Am I the only one that feels humiliated when you don’t get kills?

I don’t know why but every time I get a 4-man escape I feel ashamed of myself, I don’t even know why I don’t take this game that seriously, the feeling is worse when I’m using Spirit because I think “Wow, you are using the strongest killer in a game and you couldn’t get at least one of them? Pathetic” I tried to use weakest killers so I can somewhat justify it by saying “Well, but I was using a low tier killer, it was gonna happen” anyone here feels the same?
Use Bubba. I promise you will get at least one of them.
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That's why many try face camping or tunneling. We still want to "win" and the satisfaction of knowing we at least got one, can still feel like a "lose". If they are decent they can get a four survivor escape and you only need to have a bad game or make 1-2 mistakes. Try taking mori, try forcing a 3-gen, and if necessary try tunneling. Sometimes you need to play "dirty" as a killer, it's part of the game.
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Don't let yourself feel that way; if things are going south, you could initiate farming for points and hooks. 99% seem to love that, even when the match is lopsided. That might cheer you up a bit and your BP balance will thank you.
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No, if I don’t get any kills, I’m happy because my MMR will go down as it should. And I just ignore toxicity.
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Focus on hooks instead of kills. You look at it a bit differently when you 2 hook everyone and you know if you wanted to you could have focused one of them out if you wanted to. Plus, what do you get if you sacrifice enough survivors? Higher MMR? Oh boy oh boy.
Spirit is kinda hard to learn so I wouldn't feel too bothered about that one. It's like when you start playing Nurse. It takes time.
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Lore wise, getting no kills may be a good thing because it gives survivors more hope. This makes them more delicious and filling when they're sacrificed to the Entity.🍰
The Entity may be displeased with your performance in the moment, but it won't be for long.
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I'm not worried about the end result... I can see what perks they brought and they can see what perks I brought
And even then I send GG's to those that I can
If anything there were Survivors whom told me "the best way to play a certain Killer"
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It is because of the wrong presentation.
We need to get away from this "threatening killer" perspective. It will just turn off the new players from the role.
That happened to me even before sbmm. Tried one killer game, thought I was the power role. Got humiliated then played survivor for few months before trying killer again with the new look on things lol.
I can't even imagine how it is for new killers now.
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If you understood the balance goals in this game then you wouldn't care. I feel more pity for the survivors when they don't 2-4 man escape
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This is solely my view, I honestly want a good match. Don't feel as though not getting a kill is something to feel bad about. I hardly get a kill sometimes and it's usually because I made a mistake, the survivors are efficient or use perks that many people run for second chances these.
If you gained blood points of 15 to 20k, I say you played a good match. Kills do have a high BP value but so does keeping the gens unfinished and hitting survivors.
You'll have good days and bad days. Take a 4 escape as a chance to evaluate what happened and learn from it. You tried your best and that's what should be most important to you. You're playing a role that is difficult, especially with how dirty a lot of survivors play and the heavy usage of perks such as d strike, deadhead, borrowed time and head on.
Playing as a killer is hard especially against skilled survivors and a sometimes rough map choice. Learn from each match and polish your skills. Perhaps you haven't found a killer that best suits you yet.
The game can be and is very imbalanced and that's because a lot of people complain about silly things such as not getting easy kills, a perk being on, a killer needing a buff, the list goes on. Play this game for yourself, not for others.
Don't feel bad about not getting kills, everyone who plays as killer has those days. The more you play a certain killer, the more you understand how they work, when is a good time to strike and how to mind game a survivor into making a mistake. It's all a learning process, my friend.
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This game is very survivor sided so I don't anymore. Sometimes you just have to realize there's some matches you literally cannot win and don't blame yourself when the majority of the time the game is set up to make you fail.
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As long as I get my 4 stacks of BBQ I really, truly could care less if all 4 survivors escape or not. I personally aim for hooking everyone 2-3 times because I am a BP fiend but that's just me and I do just fine with that play style typically getting 1-2 kills or more.
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Depends on hooks. 0-3 hooks and yeah, feels bad. If I got like 7+ hooks or something and 4 escape, I'm not that bothered. As long as I had clear offense and didn't get totally smoked.
