New Hex for Artist technically would be impossible right?

If 5 totems are broken that requires the hex to break, hex perks don't work when broken so that means you can't use the ritual for 5 totems, you LITERALLY cannot get 5 totems if the hex breaks right?
Either I am missing something or I am completely confused idk
The new hex perk is like plaything. It does not spawn a hex totem at the start of the map. Each time your rekindle a totem, you create the hex and the effect is based on the number of rekindled totems you created.
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It doesn't spawn a Hex totem. That's the beautiful part about this perk, think of it like Plaything.
In fact, this perk is going to be so good with Plaything, holy.
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Oh thats weird
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It replaces broken totems with a hex. The hex does not exist until a totem is broken, then replaced. Each additional hex applied provides greater negative affects.
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I checked it, and all the other Hex perks state 'this effect persists as long as the associated Hex totem remains standing' or something to that effect. Since that line is missing from this perk, I think it's safe to say that you are correct.
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Nope, the perk does spawn a totem from the remains of a cleansed totem.
But since survivors can just cleanse the hex again (because they already know where it is) and it can't be spawned again = trash perk.
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With boons I struggle to see it getting to much value but idk
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Much value on its own, Thrill of the Hunt, Plaything, this perk, and NOED will change this up so much
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oh. oh yea.
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I was talking about spawning a Hex right at the start of the trial that survivors can just destroy to get rid of your perk.
Even if survivors know where your new Hex is (which they can't really know if more than one totem is already destroyed), they are still going to take time to run to it + 14 seconds to cleanse, everything while all the other survivors are dealing with 30% slowdown.
It's far from trash. Trash nowadays is trying to run Hexes like Ruin and Devour while survivors still spawn on top of them. I'm all for perks like this that give way more consistent value.
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When they cleanse more totems, than they have just more hex totems to cleanse again.
But the incentive to cleanse totems is low anyway, since they can just slap a boon on them.
So yes, trash perk.