aswell. Anything to shorten the grind is a win in my books.

  • Setsune
    Setsune Member Posts: 71
    edited June 2018

    "My eyes are bleeding, I HATE THIS F@#$ sh#@ SWF BS Mother F@£§% CROUCH SPAM LOOPIN MY A$$ but hey at least i got my extra blood points."

    Seems like a pretty nice idea. :+1:

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    You weren’t too rude, just using your message as an example on why the flags were biased. Anyway, your right, he did say it’s solve everything (it wouldn’t) but I do think, like I said before; it’s SOMETHING. I’m sure you agree on that part

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Jack11803 said:
    You weren’t too rude, just using your message as an example on why the flags were biased. Anyway, your right, he did say it’s solve everything (it wouldn’t) but I do think, like I said before; it’s SOMETHING. I’m sure you agree on that part

    Hell yeah man! No one can argue against more bloodpoints. I am all for that no matter the form it takes.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    @Lowbei said:
    SadonicShadow said:

    @Lowbei said:

    Up to perhaps 50% bonus xp if its 4 SWF.

    This doesnt hurt the survivors, gives the killer an incentive to not dodge the lobby, and solves the entire problem. Why hasnt this simple solution been applied?

    This is not an a good incentive to not dodge the lobby and it most certainly does not solve the problem in any way, shape or form. Blood point incentives will not make up for bad game play and busted balance. My number one reason i play this game is to have fun and playing against SWF is not fun. Bonus bloodpoints doesn't make it any less frustrating. You could not give me enough bloodpoints to make it worth it.

    ... this game is about scoring points. escaping or killing people is simply a scoring event. Your logic that this doesnt do enough to solve the problem, and thus shouldnt be considered, is very ignorant.

    You will find that practically no one here agrees with the stupidity you just typed. I am baffled that you think this solves the problem of SWF. That broken ass game mechanics and poor design can all of a sudden be made up for by giving someone more points. The game will still be a broken ######### show whether or not we get 50% more bloodpoints. You are either trolling or just straight up dumb. I honestly cant tell which but regardless what you have to say regarding this game is worth less than dirt. Come back here when you actually have good suggestions because you look like an idiot.

    lol the irony that by the current posting, you agreed that the 50% was a good idea, while whining and flagging the op. you are a perfect example of the flagging issue as well as the false reporting issue.

    the games mechanics are fine. git gud if you have a problem with them.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Lowbei said:
    SadonicShadow said:

    @Lowbei said:

    SadonicShadow said:

    @Lowbei said:
    Up to perhaps 50% bonus xp if its 4 SWF.
    This doesnt hurt the survivors, gives the killer an incentive to not dodge the lobby, and solves the entire problem. Why hasnt this simple solution been applied?
    **This is not an a good incentive to not dodge the lobby and it most certainly does not solve the problem in any way, shape or form. Blood point incentives will not make up for bad game play and busted balance. My number one reason i play this game is to have fun and playing against SWF is not fun. Bonus bloodpoints doesn't make it any less frustrating. You could not give me enough bloodpoints to make it worth it.**

    ... this game is about scoring points. escaping or killing people is simply a scoring event. Your logic that this doesnt do enough to solve the problem, and thus shouldnt be considered, is very ignorant.

    You will find that practically no one here agrees with the stupidity you just typed. I am baffled that you think this solves the problem of SWF. That broken ass game mechanics and poor design can all of a sudden be made up for by giving someone more points. The game will still be a broken ######### show whether or not we get 50% more bloodpoints. You are either trolling or just straight up dumb. I honestly cant tell which but regardless what you have to say regarding this game is worth less than dirt. Come back here when you actually have good suggestions because you look like an idiot.

    lol the irony that by the current posting, you agreed that the 50% was a good idea, while whining and flagging the op. you are a perfect example of the flagging issue as well as the false reporting issue.

    the games mechanics are fine. git gud if you have a problem with them.

    Here once you again you show yourself to be a jack a*s. He wasn't saying that in the original post and you taking his last post out of context is hilarious. I bolded the 1st part where he clearly says it won't solve the problems currently.

