Internet speed requirements for killers.

Okay so about every game of killer I play at the end people keep complaining that I'm lag switching. I have 24mbps down and 1mbps up. I have ADSL2 internet. Is this good enough to play as killer without having others lagging? When I play survivor I have no problems what so ever unless the killers ping is over 150.


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    If you play on wifi, maybe you could try out a cable instead, since even minimal loss of connection can cause freezes when it comes to peer to peer connections.

    Other than that, maybe you're just playing with people that are pretty far away, tho I doubt it.
    Are the pings of your survivors normal in the lobby ?

  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    Survivors in the lobby are green most of the time. I am on a Ethernet cable.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Jack11803 said:
    Then they’re pulling it out of their ass; to protecc their egos.

    ^ This.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    Would lag-switching even be a thing if we had dedicated servers?

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Brady said:
    Would lag-switching even be a thing if we had dedicated servers?

    It'd be detectable, and lag the person doing it (somewhat at least) making it WAY less powerful and instant win then it is now.

  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    They need to get dedicated servers. I hate how the killer is host of the game.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    I’m at DL of 3.5MB/PS and upload of 1MB/PS. Usually Survivors are Green Ping to me. Get Yellows if they are from Japan or China or somewhere else, but I rarely see red pings unless they’re internet is garbage or they are downloading something. 
  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @franticpig29 said:
    Okay so about every game of killer I play at the end people keep complaining that I'm lag switching. I have 24mbps down and 1mbps up. I have ADSL2 internet. Is this good enough to play as killer without having others lagging? When I play survivor I have no problems what so ever unless the killers ping is over 150.

    1Mb is enough, but there would not be any leeway. As killer, you are sending telemetry to the other 4 players at a constant rate, as well as receiving telemetry from them. If anyone else on your Internet is using it, then your upload stream will be overtaxed, which has the exact same effect as lagg switching. This is detected in all of the clients, including yours, and sent to Behavior for later analysis. If it happens to many times, you will get a soft ban, or a warning at the very least.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    It's just excuses tbh.
    My own connection is actually very cheap (max download 2MO/s, max upload 100ko/s) and bad since I live in a very small town. People in my lobbies do have 50 to 70 ping if they're from west europe, and no one ever complained about any lag except if they lived at the opposite of the world.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @franticpig29 said:
    Okay so about every game of killer I play at the end people keep complaining that I'm lag switching. I have 24mbps down and 1mbps up. I have ADSL2 internet. Is this good enough to play as killer without having others lagging? When I play survivor I have no problems what so ever unless the killers ping is over 150.

    They clearly dont understand what a laggswitch is. Just forget about the stupid survivors, they just have to blame someone that they died.
    Oh, and download/upload speed doesnt tell you anything about the STABILITY of your connection, e.g. if you are using wlan, the highest download/upload speed could still result in laggspikes :wink:

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    i have the best net in my country and all it does is cause me issues... because there is zero delay survivors are able to dodge hatchets perfectly or pallet stun me no matter how late they press space, on the flip side when i play survivor i am being hit by hatchets around corners and being hit on the other side of pallets after i start the animation. i am seriously contemplating using a wireless dongle to be on their level to make things fair.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    As long as the Survivors in your game have green connections, you're good to go. If everyone you see has yellow or red, you might want to consider your own connection is actually the problem.
  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    Thanks for all the responses. Loving the DBD community.

  • Milloni161
    Milloni161 Member Posts: 34

    Im a killer main and I hate when I lag. İt causes the survivor's game be laggy and end of the game, I %99 get called lagswitcher

  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
    Ping isnt really an internet speed thing, it depends what is going on on your network.  
    If you have a 3mbps connection and someone is downloading at 2.9mbps, that doesnt leave much for you to qork with and you wont have a stable connection.  
    Also you can have a fast but spotty internet or network. Everything will be light speed fast except for random hickups tjat will make you lag in a game but wont affect when watching youtube for example.  
    Also, since the killer gosts, if the killers computer has disc or ram problems, this can make the server lag.
  • SNTD
    SNTD Member Posts: 84

    Survivors just complain about everything, even if the killer has bad internet.
    one time i got a Comment on my profile that said "-rep [swear] [swear] ping, has the worst internet, can only get kills from the advantage of his [swear]ternet" and my internet is not the best but so you have to tell the killer that they have bad internet.

  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    Hoping one day they get dedicated servers.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178
    edited June 2018

    Green ping in lobby is one thing, but in game is another story with a bad connection. Ping indicators on PC show this a lot.

    If I had 1mb upload or less then I wouldn't play killer unless doing a daily.

  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    @only1biggs said:
    Green ping in lobby is one thing, but in game is another story with a bad connection. Ping indicators on PC show this a lot.

