New Pig Add On Nerf

Add on is way to op better than corrupt better than ruin when it comes to early game pressure and killers say the game is survivor side
It's pretty mediocre.
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It's probably one of her worst add-ons.
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It's honestly not even that good.
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And here I thought that add on was ass
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It's really not that strong. Pig loses all of her traps at the beginning of the game, so once all the survivors remove their traps she has nothing to keep pressure with.
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Are you talking about the Video Tape? If so, then my guess is your killer experience is extremely limited, or nil.
It's an interesting add-on and has potential for some early game chaos -- but only if paired with Rules Set No. 2. Even then, traps won't be active unless a gen gets done, and the traps are still at the mercy of what usually feels like terrible RNG (the number of traps that come off on first box always seems higher than what statistically it should be).
For an ultra-rare, is SHOULD be at least somewhat powerful, but it leaves a Pig with zero traps -- and potentially no middle/late-game pressure -- unless they run another add-on to get, at most, one more trap. If those traps come off quickly -- definitely a possibility -- a Pig's one opportunity to keep a game under control is right out the window.
The add-on is in no way OP. To say it's better than a Ruin that stays up (in those rare occasions) betrays a lack of killer experience, frankly.
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I don't think its amazing, but its not awful. You guarantee wasting survivor's time. But it you down survivors and hat as you go, you get the same value minus the 5 seconds it would take to put every hat on (1.25 per). So at its worst, it saves you about 5 seconds of game time, at its best it gives you hats you would have never gotten and every survivor looks for puzzles at the same time.
Its got so much counter play though, because you can just stealth around if no one else does a gen until you get the hat off... the element of "Surprise its a PIG" is gone cause everyone sees the hat so they know to look out for stealth.
This add-on is perfectly balanced.
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what add on?
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It’s a nice balanced add-on that changes her gameplay I don’t see any issues. Early game slowdown in exchange you loose Mid-Game late game slowdowns
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Question. Considering this addon without ruin , isn't just a matter of 99'ing gens to not activate them?
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It's best paired with the Annotated Plan Add on. In your scenario it would probably result in instant death for all those still with the Bear Trap on, once the fifth gen popped.
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Video Tape has a few flaws that really keep it from being as threatening as it should be.
First survivors having traps on their heads doesn't mean anything unless it's active. Survivors are in control of when gens pop to trigger the active state of a trap and pig isn't a threatening killer in chase. This means it's not hard for survivors to spend some time at the start of the match to get the trap off since even with the early game slowdown pig can still struggle to get early downs.
Second, finding boxes even with ruleset no. 2 isn't hard. Survivors generally spawn near a box at the start. Boxes are loud meaning that even without seeing the box aura you can still figure out where boxes are when you get close enough. Boxes generally spawn apart from each other meaning it's not hard to figure out where other boxes are by knowing where 1 or 2 boxes are. This generally means that while you might slow down the first gen as survivors spend some time to remove the trap, often when the first gen pops most survivors don't have a trap on their head.
It's a unique addon, but pig will generally get more value placing a trap on a survivor she downs as a survivor being rescued with an active trap is more of a threat than starting with an inactive trap.
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Hmm yes this game is totally killer sided when 4 survivors can stack 4 second chance perks, map offerings to badham, haddonfield, cold wind etc, having fast gen speed with ridiculous gen spreads, able to deny an entity block by slow vaulting a strong window, only having 5 gens to, open maps to see the killer from coming 1000 miles away. But killer sided game right? Also I hope you realize the video tape addon takes her 4 traps she starts with gets placed on the survivors head at the start of the trial and getting traps off isn't that hard.
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Just delete pig from the game she's too op
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Its one of her worst add on. She start the trial with no power and they can remove traps very quickly, they sometimes spawn next to jigsaw box. This add on need a huge buff
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This is the best exemple of video tape. This is the worst add on ever. She would need her 4 traps base kit with the 4 traps already instealled to be a least a little good. If they keep it like that its not more than yellow