    His latest post says he's all for more bloodpoints in any shape form or fashion. He in no way tied that to his earlier post but in a general sense that he'd like more as would pretty much everyone here. The proof is in the countless threads here and on the Steam forums saying as much.

    As far as the game mechanics go if they were fine the devs wouldn't be trying to address the current issues with them now would they? If anyone needs to git gud here it's your debating skills since using Logical fallacies left and right shows you need help.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    i just want to avoid them altogether myself.  sick of the mic players.  swf never should have been implemented.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @EpicFailTryHard said:
    i just want to avoid them altogether myself.  sick of the mic players.  swf never should have been implemented.

    It wasn't implementing that was the problem, it's how it was that's the issue since killers weren't buffed or SWF groups adjusted accordingly.

    I mean if they really want o get freaky with it make it a 2 killer game or simply adjust the stats to fix it. Now if they really want to toast those marshmallows then add the 2nd killer but add 2 more survivors and more gens needed.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    powerbats said:

    @Lowbei said:
    SadonicShadow said:

    @Lowbei said:

    SadonicShadow said:

    @Lowbei said:
    Up to perhaps 50% bonus xp if its 4 SWF.
    This doesnt hurt the survivors, gives the killer an incentive to not dodge the lobby, and solves the entire problem. Why hasnt this simple solution been applied?
    **This is not an a good incentive to not dodge the lobby and it most certainly does not solve the problem in any way, shape or form. Blood point incentives will not make up for bad game play and busted balance. My number one reason i play this game is to have fun and playing against SWF is not fun. Bonus bloodpoints doesn't make it any less frustrating. You could not give me enough bloodpoints to make it worth it.**

    ... this game is about scoring points. escaping or killing people is simply a scoring event. Your logic that this doesnt do enough to solve the problem, and thus shouldnt be considered, is very ignorant.

    You will find that practically no one here agrees with the stupidity you just typed. I am baffled that you think this solves the problem of SWF. That broken ass game mechanics and poor design can all of a sudden be made up for by giving someone more points. The game will still be a broken ######### show whether or not we get 50% more bloodpoints. You are either trolling or just straight up dumb. I honestly cant tell which but regardless what you have to say regarding this game is worth less than dirt. Come back here when you actually have good suggestions because you look like an idiot.

    lol the irony that by the current posting, you agreed that the 50% was a good idea, while whining and flagging the op. you are a perfect example of the flagging issue as well as the false reporting issue.

    the games mechanics are fine. git gud if you have a problem with them.

    Here once you again you show yourself to be a jack a*s. He wasn't saying that in the original post and you taking his last post out of context is hilarious. I bolded the 1st part where he clearly says it won't solve the problems currently.

    His latest post says he's all for more bloodpoints in any shape form or fashion. He in no way tied that to his earlier post but in a general sense that he'd like more as would pretty much everyone here. The proof is in the countless threads here and on the Steam forums saying as much.

    As far as the game mechanics go if they were fine the devs wouldn't be trying to address the current issues with them now would they? If anyone needs to git gud here it's your debating skills since using Logical fallacies left and right shows you need help.

    i think the mechanics are fine, and the devs agree. git gud.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Lowbei said:

    i think the mechanics are fine, and the devs agree. git gud.

    **“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” **– Christopher Hitchens.

    Again nothing but insults and the devs don't agree or they wouldn't be changing things or did the latest dev talk and PBT changes completely sail through that space between your ears again? If things are fine then looping and pallet changes don't need to happen, SWF doesn't need to be adjusted and by your logic all killers and survivors need to shut up and play as it is.

    Now since we know for a fact the devs have said the mechanics aren't fine and they're removing some pallets to cut down on looping. That'd once again make you completely and utterly wrong as well as being a arse again.

    It seems the only one that needs to git gud is you, perhaps go take a debate class in school so you can actually debate on the forums instead of doing nothing but troll. > @Lowbei said:

    Up to perhaps 50% bonus xp if its 4 SWF.

    This doesnt hurt the survivors, gives the killer an incentive to not dodge the lobby, and solves the entire problem. Why hasnt this simple solution been applied?