    If I had 1mb upload or less then I wouldn't play killer unless doing a daily.

    Yeah, I only do killer for the daily. Wish I could play killer more.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    I play Killer on a wi-fi connection without issues. I just know that when it's storming outside, I swap over to Survivor just in case. That tends to be the only time I experience any real issues with my net. Unless it's something my ISP does, upgrades or whatever, my connection is extremely stable and the only lag problems I see are the Survivors who ready up with 200+ ping. If they're willing to play with that, especially with the ping indicator, so be it. I'll be more than happy to hook their teleporting butt.

    Currently getting FPS hits on Macmillan, but apparently that's a known issue so not sure when that'll be fixed. It doesn't happen all the time though, only sometimes. I tend to play relaxed in those games though, because it's something noone has control over.

  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    I don't play with killers that have over 150 ping. I'm not taking the risk of it being laggy.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Stability is more important than speed. That said, every online game should have Internet requirements for all players (not just one side). It's as necessary as any piece of hardware.
    P2P means you are connected to the Killer and vice-versa. Connections are not just one way.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited June 2018

    @only1biggs said:
    Green ping in lobby is one thing, but in game is another story with a bad connection. Ping indicators on PC show this a lot.

    If I had 1mb upload or less then I wouldn't play killer unless doing a daily.

    Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. Internet down/up speeds are no indication at all for stable connections. In my appartment I am using the free internet connections (why pay for more, I dont need it). I have 700 kb/s down and about 100 up, yes KILO, not mega. Still I am playing with a 20 ms ping because its a glasfibre connection. The only disadvantage is when I am trying to download games or patches, but I will just do sth else in the meantime :wink:

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    Are you living with someone? if someone in your house was watching youtube or downloading stuff, people will think you lag switch in game

    there are too many idiots that stay in the lobby when they had over 200 ping

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Master said:

    @only1biggs said:
    Green ping in lobby is one thing, but in game is another story with a bad connection. Ping indicators on PC show this a lot.

    If I had 1mb upload or less then I wouldn't play killer unless doing a daily.

    Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. Internet down/up speeds are no indication at all for stable connections. In my appartment I am using the free internet connections (why pay for more, I dont need it). I have 700 kb/s down and about 100 up, yes KILO, not mega. Still I am playing with a 20 ms ping because its a glasfibre connection. The only disadvantage is when I am trying to download games or patches, but I will just do sth else in the meantime :wink:


  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    As a survivor I never had a lobby where the ping was under 70.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I have a 6mb connection. Pings are between 70 and 150 normally. Sometimes i get red pings from people from the other end of the world. Not my problem, when they click ready when they have a 500+ ping.

    I rarely get complaints about my connection. DbD is very forgiving when it´s about the internet speed. A ping of 200 can still play almost normal. I don´t know any other game that allows this.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    @Tsulan said:
    I have a 6mb connection. Pings are between 70 and 150 normally. Sometimes i get red pings from people from the other end of the world. Not my problem, when they click ready when they have a 500+ ping.

    I rarely get complaints about my connection. DbD is very forgiving when it´s about the internet speed. A ping of 200 can still play almost normal. I don´t know any other game that allows this.

    You can play quite normally at 200 ping as long as it's steady. That's generally my limit for ping, and as long as it hovers from 198-202, I'm good with it. It's the ping that bounces like crazy, even after letting it settle down for load-in, that I'll generally dodge if it's over 170. I haven't played anything past 205, but I'm tempted to see what a steady ping around 250 is like.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Mringasa said:

    @Tsulan said:
    I have a 6mb connection. Pings are between 70 and 150 normally. Sometimes i get red pings from people from the other end of the world. Not my problem, when they click ready when they have a 500+ ping.

    I rarely get complaints about my connection. DbD is very forgiving when it´s about the internet speed. A ping of 200 can still play almost normal. I don´t know any other game that allows this.

    You can play quite normally at 200 ping as long as it's steady. That's generally my limit for ping, and as long as it hovers from 198-202, I'm good with it. It's the ping that bounces like crazy, even after letting it settle down for load-in, that I'll generally dodge if it's over 170. I haven't played anything past 205, but I'm tempted to see what a steady ping around 250 is like.

    The ping can spike in the lobby when the killer checks the profiles of the survivors.

  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    @Hillbilly420 said:
    I'd prefer a filter for Killers that automatically kicks out Survivors that are over 200 ping. There's nothing worse then getting a lobby, everyone has a green connection that's like 50 ping, but one guy whose connection constantly spikes enters and refuses to leave.

    That would be nice if the killers had that filter.

