It’s very clear y’all want Spirit gutted
No you gotta realize that every killer is OP. They’re all a problem because they can kill.
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Yeah we need to add back the slow from his cooldown and make him 110% like all the other strong anti loop killers
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They can.. all kill?
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and remove nurse
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Well honestly I would love to see Nurse nerfed. She is the epitome of unbalanced.
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To be honest her high skill ceiling is what balances her tbh. I tried her this weekend and I respect anyone who can play her that good.
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Because it is op. Spirit moves at like mach 7 with it, it makes it near impossible to do anything because she is so fast.
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when I play as her she feels slow, don't know why.
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That is something I noticed as well, she is a little clunky rn
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It’s not terrible but yeah it does feel a little weird.
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Yea but the downside is she cant see scratch marks anymore.
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MDR on its own is fine, it’s the fact That it becomes insanely strong when paired with the DCB
basically you move really fast ON TOP OF having killer instinct... you see now? Mdr is fine but nerf DCB so it only works on silent survivors ( Tier 3 IW )
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An iri addon that makes it so crouching still sets off traps would be fun. 😂 She needs a second iri anyway.
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Hey just swing at the start of the match before phasing ( once ) and you’ll be good for the remainder of the match, you can do this in every match :)
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Oh I didn’t know that thanks :)
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I still have yet to face a spirit after her nerf. I want to play against her so I can learn the new mechanics. Guess that won't happen since she's not an ez 4k machine now.
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I will take losing to a nurse in 10 seconds of a match vs spirit, at least with nurse I can assume how and when to loop her, spirit with her wierd spin spin twister game is just pssh.
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You're finally waking up, Gannman.
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That you are.
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That doesn't matter, it practically does nothing when she can still track survivors through other means while moving at lightspeed.
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You know how hard it is to actually track by other means of you dot have the withered cherry blossem to get killer instinct to go off. Or if your on indoor maps without tall grass to see moving.
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I think what they’re getting at is that you’ve been pretty lenient (accepting) about the latest nerfs Spirit got, considering you’re a Spirit player.
But now you’re “waking up” realizing that nerfs are the result of survivors that can’t handle killers that they can’t loop for free.
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Makes sense.
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I think spirit is completely balanced now apart from MDR and CB combo. Stand still mind game doesn’t work anymore and you can hear her phasing direction.
Survivors that say otherwise probably aren’t accustomed to playing against spirit or should just bring spine chill and IW if they think she’s that OP. works wonders.
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Yeah but those are ultra and very rare addons, they SHOULD be powerful since they’re less plentiful. Also, they completely remove scratch marks as soon as you start charging phase, which is a pretty good “negative”.
Trust me, noob Spirits can’t use MDR/CB and do well.
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I mean it doesn't surprise me if the devs will go through with gutting her if they can gut and squash Nemesis with ease.
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Agree, but do you think it’ll be a problem if a good spirit utilizes that combo? Barring the add-ons being rare and all. Seeing that it would almost guarantee a steamroll, which the devs so desperately want to attempt to facilitate 50-50 matches.
To be fair, if it was a good spirit they would be performing well regardless of the add-ons being used.
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It's pretty clear some people just want every killer to be an easy 4 man escape.
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Its a good thing the devs seem to agree with that sentiment.
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Give me a nurse vs a spirit any time or day even if she whops me in 10 seconds.
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How many times are you going to say that? You made your point ok.
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Until they give the dust kicking nerf and remove the garbage audio ear bleeding sound. why people think nurse should be nerfed anyway? she gives you a chance to predict how to dodge her.
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Nurse ignores every game mechanic. She has no place in the game. Spirit at least has to obey the rules of the game.
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I would love to see nurse nerfed into the ground. I dont think killers in general will ever get the buffs they deserve as long as she is viable, as much as i hate to say that.
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Until the game mechanics get addressed by removing god pallets, incredibly safe loops with no mind game potential and BVHR also addresses maps like Haddonfield or Gideon's where there's a pallet every 8 meters then Nurse should stay as she is.
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No please not the dust kicking.
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Nope we gotta make it easy mode for survivors. Looping killers shouldn’t be this hard :’(
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How about we just let survivors see Spirit when she’s phasing? 🤷🏼♂️
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That will be balanced! This will stop the Spirit from killing which is something we would like to avoid.
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Nurse is much more respectable than spirit. Besides after trickster even though nurse is S tier she still have rather low killings anyways compared to spirits so apparently nurse is fine.
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Cenobite needs a buff? Youre joking, arent you?
Ceno has the best killer stats overall on DBD when it comes down to Kills per Match.
Everything else i would agree.
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For the 100th time she got nerfed. The BS parts of her were gutted. Quit complaining because you can’t run around junk and think you’re amazing at the game.
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I wouldn't be surprised if those numbers are largely attributed by newer players. Without his chain hunt, Pinhead literally has an ability that's a Nurse blink except that it doesn't teleport you there and can't down survivors. Instead you get rewarded the same effect as Clown's intoxication bottle for something that's incredibly risky to miss against decent survivors and the chains will very likely break too quick for you to gain any meaningful distance (if at all).
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Not just Spirit.. Blight and Nurse too, pretty please
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Nerf spirit more 🤣
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Nurse complaints are justified tbh.
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Yeah let’s nerf her to the point where anyone with a brain can avoid even the best player in the world with no effort.
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He is a new killer who people don't know how to counter - after that hes just an m1 killer