The State of the Game Right Now

What started it? What was the point that caused everything to go downhill and why can’t the devs make the game better?
Slinger nerf and boon introductions. Mostly boons
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Twins, I feel like with the introduction of Twins things took a very steep and rocky decline
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I’m still having fun with the game. 🤷♂️
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Games in a good spot though....
Just why base skill over escapes and kills as well as balancing around 2K 2E.
Honestly the community is to blame for most of it, they always make it a us vs them instead of overall health. That's because you have people that play one side instead of both, half the people that complain about something have never tried it themselves especially with a working rank system
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Yeah, me too. But they game I feel has regressed significantly since probably after blight’s release. There are a lot more issues (even though there were still a lot back then) and unfair tactics are more prevalent than ever.
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The continued ignorance of balance issues. And the implementation of new mechanics that don't take this balance issues into account.. therefore making the problem even bigger.
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You personally having fun doesn't mean the game is in a good state overall.
To answer, it started struggling after the Twins chapter, but it's really been in a rough patch ever since Resident Evil.
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I agree, after Blight things have steadily gone down hill. There have been some bright spots like improved windows, pallets, and fixing dead hard.
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They've been mostly treating symptoms instead of causes for many years. And I think the amount of RNG in the game is more a source of frustration than a source of fun
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Unnecessary changes and failure to listen to feedback.
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They only make changes when something is "boring" and "frustrating" for the survivor player to play against, but they couldn't care less how aggravating something is for the killer to play against, see SWF, busted maps, 8,000 second chance perks, Dead Hard, etc. etc. etc.
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Me having fun also doesn't mean it's in a bad state overall.
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The only change they do is when something is boring for the survivor but never for the killer.
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Honestly, I think it's mostly a question of scale. When the game first launched, the devs made decisions that were appropriate to a small title that might or might not succeed, but those decisions aren't appropriate to a large title that has to sustain itself for years. So, now, they're constantly trying to renovate a building that has the wrong kind of foundation and, no matter what they do, unless they were going to redesign the game from the ground up, it's always going to be kind of broken.
I actually think that if there were a Dead by Daylight 2, it would probably address most of the problems and provide a better experience. But now we've all gone so deep on paying for DBD 1 that I don't see how that would work.
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That fact the almost never take the killer side into account. Let's nerf DS and well buff him to but the buff is only like 30% as good of the nerf. Rpd enough said, boons making it almost impossible now to make maps smaller because boons cover a 48 meter area,mori nerfs and yr to change a number or to on keys.......
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The wrong role is the power role right now. That's why.
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This right here is it.
Since the Binding of kin chapter this game overall has slowly gotten more abysmal.
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The game it self hasnt been on a decline, over the years its been only getting better
What is on a decline is the community, which has been getting worst and worst
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in a good spot!? really? a lot of killers main are leaving the game because not only playing killer is extremely frustrating and unfun than ever!, but some new perks(boon totems) are breaking tha game with insane healing speed, no scratchmarks and no aura detection, + it's a middle finger for killers since they asked for something similar for years but the devs stated that "it would bee too much and things could get out fo hands"
the new MM is pure bullshit and behaviour even dare to say "we took time to make this new mm done as intended, and it will work properly", then they release a dumb Mm that match people not based on skill(like they said), but purely based on kills/escapes(wich again, they told us that they weren't going to do such a simple and dumb MM, yet here we are).
"the communitiy is to blame", hek no!, i agree most of the times, people can be really toxic, bu Behaviour was the worst of the worst..... liying and ignoring the community the whole time is only the tip of the iceberg.
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It's in a decent spot... as of right now
But I'd say that the Devs putting out new content every 3 months does need to slow down
They do need to focus a lot more on "balancing" out a few things though
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In the interview with matt cote, king and paulie esther, matt said that they gave up on balancing everything a few years ago. If you have been playing a while, you kinda watched things decline in balancing with the start of hex: ruin.
Since then, both killers and survivors have received buffs and nerfs, but I would say the biggest difference in their treatment is that the average changes over time have resulted in more buffs for survivors than killers. When killer things are buffed, they nerf something along with the buff. When survivor things are buffed, they're usually not nerfed anywhere. Over time this has lead to disparities in balance.
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It went down hill at clowns release.
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Umm have you not played the game when it first came out? Was no slow vaults, loads of pallets, windows didnt block, Hooks could all be 99 sabotaged etc.
And the community doesnt even know what they want always us vs them and not ever health updates for all. Just look at the forums we have people moaning about how spirit can hear breathing, we nerfed wraith and deathslinger because they was so highly complained about. They wasnt even hitting a 2.8k average yet was nerfed.
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But that's when they actually fixed pallets and windows!
Yeah, balancing is starting to revolve around what's fun for survivors. But, in my opinion, survivor is boring because the game does too much for you, and killer is boring because 90% of the people you play against know how to run around objects and save pallets, then dead hard just as they're about to be downed. The game is stupid broken right now.
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It’s been going downhill since binding of kin