    Oh and lets not forget this gem from your 1st post.

    @Lowbei said:
    Up to perhaps 50% bonus xp if its 4 SWF.

    This doesnt hurt the survivors, gives the killer an incentive to not dodge the lobby, and solves the entire problem. Why hasnt this simple solution been applied?

    If game mechanics are fine then the killer won't dodge the lobby and since the killer won't dodge the lobby your solution isn't required, you just need to GIT GUD.

  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    I came with a similar idea:

    Funny how people here react the same way telling OP hes stupid that BP wont fix anything but at the same time dont come with any form of solution whatsoever.

    People want change but dont even try to spend time coming up with changes themselves. Be glad other people try to come up with solutions in the first place.

    You try to make a assymetrical game 100% fair in all aspects..

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Lowbei said:
    Up to perhaps 50% bonus xp if its 4 SWF.

    This doesnt hurt the survivors, gives the killer an incentive to not dodge the lobby, and solves the entire problem. Why hasnt this simple solution been applied?

    This is not an a good incentive to not dodge the lobby and it most certainly does not solve the problem in any way, shape or form. Blood point incentives will not make up for bad game play and busted balance. My number one reason i play this game is to have fun and playing against SWF is not fun. Bonus bloodpoints doesn't make it any less frustrating. You could not give me enough bloodpoints to make it worth it.

    It is somethign at least, you know that you will get some xtra BP from the game, even if you are destroyed
    I would consider dodging less SWF if I were actually rewarded with extra BP by versing them.
    Atm facing a SWF is just a bad idea

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Shadoureon said:
    I came with a similar idea:

    Funny how people here react the same way telling OP hes stupid that BP wont fix anything but at the same time dont come with any form of solution whatsoever.

    People want change but dont even try to spend time coming up with changes themselves. Be glad other people try to come up with solutions in the first place.

    You try to make a assymetrical game 100% fair in all aspects..

    Thats the problem this game has. 80% of the communtiy just cries about every change that might affect them and devs listen to much to the community.
    There are so many completely flawed design choices in this game, its pathetic
    SWF abusing voice comms? Who thought this would lead to a problem.....
    I can only speak for myself, but I will dodge large SWF almsot everytime nowadays, I just had too many bad experiences and I will keep continue with this behaviour until either balance is fixed regarding SWF or I will be given some incentive like BP to go through the trouble

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    powerbats said:

    @Lowbei said:

    i think the mechanics are fine, and the devs agree. git gud.

    **“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” **– Christopher Hitchens.

    Again nothing but insults and the devs don't agree or they wouldn't be changing things or did the latest dev talk and PBT changes completely sail through that space between your ears again? If things are fine then looping and pallet changes don't need to happen, SWF doesn't need to be adjusted and by your logic all killers and survivors need to shut up and play as it is.

    Now since we know for a fact the devs have said the mechanics aren't fine and they're removing some pallets to cut down on looping. That'd once again make you completely and utterly wrong as well as being a arse again.

    It seems the only one that needs to git gud is you, perhaps go take a debate class in school so you can actually debate on the forums instead of doing nothing but troll. > @Lowbei said:

    Up to perhaps 50% bonus xp if its 4 SWF.

    This doesnt hurt the survivors, gives the killer an incentive to not dodge the lobby, and solves the entire problem. Why hasnt this simple solution been applied?

    Oh and lets not forget this gem from your 1st post.

    @Lowbei said:
    Up to perhaps 50% bonus xp if its 4 SWF.

    This doesnt hurt the survivors, gives the killer an incentive to not dodge the lobby, and solves the entire problem. Why hasnt this simple solution been applied?

