Is there counterplay for Hex: Pentimento and NOED?

Seems to me like this combo would put survivors in a lose-lose situation. Either do Bones and deal with the effects of Pentimento or don't do bones and get punished with NOED.
Just curious if there is something I haven't thought. Also, not saying any lose-lose combo is automatically OP or unwinnable since others already exist like running BBQ and Iron Maiden.
Wait for noed and then shove a boon on it.
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Yeah, the counterplay is boons.
Or, if you don't have/like boons, do bones and remember where you did them so you can go do them again.
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This pretty much.
Survivors need to learn how to be more aware of their surrounding and do other stuff rather than immediately dive bomb a Gen.
The game is meant to be more than just hold M1 on a Gen and forget about the rest.
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Either 4 boons + 1 cleansed totem
Or, alternatively - cleanse the bones twice and don't let the killer get to 5 rekindled totems.
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Haha I love how the meme is evolving.
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Well, if this potential combo makes survivors do more bones/boons, it may be healthier for the game overall since the survivors won't just be focused on do gens and get out.
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My main issue with the perk is
Outside of cleansing hexes, survivors have no incentive to do bones apart from the threat of NOED/powering up a few perks. Even Hexes can just be overwritten by boons
so... yeah
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Just leave? All of her perks are absolute gutter garbage. Giving a killer a secondary objective makes zero sense. Her hook perk COULD have been cool except its only on select hooks.
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Don't cleanse until noed activates. Just keep a solid idea of where each totem is and go for them later.
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Cleanse NOED after it activates. Boom, done.
If you cleanse a Rekindled Totem, it is gone forever too.
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It'll be interesting at some point to try the ultimate "Try and cleanse these!" build: Haunted Ground, Undying, Pentimento, and Retribution. Try and place a blessing and you are Oblivious, the killer can see your aura and it takes an additional 7 seconds. Cleanse or Bless the Haunted Ground and everybody gets Exposed.
Of course the survivors could opt not to cleanse or bless anything at all, but how often does that happen nowadays? 😉 It's a total meme build but kind of funny to think about.
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1. Boons.
2. Break totem, get the 30% gen debuff, break it again. Repeat 3 more times.
3. Just break noed when it spawns.
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Boons counterforce maps small game coms paying attention to totem locations it's not really a give deal fair perks at this point
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... They seriously release boons to make cleansing totems less likely to happen, and you're scared of the perk that requires survivors to cleanse totems...
Why are players still upset about a useless perk like NOED?
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I chuckled there as well.
Devs be like: "We heard you didn't like Noed so here is a Perk which lets you do even more bones!"
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The phrase "do bones" is a meme. You should just do only one of them when Noed is in play, otherwise its a waste of time
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penti and noed are not likely to be great used together in my opinion. both are mainly countered the same play, mainly cleansing. with the use of other anti totem perks, this remains true.
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now u know how we feel
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If the killer is using both of this perks and nobody do any totem than the killer will have only 2 perks for 90% of the game. Just Rush gens and leave its not that Hard to win
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If you mean the new killer's Perk from what I've seen, if you break the rekindled totem it vanishes completely and they lose the token as in it can't be rekindled again. So the only way for that perk to be fully utilized is if they can somehow get all 5 totems rekindled before you go snuff one out again.
I might be wrong though I haven't played her myself, only watched some streamers.
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The new hex will not prove as good as it looks. Killer will get 1 totem up and survivors will want it cleansed or booned. Good luck getting all 5 and the survivors ignoring the effects long enough to shield the totems. Go ahead and break them to counter noed, you will know exactly where to go when the next effect is applied.
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I think most people don´t really understand how Pentimento really works.
It has no effect unless you break a totem. With the current boon meta, its better to keep most totems alive.
IF you cleanse a totem, then Pentimento comes into play. So what do you do? Go back to the totem spot, that you cleansed and cleanse it again. After that, Pentimento is gone until someone cleanses a new totem.
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Do boons.
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Cleanse one totem twice, Boon the rest...
The new hex isn't that amazing, nobody does all 5 totems anymore and once it is in play the survivors will never do all 5 before they removed at least one out of play completely.
The single token is pretty strong, but survivors will know where it possibly could be as they did the original totem. It looks strong on paper, but if you read it objectively you realize that survivors are the ones that control it.
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don't break them until one or two gens left and find them right before gate powered
or just ignore noed hooked guy and exit its easier
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A killer getting value from 1 of 2 perks that he brings isn't an issue.
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I think Hex: Pentimento is going to need some nerfs.
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The thing is... I can't control what my random teammates do. I also don't see boon perks in all of my games.
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Do Bones
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Devs make boon perks meta. Now you need at least one always. You won”t see a game without a boon perk
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Do gens
Don't get spotted
Loop well
Use stealth if killer is nearby
Do boons twice
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Yeah you can counter leaving out of the exit gates.....NoED is still a 1 man out at the end of the game situation. Unless you wanna play hero, you either take the risk and save the person who got hit....ooor, you take your goofy self and leave out of the exit gates, the games been going on for 10 minutes or more ######### are you still doing playing hot potato with the killer?
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It means the killer is running two mediocre perks.
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Since NOED can´t spawn on a Pentimento (hex) totem, i don´t think it will be a problem in the live version.
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Hex perks are done in less than 1 minute on all maps beside indoors one.
There is no counterplay as those perks won't be played.
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You can literally just have 4 boon totems then watch the last dull once the last gen pops
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Dont do bones to avoid pedimento ordo bones to avoid NOED
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You might be right. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
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This game is more then down a survivor hook, tunnel off hook.
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Cleanse 1 Totem twice and Boon the rest. Great balancing Devs.
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Ohh pedimento is a hex I mean like an actual hex? I thought you could relight totems and becomes the hex.If its a hex totems they cant rid off is bad.
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Yea, open the exit gates and leave. Works with any NOED user
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Simple, don't cleanse totems if you don't need to. As long as no totems are cleansed, Pentimento can't be activated. And if you have boons, use them on the hex totems to deactivate them without destroying the totem itself. Sure it takes longer, but it's a guaranteed counter. Either way, NOED doesn't activate until end game, which means pentimento would become useless if you destroy NOED because you won't be repairing any gens and that's the only effect the killer would be able to get.
Pentimento is one of those perks that sound broken on paper, but is actually going to be pretty useless or mediocre at best.
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Killer Build
- Break HEX: Pentimento. It's gone. Best scenario but you know...
- They also have Undying. It gets broke so they get 1 Token.
- Repair is 30% slower.
- Killer camps Pimento and makes his Undying his Rekindled.
- 2 Survivors have to pressure them both.
- Can't do gens unless you and Dweet have a Prove Thyself to counter it slightly.
- They Do 1 gen.
- You break one. It's just his rekindled. He rekindles again. You have probs.
- Now you go for his Real Pimento totem. Break it! Now his rekindled has no effect.
- Do 4 more gens eat NOED to the FACE. GG