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Don't feel ashamed for losing in a video game. Its just a game. A very survivor sided game, too. Losing as killer, particularly in these tough MMR times is nothing to feel bad about. Especially if you are playing anyone who isn't Nurse, Spirit or Blight.
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I wouldn't ever feel humiliated, this game is warped. I've gone against absolutely awful killers who go on to get 4ks thanks to NOED or even worse teammates. And then go against killers where I'm like "damn this killer is pretty damn good" but they don't get any kills thanks to hyper efficient survivors and bad map/map RNG . Just embrace the chaos I guess.
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Playing for the win or at least to have a good fight is natural. No one is willing to play just to participate and get stomped.
If you know you have no chance, why would you even try ?
That's how the nature works.
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Survivors will serve up mines full of salt (especially when they win!) so why should you do their job for them by talking down to yourself? The more perks and survivor buffs this game gets, the harder it is going to be to get a 4K. I used to have no problem staying in red ranks while playing fair, but lately I’ve had matches where I resorted to camping to get a few more hooks and maybe a 1k. Killer is on hard mode right now, Don’t feel bad. It might help to try to do different things each match, like making a certain perk combo work or trying to 2x hook 3 people. If you set these little mini-wins for yourself, it will take the pressure off to go for kills in harder matches.
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There's a bit of a problem where the game gives no recognition to hooks, when death hooks are kind of arbitrary.
A killer that gets one hook in EGC and then camps it to death gets more recognition than a killer that bangs out 8 hooks but fails to kill anyone.
There should be way more recognition for high hook counts. Post-game screen, the survivors' emblems should show gashes based on how often they were hooked.
In the trial itself, it'd be cool if the atmosphere became more oppressive the more hooks the killer gets.
Just anything to have the game recognise that 8 hooks, 0 kills is better than 1 hook, 1 kill.
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I don't think any game could ever make me feel humiliated. That honour goes to real life people :'(
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Kills are not so important as hooks. It's very boring when u can't hook and forced to tunnel/camp. Like game with 10 hook is much interesting for both sides than game with 2.
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Everybody can have a bad game once in a while. Especially in a swingy game like dbd where a single mistake can completly flip a match out of control.
Profesional fighting gamers also get flawlessed from time to time. Profesional shooter gamers also end with a negative K/D ratio sometimes.
It happens. Take it as a learning experience and move on.
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Visa versa also.
If you know 4 man escapes were impossible, why would you even try?
If you're okay with 4K's you should be okay with 4 escapes
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I don’t take this game that serious, so I can’t say I relate.
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My advice is to not focus on kills as the sole indicator how how you played. I've definitely had 0K matches where I made them work their butts off to get out in which I played better than 4K games against a bunch of noobs. It sounds corny af, but it's really about having fun. Too many people get raging serious about this game, and there's no good reason for it.
And I don't know how many hours you have in, but I was pretty deep into the game before I got to the point where I wasn't losing most of my games as killer.
Also, I would advise not to use the easiest killers, you won't get much better that way. But also don't use the highest skill ceiling killers early, that can be demoralizing. And because Spirit has the rep of being one of the best killers, doesn't mean survivors are just going to be throwing themselves on hooks for you. She's only really OP in the hands of very experienced players. Even moreso for Nurse, who is probably is the best killer on the game (in the right hands). And if you are early on, use NOED. But don't use Bubba, you don't want to turn into one of...them. (joking not joking)
It's like anything else, you can get the best equipment for whatever it is you are trying to do, but if you don't have the basics down, you're still not to get the results you want. Be patient, proficiency only comes through a ton of failure, but it will come.
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If you know you cannot escape*
As a survivor, if you escape is considered as a win even though the 3 others died. So it's different.
A killer getting less than 2k is considered a loose, MMR wise.
But as a survivor, once you escape, you have won points.
But globally i agree, both sides should be able to win and the outcome should be determined by skill which is not the case atm. "Unskilled" survivors that spread and do gens will get at least a draw.
Good survivors gathered together will always win.
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It feels less bad when you know how common it is. Literally, anyone who doesn't play Wraith or doesn't main him, go play Wraith until you get high MMR, and when you get 0k after 1k after 0k games, then you'll be able to feel what humiliation the OP is talking about.