    If game mechanics are fine then the killer won't dodge the lobby and since the killer won't dodge the lobby your solution isn't required, you just need to GIT GUD.

    lol you are so salty

    the irony that you whine at me to git gud while you rage about wanting the game mechanics to change because they are too hard for you is funny.

    the game is fine. git gud.
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    Give solo queue comms as strong as SWF, then nerf both. That’s the reason SWF isn’t nerfed right now, they can’t code a specific lobby nerf to them alone, and nerfing survivors would make solo queue even more difficult. As it stands, statistically the survival rate is 50% including both modes. SWF alone is 70% (OP) solo is 30% (too weak). So buff solo to what could make them as good as SWF, and have a 70% survival rate, then nerf them both to a nice 50%. If the nerf occurred now, SWF would indeed be balanced, but solo’s 30% rate would be EVEN lower. There, solution.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Jack11803 said:
    Give solo queue comms as strong as SWF, then nerf both. That’s the reason SWF isn’t nerfed right now, they can’t code a specific lobby nerf to them alone, and nerfing survivors would make solo queue even more difficult. As it stands, statistically the survival rate is 50% including both modes. SWF alone is 70% (OP) solo is 30% (too weak). So buff solo to what could make them as good as SWF, and have a 70% survival rate, then nerf them both to a nice 50%. If the nerf occurred now, SWF would indeed be balanced, but solo’s 30% rate would be EVEN lower. There, solution.

    I hope you are taking notes Lowbei. This is an example of a good, reasonable solution to the current problems we are facing. But considering your most recent posts its pretty clear you are anything but reasonable.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    @Jack11803 said:
    Give solo queue comms as strong as SWF, then nerf both. That’s the reason SWF isn’t nerfed right now, they can’t code a specific lobby nerf to them alone, and nerfing survivors would make solo queue even more difficult. As it stands, statistically the survival rate is 50% including both modes. SWF alone is 70% (OP) solo is 30% (too weak). So buff solo to what could make them as good as SWF, and have a 70% survival rate, then nerf them both to a nice 50%. If the nerf occurred now, SWF would indeed be balanced, but solo’s 30% rate would be EVEN lower. There, solution.

    I hope you are taking notes Lowbei. This is an example of a good, reasonable solution to the current problems we are facing. But considering your most recent posts its pretty clear you are anything but reasonable.

    what i said was both reasonable and far more likely to happen, but you can be salty if it makes you feel better, no worries :)
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited June 2018

    @Lowbei said:

    lol you are so salty

    the irony that you whine at me to git gud while you rage about wanting the game mechanics to change because they are too hard for you is funny.

    the game is fine. git gud.

    I've yet to whine at you to git gud, I merely used your own words against you to show how faulty your logic was. Your continued attempts at changing the focus to be me instead of accepting that you made contradictory statements shows you're the salty one here.

    So which is it then, are the mechanics fine and the devs agree in which case your post had no merit? The other alternative is that the game mechanics aren't fine and the devs agree which is why they're tweaking them. Which means that you're whining about them instead of git gud. You keep contradicting yourself here and either option you choose makes you look bad using your own words.

    Instead of trying to sling insults at me and others on here, simply come up with solutions and defend them. If someone points out a weakness or fault with your ideas don't try and insult because you can't take the criticism. try and think of a solution to the problems brought up.

    Post edited by powerbats on
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    powerbats said:

    @Lowbei said:

    lol you are so salty

    the irony that you whine at me to git gud while you rage about wanting the game mechanics to change because they are too hard for you is funny.

    the game is fine. git gud.

    I've yet to whine at you to git gud, I merely used your own words against you to show how faulty your logic was. Your continued attempts at changing the focus to be me instead of accepting that you made contradictory statements shows you're the salty one here.

    So which is it then, are the mechanics fine and the devs agree in which case your post had no merit? The other alternative is that the game mechanics aren't fine and the devs agree which is why they're tweaking them. Which means that you're whining about them instead of git gud. You keep contradicting yourself here and either option you choose makes you look bad using your own words.

    Instead of trying to sling insults at me and others on here, simply come up with solutions and defend them. If someone points out a weakness or fault with your ideas don't try and insult because you can't take the criticism. try and think of a solution to the problems brought up.

    lol keep your salt in the shaker bro

    the mechanics are fine. giving some extra bp to the killer for playing against swf doesnt affect the mechanics of the gameplay at all. this isnt rocket science :)
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Lowbei said:

    lol keep your salt in the shaker bro

    the mechanics are fine. giving some extra bp to the killer for playing against swf doesnt affect the mechanics of the gameplay at all. this isnt rocket science :)

    Still nothing but insults and if the mechanics are fine the then the points you made are negated, it isn't rocket science. Now to show you how contradictory your statements are.