  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    I think there should be a soft ban on people that DC in a game. Like at the start of a match some people will DC and the rest might also DC.

  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    Hoping to get better internet some day so survivors don't have to deal with my shity internet.

  • facundoj
    facundoj Member Posts: 52
    From my experience anything below 400 ping is playable, but it may seem unfair sometimes. Anything below 200 is really good.
  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    An issue you might wanna think about is packet drops, using a dos command box you can ping to see if there is any packet loss which will show you a decent ping but still get random lag spikes. I noticed it one day when my isp said i had 40ms ping but survivors were runing into walls and missing gens left and right. Investigating showed that yep... i was having 25% packet drop consistently.

  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    @TeaLeaf said:
    An issue you might wanna think about is packet drops, using a dos command box you can ping to see if there is any packet loss which will show you a decent ping but still get random lag spikes. I noticed it one day when my isp said i had 40ms ping but survivors were runing into walls and missing gens left and right. Investigating showed that yep... i was having 25% packet drop consistently.


  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372
    Brady said:

    Would lag-switching even be a thing if we had dedicated servers?

    No. The user would most likely end up disconnecting or ######### up there own connection.
  • Slyther83
    Slyther83 Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2019

    Dedicated servers will fix what has otherwies been 3 years of killer lag advantage. All these replays where killers are stabbing survivors through pallets, snatching from hatches, nurse blink hits, etc- on survivor side that killer wasn't close enough to do that. With the power of zero ping killer vs survivors actual ping in game, they are at a 200-300ms (.2-.3 second minimum) disadvantage. Lobby ping is fake news. Even if it looks ~100 or green, when the actual game is running and you're p2p connected to the killer who has zero lag, you're suffering more than that and it's noticeable. Run wireshark or anything that lets you see your connection speed MIDGAME- it's late 90's internet bad.

    Killers are generally at least 1 full body length closer to you than they are visually represented, to a survivor- huge handicap.

    Killers, which are weaker in current meta, are in for a rude awakening and subsequent buffs, after dedicated servers go live and they aren't dealing with survivors who are behind on ping. I can't imagine dev isn't already anticipating this.

    Post edited by Slyther83 on
  • doggieman
    doggieman Member Posts: 36

    @franticpig29 said:
    Okay so about every game of killer I play at the end people keep complaining that I'm lag switching. I have 24mbps down and 1mbps up. I have ADSL2 internet. Is this good enough to play as killer without having others lagging? When I play survivor I have no problems what so ever unless the killers ping is over 150.

    For now, I feel like you shouldn't play killer. Of course, you purchased the game and you're allowed to do whatever you want but that internet speed messes up the game for other people. Soon it won't matter though, they're planning to release dedicated servers this year and your internet speed won't matter.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @Slyther83 said:
    Dedicated servers will fix what has otherwies been 3 years of killer lag advantage. All these replays where killers are stabbing survivors through pallets, snatching from hatches, nurse blink hits, etc- on survivor side that killer wasn't close enough to do that. With the power of zero ping killer vs survivors actual ping in game, they are at a 200-300ms (.2-.3 second minimum) disadvantage. Lobby ping is fake news. Even if it looks ~100 or green, when the actual game is running and you're p2p connected to the killer who has zero lag, you're suffering more than that and it's noticeable. Run wireshark or anything that lets you see your connection speed MIDGAME- it's late 90's internet bad.

    Killers are generally at least 1 full body length closer to you than they are visually represented, to a survivor- huge handicap.

    Killers, which are weaker in current meta, are in for a rude awakening and subsequent buffs, after dedicated servers go live and they aren't dealing with survivors who are behind on ping. I can't imagine dev isn't already anticipating this.

    Wow, you revived an old thread.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @Slyther83 nice necro. Very impressive that you woke up a 5 month old thread with inaccurate information. Well done!

    FYI, dedicated servers will not do anything that you stated, and will in fact increase the overall latency for EVERYONE! Those with significant latency issues will be at a disadvantage, as their latency will most likely mean that the game will be unplayable for them. It will not end hitting through pallets, or windows, and I have no idea why you would even think that it would. BHVR themselves spefically stated that in a previous live dev stream.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @franticpig29 said:
    Survivors in the lobby are green most of the time. I am on a Ethernet cable.

    Same here. Wifi ######### up my connection so bad. Unreliable as #########.

  • Slyther83
    Slyther83 Member Posts: 19

    @Kaelum said:
    @Slyther83 nice necro. Very impressive that you woke up a 5 month old thread with inaccurate information. Well done!

    FYI, dedicated servers will not do anything that you stated, and will in fact increase the overall latency for EVERYONE! Those with significant latency issues will be at a disadvantage, as their latency will most likely mean that the game will be unplayable for them. It will not end hitting through pallets, or windows, and I have no idea why you would even think that it would. BHVR themselves spefically stated that in a previous live dev stream.