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I used to when I first started the game, until like a year ago. Now I don't care if I win or lose, as long as I got a good amount of BP.
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It doesn't even take high MMR Wraith games to realize just how normal losing as killer is.
Literally just play any killer without slowdown builds and without tactics that are deemed unfair (camping, tunneling, slugging) and see what matches look like when you face survivors who do gens and hold W.
That's all it takes to make just about any killer lose unless it's a die hard Nurse main, Blight main and maybe(?) Spirit with her best addons.
Any 'normal' killer has to tunnel, camp, slug and run every slowdown in the book to have a chance against just decent (not even perfect, just decent) survivors.
By the way this post isn't directly/exclusively for you @danielmaster87 as I know you're not new to the game.
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Yes, and i thought the same thing after a very bad match with Spirit.
No hooks and no injured survivors except one.
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Before hitting the 1.000 hours maybe.
But now when this happen I know it's due the game unbalance instead of being outplayed the 90% of the times it happens (4 dead hards, huge map with a low mobility killer, ruin being cleansed in the first 2 minutes, etc).
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Dead by Daylight is a unique game. It stands in the company of other asymmetric games, but it has unique aspects that other games don't that affect our psychology as we play. I wanted to explain these concepts and have some advice for how to counter them.
Concept 1: Humiliation DbD's gameplay is centered on humiliating your adversary. I would argue that every aspect of the gameplay is an act of humiliation, not competition, like you see in other games. The reward-based outcomes combined with asymmetric gameplay makes DbD uniquely painful to emotionally process both your losses AND wins. Let's look at the various aspects of gameplay:
Killer Humiliates
- Frustrates a survivor's ability to contribute to their team (social humiliation)
- Frustrates a survivor's ability to level up and earn points (reward-denial humiliation)
- Frustrates a survivor's ability to appear competent in front of their survivor peers (mild self-esteem humiliation)
Survivor Humiliates
- Frustrates a killer's ability to appear competitive and threatening in the game environment (social)
- Frustrates a killer's ability to level up and earn points (reward-denial humiliation)
- Humiliates the killer in post-game chat, something that while survivors aren't immune to, but have group social support resources to easily heal from (severe self-esteem humiliation)
Concept 2: Rollercoaster of Emotional Injury If a killer wins, but doesn't win "right" (camping, some glitch, lag, etc) they are deprived of their celebration by the survivors (survivor decides whether killers can celebrate, another humiliation). If a survivor wins, but everyone doesn't survive, the sacrificed survivor is deprived of joining in the celebration (the killer can take this opportunity to humiliate them). Through all of this, both player sides undergo extreme stress.
Killer Stress
Killers experience states of stress throughout the game: trying to find survivors, being evaded by survivors, losing track of survivors, and protecting hooks from survivor saves. Killers, at no point, have any moment of emotional peace or sense of "safety" from these states. The emotional injury ALWAYS ramps up in post-game end chat, and at the gate, where killers are ritualistically humiliated by twerking/circling/various taunts.
Survivor Stress
Survivors experience states of stress, too, with waves of calm: hiding, peacefully working on gens with their peers, being in the terror radius, evading, and being on the hook. Successful evasion and successful hides are followed by positive feelings of calm, while being chased is stressful, and being caught, hooked, and killed is a very substantial, large loss. A hooked survivor has disappointed their team, lost a huge amount of point potential, and been humiliated by the killer. Watch streamer facial expressions change when they realize they cannot be rescued and are dead, after a long match. There is pain in their face.
Conclusion and Mental Health Self-Heal Advice
- Some people might argue that a lot of these issues are common in multiplayer games, but I would argue that they are not found ALL together, with so few resources to heal with.
- Collectively, I think DbD's gameplay experiences have a huge potential to disrupt a player's personal life and their overall mood state.
Here are some tips that will help you stay healthy while playing:
Mental Health Self-care Advice
- In-game, try to focus on the strategies you're using, rather than on the outcomes of those strategies. Streamers are experts at doing this. They attribute every loss to the failure of the strategy, not to themselves. Those that don’t can be seen raging and screaming regularly in their streams.
