Survivor Main shouldnt blame Killers for tunneling when they are abusing a Perk like Dead Hard



  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,161

    Yeah, that's the truth. It's all "don't blame me for tunneling if you use this" but really it's "if you don't use this I'll tunnel you because it's easier." The killer wants to eat the DS and get it out of the way early. Oh, the survivor isn't running DS? Great! Back on the hook you go. 😒 ... Dude. C'mon. Killers complain about the meta but meme builds are a death sentence.

    I'm still gonna meme though, because playing for real in this game is the least fun thing a person can do. I am so confused by players who take this game seriously. You haven't lived until your friend has gotten you off the hook and then the two of you keep trying to push in front of the other to get a protection hit while the killer stands there just looking at the both of you. (I wasn't even running WGLF; I just thought it was funny.)

    Anyway, for now, I'd rather die than run Dead Hard. And I do die. A lot. ❤️💀

    I agree with this 99.9%... except for the previous version of DS when a survivor would do something like hop on a gen in the killer's face, get pulled off, DS the killer, and then pop the gen. I saw that happen too often when I played survivor. Maybe it wasn't abusing the perk, but I'd feel bad for the killer. I always quietly hoped for the survivor to get tunneled out after.

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    I really don't understand how killers have Fun playing camping and tunneling. It destroys the mood for everybody. Especially solo q players. When I play killer I never tunnel/camp anyone cause I'm so tired of this being done to me.

    About DH, It's working as it's supposed a long time ago. If your "wasting" a lot of time on someone with DH what about changing targets? What about going Patrol some gens ?

    Or even more simple, shake your head close to then and see if them use it right away.

    Seriously, people look for excuses Just to have that Sweet Sweet 4k, and at the end of the day it works, because the game is built around not having counters to camping and tunneling (don't even start with the DS/BT argument, everything Works on paper, but I'm talking exclusively about my Solo Q experience), even more now with MMR on.

  • ForTheLolz1121
    ForTheLolz1121 Member Posts: 12

    By saying this, you basically are saying 90% of survivor mains are ridiculous. How? Because these survivor mains are the people who enjoy complaining about NOED and saying that it's "unfair". If you couldn't tell, I think NOED is a good and well-balanced perk.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited November 2021

    Killers do not need a single perk to tunnel

    Tunneling does not leave the Killer winded for 40 seconds, preventing them from tunneling further

    Survivor perks and addons do not make the Killer winded, shutting down tunneling before it begins

    Tunneling does not need server validation

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    They are ridiculous too. Don't mistake me for defending survivors saying the same things.

    As a survivor main I feel noed is a fine perk too.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Why is this becoming such an issue for some now? Gen speeds havent changed. BNPs were majorly nerfed and survivors havent gotten any gen speed perks (except Prove but thats not new). Killers have gotten a number of gen slow down perks. DH hasnt changed either except for the server validation which you cant really say is unfair.

    I just dont understand how people are suddenly up in arms and claiming that its suddenly unplayable when things havent really changed in 5 years??

    I literally dont understand and if someone can explain this to me i'd be very grateful!

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    They aren't abusing it, they're simply using it. It's annoying to go against, but that's just how it is. The only issue is the stupid hit validation that tells us we hit the survivor but they're still running away.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    just do bones lol

  • Miles
    Miles Member Posts: 461

    lets stop giving dead hard crap. Its working as it should now, it may get some balance changes now. Because from what i have seen, DH has been untouched due to it getting people exhausted on the ground (which was bs, the exhaustion wasnt even real, it dissapeared the moment you got picked up, even if under 40 seconds.). Now that is fixed and running, it might get his ankles broken for once.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    People like to blame the game for forcing them to tunnel, but lets be real you would do it anyway. It's not the game it's you, you want to win at any cost and don't care about having fun. If you did you wouldn't play killer. I'm so tired of killers saying "I have to run this" or "do that". No you don't. Even if you fee like you do you, I'm guessing you run the same meta perks for killer, before the match started, you clearly don't care about anyone else's fun except your own. Before you say "well survivors don't." Yeah But you are just as bad, in fact you are worse because you want the game to change but won't make an active effort yourself. Genuinely toxic mindset.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Just gonna point out that in the 3 pages worth of responses the OP never once responded to 1. Not 1.

    This post that rattled so many cages shouldn't even be taken serious. It not only shows OP is clearly inexperienced, probably heard someone else say "Dead Hard OP" so they made a thread, or maybe they just wanted to get people rattled up.

    It's always these types of people creating these meaningless threads.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259
    edited November 2021

    Those damn survivors, who the hell do they think they are running perks