    Game mechanics are constructs of rules or methods designed for interaction with the game state, thus providing gameplay. That's basic gameplay design and all game devs and coders know this basic rule.

    So since looping, pallet dropping, and you guessed it playing against SWF groups are all part of gameplay mechanics. Now since those are part f gameplay mechanics and you've said the mechanics are fine your point is once again moot and killers don't need to be compensated.

    As you said this isn't rocket science and the only one with salt here is you, you still don't get it that your attempts at insulting are failing miserably. As pointed out above everything in the game is part of the gameplay mechanic. So if you make 1 change it affects the game play mechanic.

    Now since the devs have said the mechanics aren't fine and are making changes that once again makes your arguments completely and utterly illogical. If the mechanics were fine the devs would never make changes or even have a PTB because the mechanics are fine.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    powerbats said:

    @Lowbei said:

    lol keep your salt in the shaker bro

    the mechanics are fine. giving some extra bp to the killer for playing against swf doesnt affect the mechanics of the gameplay at all. this isnt rocket science :)

    Still nothing but insults and if the mechanics are fine the then the points you made are negated, it isn't rocket science. Now to show you how contradictory your statements are.

    Game mechanics are constructs of rules or methods designed for interaction with the game state, thus providing gameplay. That's basic gameplay design and all game devs and coders know this basic rule.

    So since looping, pallet dropping, and you guessed it playing against SWF groups are all part of gameplay mechanics. Now since those are part f gameplay mechanics and you've said the mechanics are fine your point is once again moot and killers don't need to be compensated.

    As you said this isn't rocket science and the only one with salt here is you, you still don't get it that your attempts at insulting are failing miserably. As pointed out above everything in the game is part of the gameplay mechanic. So if you make 1 change it affects the game play mechanic.

    Now since the devs have said the mechanics aren't fine and are making changes that once again makes your arguments completely and utterly illogical. If the mechanics were fine the devs would never make changes or even have a PTB because the mechanics are fine.

    lol thanks for your opinion, now stop your whining

    jk i didnt read it. the mechanics are fine, git gud.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Lowbei said:

    lol thanks for your opinion, now stop your whining

    jk i didnt read it. the mechanics are fine, git gud.

    Still can't stop your whining and contradictory statements since if the mechanics are fine the devs wouldn't be changing anything. Hence no PTB no other changes etc. The only one that needs to git gud here is you.

    I've got to give you credit though, most ppl would stop posting and making idiots of themselves after the 1st few times, you seem determined to prove how much of 1 you are. Your salt merely makes everyone on here have more laughs so keep it up.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930


    Dont lie, you read it, you DEFINITELY read it.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    powerbats said:

    @Lowbei said:

    lol thanks for your opinion, now stop your whining

    jk i didnt read it. the mechanics are fine, git gud.

    Still can't stop your whining and contradictory statements since if the mechanics are fine the devs wouldn't be changing anything. Hence no PTB no other changes etc. The only one that needs to git gud here is you.

    I've got to give you credit though, most ppl would stop posting and making idiots of themselves after the 1st few times, you seem determined to prove how much of 1 you are. Your salt merely makes everyone on here have more laughs so keep it up.

    lol your butthurt is hilarious

    the games mechanics are fine. git gud if you cant handle dead by daylight.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Jack11803 said:


    Dont lie, you read it, you DEFINITELY read it.

    haha no. it all boils down to the fact that i think the games mechanics are fine, cuz thats how the devs made them.

    hes welcome to keep whining about the mechanics and claiming that they are going to change them, but i doubt it. dont worry, not everyone was meant to be rank1.

    the fact that hes having a meltdown over this is very entertaining.
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Lowbei said:
    Jack11803 said:


    Dont lie, you read it, you DEFINITELY read it.

    haha no. it all boils down to the fact that i think the games mechanics are fine, cuz thats how the devs made them.

    hes welcome to keep whining about the mechanics and claiming that they are going to change them, but i doubt it. dont worry, not everyone was meant to be rank1.

    the fact that hes having a meltdown over this is very entertaining.

