Death Threats after game

I just want to show you some exceptional toxic players I have the pleasure to meet today. Of course, I send a ticket and I hope this guy will be banned since he's not mentally stable enough to play with other players. I can understand a lot, and usually, I tried to act cool and even make dark humor jokes about it but this guy just fueled himself and was getting worse and worse each sentence. I also have a bad game, and sometimes I am toxic when the killer face camped me, but what does it takes to become that kind of guy, death treats crossing the line too far from being mad about the game.
I have video of the chat, but i made some screens from the video and censored his nick since rules wont let me show it.
Good job on the report.
Another reason why I should not bother to open end game chat.
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I will still be opening the chat for that wholesome moments I sometimes have but unfortunately, you do have a chance for something like this.
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Waiting for the victim blaming comments
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Anyone that tells someone else to end their own life doesn’t deserve to belong in society.
Just report people like this, they obviously have underlying issues which you won’t be able to fix by responding to them.
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The best thing is we didn't even gen rush. One of us had a green repair box without add ons, none of our team had generator speed perks and I for the majority of the game just looped the killer that's why my team had so much time to finish the gens. Its like unhooking ur teammate in front of the killer and then call the killer tunneler and camper.
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Imagine if OP suddenly stopped posting cause the Russians got him
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Yes :)
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Haha, I don't usually use the forums ( I just had to share that story because I never experienced such a toxic guy before )so there is a high chance that Russians gonna be to blame when I won't post anything xd
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You handled that well. Hopefully he does get banned.
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For all I know you could the Russian hitman now and it's already too late
RIP Tsunami
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It is what it is.
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The only real way to deal with it is to not respond.
For these people its the attention they want. It validates them. Even being nice doesn't work because they still see you as acknowledging them. If you ignore them, and they stop getting any response, they will either stop or slow down immensely.
Even this post if seen by the player will encourage them to do it more. If anyone says anything negative that will not only make them feel validated but vindicated as they will use what is said to justify future behaviour "see they are just as bad as me!".
This doesn't mean don't look at chat if you like it. It means talk around them. If you toss out a gg and someone else does as well talk to them, but don't acknowledge the screaming kid.
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Its just pixel, just grow thicker skin and move on
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Thank you, I do hope for that.
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How did you know? Delete that message now!~`
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It's true, better to ignore that kind of person for the future, but there was a case in which I managed to calm down the angry player when I joked around and admitted to some of his points about what's irritating in the game, but this guy was beyond saving. Also if this guy will be banned then it was worth continuing the conversation since he won't meet a kid, or some other guy with mental health struggles.
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Whilst I can empathise and understand how you feel with regards to this, I have deleted the comments because they clearly break our forum rules.
Please make sure to report these things in game, our ACM's will act upon this type of chat offences.