- Rationalize more of the game. For killers, this involves predicting survivor movement, and recognizing that some survivors are better than others, and will be harder or even impossible to catch. For survivors, this means evaluating your killers’ and your teammates relative skills and recognizing that they all have different skill-levels and different gameplay styles. Sometime they just aren't competent enough to risk help.
- Accept the things you can’t control. Some killers camp every single game. Some survivors never go for saves. Some survivors loop every object. You can’t control that, or change them, so accept it as a certainty. Try not to read into why they do things - accept them for what they are – like an Evil Dwight. There are evil survivors that just want to loop: accept them as evil loopers and rationalize their gameplay style as an effective one, and rationalize over a new strategy. If the strategy fails, the strategy fails, not you.
- Use the “close chat” button. If you insist on reading the chat, come up with a standard nonsensical response to taunts and abuse. It can't be sensical, because then it can result in a painful counter-response. Be silly, and be disconnected from the outcomes of the game. As killer, I make growl sounds or just spam HAHAHAHAHA. Asian cultures do the same thing to diffuse social tension (laughing). As survivor, you need to rely on speaking to your teammates, like remarking on how much fun you had playing together. That helps them too!
Quoted directly from:
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Not with MMR I'm very happy having all survivors escape if if was a fun game when playing killer.
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I don’t know why but every time I get a 4-man escape I feel ashamed of myself, I don’t even know why I don’t take this game that seriously, the feeling is worse when I’m using Spirit because I think “Wow, you are using the strongest killer in a game and you couldn’t get at least one of them? Pathetic” I tried to use weakest killers so I can somewhat justify it by saying “Well, but I was using a low tier killer, it was gonna happen” anyone here feels the same?
issue got solved!!
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Seeing traps get sabo as trapper Is humiliation.
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It's natural to have a sense of inadequacy if you don't get a kill, you statistically have the advantage sans time and you still couldn't get a single objective done. You were quite literally inadequate, especially with the MMR system that thought you'd be getting at least a 2K.
But take that sense of shame and use it as fuel to improve yourself!
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Doesn't bother me any. Just means I faced better players. Sometimes the other side is better.
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I don't feel bad when I get 0 kills because the game is very flawed. I either just play another match or I play something else.
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I don't feel ahamed, I just feel unlucky (especially when I'm not running meta perks). For example, I'm playing trickster on Haddonfield, If I get even 3 hooks I feel [BAD WORD] AMAZING. Cause that map is super bad for trickster unless you funnel them into a long wall short fence somewhere, and 9/10 there will be a tall wall with a hole in it for them to loop. Sometimes my man just look at the scenario and say its unlucky, because a lot of killer success is dictated before you even start the game a lot of times. Now sometimes yea you just suck if you are swinging and hitting walls instead of survivors, but you get better at it overtime. GLHFNG
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Survivor is not even close to stress levels you can get as a killer. Or humiliation for that mather. Imo.
When I play survivor I don't expect to be a power role even if I end up to be. So dying doesn't frustrate me at all.
As a killer you are supposed to be a badass. But everyone craps on you a lot of the time and you end up feeling powerless. Even wins don't cut it when you don't feel that power you are supposed to have and you just won by their mistakes or by strategising like a normal human being. Not a deadly monster.
That is my problem with the killer role. But playing as a survivor is not that satisfying either anymore when killers don't feel like a threat.
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I'm fine with a 4-man escape as long as I feel I played well.
I feel bleh about a game if I got less than 6 hooks, and pretty frustrated if I get seriously outplayed and the team was douchey about it. Humiliation might be getting 1-2 hooks against a clicky clicky tbag squad.
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Depends on how I'm feeling at the time.
I for sure have the "strong killer complex", meaning if i play spirit or other strong killers, i feel this huge pressure to perform well and if i don't i feel like i'm ungodly terrible. Hence why i tend to play weaker killers
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Ummm no? Cause it's only a game lol
Back in the day, yeah I would've felt like this but after three years playing. I really do not care.
I learned to not take the game serious enough to feel any type of way about dumb stuff like kills etc...
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unless you get a giant map full of jungle gyms
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I thought killers don't like farming and it'sa waste of their time? A lot of comments I have seen in other threads killers say this a lot. I could be wrong though wouldn't be the first.
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I've also seen that, but I don't mind; it can get boring, especially if they want to farm for too long and are too immersed to farm, lol