    I never mentioned any of that! I just said that you read the message you claimed you didn’t read, and I still think you did. An appropriate response would just be the first “haha no”. Don’t pull me into this shitstorm you made.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Lowbei said:

    lol your butthurt is hilarious

    Your salt is real and the fact you keep trying to project it on me is what's hilarious.

    the games mechanics are fine. git gud if you cant handle dead by daylight.

    Yet the devs are changing some of them and it seems since you're asking for more BP it's you that can't handle the mechanics so git gud. But you never could handle the truth could you.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Lowbei said:

    haha no. it all boils down to the fact that i think the games mechanics are fine, cuz thats how the devs made them.

    Yet you're asking the devs to change some by adding in more BP against SWF groups. It's their fine and you don't need those or they're wrong and you need it.

    hes welcome to keep whining about the mechanics and claiming that they are going to change them, but i doubt it. dont worry, not everyone was meant to be rank1.

    Ahaha the only one whining about the game mechanics here is you, since you want more bp as stated in op. Also facts are stubborn things you can't make up alternatives to them just to suit your post. The facts the devs are removing some pallets ie changing some of the game mechanics. It's already in the change notes for upcoming patch. Also the only thing you'll ever be rank 1 at is being a troll, a very bad 1 at that.

    the fact that hes having a meltdown over this is very entertaining.

    The fact you keep having a meltdown and trying more and more worn out and totally useless insults is what's entertaining. but go ahead and keep on entertaining teh forums since come patch day you'll either accept the reality of your false statements or more likely make up new excuses and insults.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    powerbats said:

    @Lowbei said:

    haha no. it all boils down to the fact that i think the games mechanics are fine, cuz thats how the devs made them.

    Yet you're asking the devs to change some by adding in more BP against SWF groups. It's their fine and you don't need those or they're wrong and you need it.

    hes welcome to keep whining about the mechanics and claiming that they are going to change them, but i doubt it. dont worry, not everyone was meant to be rank1.

    Ahaha the only one whining about the game mechanics here is you, since you want more bp as stated in op. Also facts are stubborn things you can't make up alternatives to them just to suit your post. The facts the devs are removing some pallets ie changing some of the game mechanics. It's already in the change notes for upcoming patch. Also the only thing you'll ever be rank 1 at is being a troll, a very bad 1 at that.

    the fact that hes having a meltdown over this is very entertaining.

    The fact you keep having a meltdown and trying more and more worn out and totally useless insults is what's entertaining. but go ahead and keep on entertaining teh forums since come patch day you'll either accept the reality of your false statements or more likely make up new excuses and insults.

    lol the salt.

    stop having a meltdown. the games mechanics are fine, git gud :) 
  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369

    What about: free addons for the killer according to how many SwF are in the lobby (like in KyF).

    For example, if you face a 4-SwF or 2 * 2-SwF, you can use purple addons without losing them. This will be a first step to balance them, and in the meantime killer is not afraid to test new expensive addons. We can also prevent SwF to use any item.

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    I support it. 35% bonus bloodpoints for 3 SWF, 50% bloodpoints for 4 SWF. 2 people playing together doesn’t do enough for me to justify it. 

    No it wouldn’t solve the problem but maybe in the very least it would encourage more people to play killer because they would probably often be getting a passive bloodpoint boost compared to survivor. And more killers means more lobbies means more people playing. 
  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @powerbats He is never going to read what you say so just give up and move on

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962
    Lowbei said:
    Up to perhaps 50% bonus xp if its 4 SWF.

    This doesnt hurt the survivors, gives the killer an incentive to not dodge the lobby, and solves the entire problem. Why hasnt this simple solution been applied?
    Extra bp does NOT make a match fun, fair, or balanced.
  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    @SpaceCoconut said:
    Lowbei said:

    Up to perhaps 50% bonus xp if its 4 SWF.

