Ban times

I dcd twice this week. One against a hacker and one against a camping and tunneling trickster. First dc is 15 minutes whatever. The second is 12 ######### hours. Excuse me? Excuse the ######### outta me? Whatever the ######### happened to the other numbers, pull a Microsoft and skip em? Maybe fix the ban timer AND the game before you implement a ban. Dc for hackers and get more punishment than the damn hacker. Disgraceful
DC against camping/tunneling is just pathetic. Just die on the hook, it doesn't sound like he is keeping you hostage.
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I would think camping and tunneling at 5 gens is more pathetic than wanting to leave the damn game but each to their own
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What did times do to upset you?
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It's a legit strat. While DC stabs your teammates and leaves them 3v1 on 5 games that ends with 3-4K. If u care only about yourself - play killer.
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Considering the first disconnect penalty is five minutes, not fifteen, one gets the impression that you're not telling the whole story.
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When I get tunneled out, I get annoyed, don't dc, then just move in to the next match when I die bc clearly the match won't take long if they are tunneling you from the start. I do what I can for my team, stay alive on hook as long as possible if being camped and try to get chased as long as I can to buy them time. Then when I inevitably die, I leave match and go into another lobby. DCing early makes the game significantly harder for the rest of the survivors.
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I am not here to compare which one is more pathetic, I simply stated that DCing for tunneling/camping is not really a solid reason to DC when you actually have a way out of the game and what the Killer does might be annoying/unfair but still within rules of the game and viable strategy to win matches. Besides, you would have to DC a lot because tunnel/camping is pretty regular in this game.
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If you got a 12 hour ban you certainly haven't DCed only twice.
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They do take the game hostage though. Had a hacker activate infinite bloodwarden on the doors, and stop the egc timer. Then spent 40 minutes bouncing on top of the end gate. I didn't think it would take 40 minutes so I went afk to watch netflix, then lost track of time to realize they still were taking the game hostage.
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I was not talking about cheaters tho.
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I would think so
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If you only care about yourself go play killer then
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Okay to everyone saying I abandoned my team, I left when I got farmed and downed on death hook. I didn't exactly have a lot to contribute. And the entire reason I'm complaining about the ban is that it seems B U G G E D. Not that it was legit. I played about 7 games of killer and like 4 as surv. All twins, then all quentin. 1st game I get a hacker who held it hostage with that endgame hook thing. Left. Was confused by a 15 min ban but whatever, I'll give it that maybe I left a game the day prior and forgot. But after a couple games I switch to surv. Play 3 games fine, then the game I spoke of. When I got to the menu and saw a 12 hour ban I was a little taken aback. My entire argument is that something happened with the ban time. Is it exactly unlike bhvr to break things?
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Stop dc’ing and you don’t have to worry about bans
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The 1st penalty is 5 minutes, the 2nd is 15, 3rd is 1 hour and so on. Also every 24h the penalty resets to the previous one, so if you got 12h you must have DCed a lot. If not, report a bug.
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I’m not sure why some people post that they got really long bans for disconnecting and expect to get sympathy. Disconnecting ruins the game for all the other players, you’re not getting any sympathy from me, at least.
Stop disconnecting or play something else.
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So what about those hacker games where your forced to dc? You'd be shocked as to how common they are
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Did after I posted this thread
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I doubt I’d be shocked. I’ve yet to have that happen in any of my matches. Doesn’t seem to happen to streamers very often either.
Simply put you don’t get a 12 hour ban because you kept running into hackers.
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I am calling the 12 hour ban a bug or something wrong. If I deserved it for dcing 20 times I wouldn't waste time complaining. But this was 15 mins to 12 hours. That don't seem right to me. I already submitted a bug report.
And from what I've seen, it happens to streamers like crazy, one has his switch on stand by in case
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DC timers don't get bugged, you dc a lot.
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Ah yes, because as we all know, BHVR n e v e r messes up the most basic things, never ever, they have the most optimized and bug free game to date!
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If you think you've encountered a bug, please report it - I just checked I can't see a report made by presuming you've not done that yet. If you supply your Cloud ID I can look into it properly for you, and see exactly what happened.