    Here's the thing- I actually work in the industry. Dedicated servers will provide better latency for all players averaged out- people will ping 50-75 across the board, during the game (not fakenews lobby latency), rather than the killer pinging zero and survivors at the mercy of thei killer's personal connection and rig (current status). I appreciate your trying to make a counterpoint, but what you said about increasing the overall latency is 100% false. If people have a poor connection, then it will affect only them (also, it's THEIR problem) not the other players who have a stable connection. I genuinely don't care what quotes you have about BHVR- whether or not you're quoting them directly or not. I manage a 55,000 sq ft. datacenter and provide infrastructure as a service for enterprise customers exponentially larger than BHVR. I know what I'm talking about- and this isn't even a complicated/debatable topic.

  • AgentTexes
    AgentTexes Member Posts: 24

    Salty Survivors have to always blame something when they die rather then them doing something stupid that got them killed.

    They'll blame you for lag switching if there is even a single lag spike the whole game.

    They'll blame their team.

    They'll blame anything but themselves.

    Truth is they're ######### and they don't want to admit that they ######### up because it just HAS to be something else's fault.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @Slyther83 said:
    Here's the thing- I actually work in the industry. Dedicated servers will provide better latency for all players averaged out- people will ping 50-75 across the board, during the game (not fakenews lobby latency), rather than the killer pinging zero and survivors at the mercy of thei killer's personal connection and rig (current status). I appreciate your trying to make a counterpoint, but what you said about increasing the overall latency is 100% false. If people have a poor connection, then it will affect only them (also, it's THEIR problem) not the other players who have a stable connection. I genuinely don't care what quotes you have about BHVR- whether or not you're quoting them directly or not. I manage a 55,000 sq ft. datacenter and provide infrastructure as a service for enterprise customers exponentially larger than BHVR. I know what I'm talking about- and this isn't even a complicated/debatable topic.

    This is not a data center issue, it is a physical location issue, and I am 100% correct. The P2P latency we currently have is much lower than the client-server-client latency that we will experience once the switch to dedicated servers is made. It’s simple math, instead of a single line between survivor and killer, we have 2 lines. This is why BHVR said the EXACT same thing, this WILL NOT reduce the overall latency, it will be at the very least, slightly worse. I’ve been writing software for over 40 years, 99% of that software communicates over long distances, and globally. I think I know what I’m talking about, and not just blowing numbers out of my ass.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    Kaelum said:

    @Slyther83 said:
    Here's the thing- I actually work in the industry. Dedicated servers will provide better latency for all players averaged out- people will ping 50-75 across the board, during the game (not fakenews lobby latency), rather than the killer pinging zero and survivors at the mercy of thei killer's personal connection and rig (current status). I appreciate your trying to make a counterpoint, but what you said about increasing the overall latency is 100% false. If people have a poor connection, then it will affect only them (also, it's THEIR problem) not the other players who have a stable connection. I genuinely don't care what quotes you have about BHVR- whether or not you're quoting them directly or not. I manage a 55,000 sq ft. datacenter and provide infrastructure as a service for enterprise customers exponentially larger than BHVR. I know what I'm talking about- and this isn't even a complicated/debatable topic.

    This is not a data center issue, it is a physical location issue, and I am 100% correct. The P2P latency we currently have is much lower than the client-server-client latency that we will experience once the switch to dedicated servers is made. It’s simple math, instead of a single line between survivor and killer, we have 2 lines. This is why BHVR said the EXACT same thing, this WILL NOT reduce the overall latency, it will be at the very least, slightly worse. I’ve been writing software for over 40 years, 99% of that software communicates over long distances, and globally. I think I know what I’m talking about, and not just blowing numbers out of my ass.

    It will be worse for killer, but better for survivors
  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @Master said:
    It will be worse for killer, but better for survivors

    It will be worse for everyone, no one will get better, but your overall experience might. If everyone has a great connection, the overall latency will still increase, and the overall experience will be somewhat worse than it is now, by a few milliseconds. If all the survivors have great connections, and the killer has a poor connection, the survivor experience will be similar to the previous great experience, but the killer’s experience will be significantly degraded.

    How will the experiences degrade? That all depends upon how BHVR codes the conflicts (conflicting actions coming in asynchronously). I would guess that they start with the current KYF situation, where the observer is the host (dedicated server), and go from there. Currently, the survivor is at the mercy of the host (dedicated server), and so is the killer when playing SWF. If you’ve ever played SWF as killer, and you are not the host, you know how broken then current system is, so I doubt that they’d leave it at that.