    This doesnt hurt the survivors, gives the killer an incentive to not dodge the lobby, and solves the entire problem. Why hasnt this simple solution been applied?

    Extra bp does NOT make a match fun, fair, or balanced.

    I really don't see why people aren't understanding that.

    Consistency is really what I would most enjoy. Perhaps I am alone, but I tend to find that I go safety, safety, lose a pip, double pip. Rinse and repeat that formula or something similar. Like I battle to safety against SWF and when I finally get only a 2 man swf or all random game, it seems all of a sudden I am actually an efficient killer for some reason.

    Also the new emblem system for killers didn't do anything other than make killers feel less bad about ######### games.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Zanfer said:
    @powerbats He is never going to read what you say so just give up and move on

    Oh I already know he's just a troll at this point, but watching him make a complete fool out of himself while making 2 contradictory statements at the same time and defending them both simultaneously was funny. I just gave him the exploding cigar with the flashing neon signs that said only fools use this. He's the one that decided to light it up and smoke it.

    He's just mad he got exposed and is going to keep posting the same thing hoping that if he lies and insults enough it'l become truth/fact.

    Oh and lest we forget the facts patch is tomorrow with MANY GAMEPLAY MECHANIC CHANGES !!!!!!

  • art
    art Member Posts: 9
    I totally ageee giving killer a reward x amount of swf
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited June 2018
    powerbats said:

    @Zanfer said:
    @powerbats He is never going to read what you say so just give up and move on

    Oh I already know he's just a troll at this point, but watching him make a complete fool out of himself while making 2 contradictory statements at the same time and defending them both simultaneously was funny. I just gave him the exploding cigar with the flashing neon signs that said only fools use this. He's the one that decided to light it up and smoke it.

    He's just mad he got exposed and is going to keep posting the same thing hoping that if he lies and insults enough it'l become truth/fact.

    Oh and lest we forget the facts patch is tomorrow with MANY GAMEPLAY MECHANIC CHANGES !!!!!!

    lol stop having a meltdown, you are embarrassing yourself :-1:

    this game is working as intended. git gud.
  • m3dicookie
    m3dicookie Member Posts: 74

    they just need kill with killers two killers double survivors double everything that be sweet...

  • Noodle
    Noodle Member Posts: 103

    Eh... just giving more bloodpoints won't make the game more enjoyable to play. Giving me more bloodpoints won't help deal with the struggle against survivors who can endlessly loop the entire game or help slow down the rate at which generators complete. I'd rather see a system where dependent on the number of SWF in the lobby they receive a slight debuff for the duration of the match like a decrease in action speed by 5-7-10% based on the size of the SWF group. (2-3-4) I'd also be down with adding in an extra generator to complete (without the debuff) for full SWF groups.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Noodle said:

    Eh... just giving more bloodpoints won't make the game more enjoyable to play. Giving me more bloodpoints won't help deal with the struggle against survivors who can endlessly loop the entire game or help slow down the rate at which generators complete. I'd rather see a system where dependent on the number of SWF in the lobby they receive a slight debuff for the duration of the match like a decrease in action speed by 5-7-10% based on the size of the SWF group. (2-3-4) I'd also be down with adding in an extra generator to complete (without the debuff) for full SWF groups.

    yeah, adding more bps wont completely fix the problem, but it would give more incentive than without for the moment, resulting in more people playing killer and less lobby dodging, which we can all agree is a positive step.
  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @powerbats said:

    @Zanfer said:
    @powerbats He is never going to read what you say so just give up and move on

    Oh I already know he's just a troll at this point, but watching him make a complete fool out of himself while making 2 contradictory statements at the same time and defending them both simultaneously was funny. I just gave him the exploding cigar with the flashing neon signs that said only fools use this. He's the one that decided to light it up and smoke it.

    He's just mad he got exposed and is going to keep posting the same thing hoping that if he lies and insults enough it'l become truth/fact.

    Oh and lest we forget the facts patch is tomorrow with MANY GAMEPLAY MECHANIC CHANGES !!!!!!

    The best part is now how he is trying to address you still even though you aren't addressing him ;)