
So it's been going around the community how problematic the cheating issue is, but my biggest problem is that most cheating will be so subtle, you won't even know that it's happening until after the game.
For example I played a game as Plague: Gen speeds were flying suspiciously fast but I initially put it down to multiple survivors stacking on a single Gen. However later on in the game I managed to infect everyone and get three downs and I was chasing the last survivor before the last gen could be done. Except one of the downed survivors got up, and before i could even get back to my three gen the generator was complete and the game was essentially over.
However looking at the endgame screen; there was no unbreakable or soul guard. The entire game they were likely cheating and speeding up gen speeds, it took my slugging and then looking and the endgame screen to realize what was happening. Cheating is happening in DBD and it is not the blatant teleporting, infinite haste that makes it into youtube commentary, it is subtle and you won't even know it's happening most the time.
Going back into this game, it's impossible with all the perks, going around whether or not someone cheating or not. BHVR relying on player feedback to detect cheating is NOT GOOD enough.
If you don't like the game play something else. I sure as will for now.
That's why you shouldn't slug at all at the moment. It gives subtle cheaters a free opportunity to pick themselves up as you can usually not even tell whether they got picked up by a team member or not unless the whole team is down or 3 are down and you're in chase with the last survivor.
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Cheating is way more rampant than what we all think.
If you are attentive enough, you will see many players using speedhacks (survivors and killers), gen speed hack, 1 sec success hit stun, wallhacks... etc
Of course, without any perks allowing such thing.
The last 3 days i have noticed 3 cheaters (2 killers, 1 survivor). All were hard to notice as it was a small cheat. And one extra killer with a wallhack but not sure.
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When all this started I genuinely thought posts like these were either sore losers or just crazy/stupid, but paying attention Ive also noticed small inconsistencies or things that just don't work right.
Like last night, had a game against a Hunteess on Haddonfield. Repaired the gen in the house basement just as a Dette was hooked on the other end of the map. I walked up towards the front door only to turn around and go to the other side and end of the house to bait any BBQ/Bitter Murmur. Slow vault out of the window directly into the thrown hatchet.
Ive gone back and rewatched the game, and I cannot see at all how Huntress saw me go to that window, nor how she could have possibly known I was vaulting through it THAT second to throw it. Don't want to automatically assume cheats, but its little things like those that make it seem so plausible
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Had some Spirit appearing right in front of me from nowhere knowing exactly where i was while i didn't even run and was not in chase.
Had a Bubba that get a successful hammer hit on a survivor and is stun like 1 second only.
Got a speed hack Pinhead, unable to catch anyone for 4 generator and then running faster than usual, winning the trial.
A team where i was playing killer, i was a Plague, most of them were injured the whole trial, i had Tanatophobia, all gens done in less than 7 minutes while there was a streamer in the game (he did one gen only) that was not on gen that much and another survivor was hooked so there was 2 survivors working on gen... Finished all gens in less than 7 minutes.
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There was a vid on youtube that I'm trying to find again for this thread, where a guy essentially interviews the creator of a well known/popular hack that you see most using. Why they do it, how to counter it, how they get into targetted specific people's lobbies everytime (like streamers, despite covering the screen, putting a delay on, changing your name, etc).
He explains the anti-cheat DbD uses, and also why the report system is broken and doesn't work. Most hackers have multiple accounts and can even have their accounts not be banned for months. There's also a well known website that sells Steam accounts with DbD attached to it, for anywhere between $2-10. So even if they do get banned, they simply get a new account and continue onwards.
The ultimate reason they created these hacks and now they run rampant is because they want to force BHVR to actually do something about this, and until then, they will continue to improve the hacks, spread the hacks. If BHVR doesn't do anything about it, then thats their fault and the hackers couldn't care less (keep in mind this is an interview with the creator of the hack). So this is just his stance and why he created it for DbD.
If I find the video, I will link it here. It explains a lot (if I'm allowed).
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First game of the night I get a DC penalty because I didn't want to play against the hackers. Game was infinite sabo and no hook respawn on Haddonfield. Along with instant heals so i cant slug. Worst part was the whole lobby felt like old rank 20s without the hacks game over at 4-5 gens remaining.
While I sit here waiting for dc penalty to expire cant seem to find the interest to play now.
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I think the video you are talking about shows screen shots of the cheating site so idk if that would be against the rules if you post it