Move On

Can we please fix the game to were if you didn't come in the game or matches with any of your friends you shouldn't get to watch the remaining survivors or survivor playing cause they tell the killer exactly where you are cause they're butt hurt they've been tooken out the match early tired of snitching spectators
dont think this happens as much as you think bud
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It shouldn't happen at all tbh. I would hide all names until the match is finished.
And add symbols or something so killers can differentiate between similar survivors during a match.
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How would they be contacting the killer in real time is it different on PC?
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bro I never even thought of it being an issue
who would go through the effort of adding the killer and waiting to see if the killer is going to add them back?
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Is... is this bate... I can't tell... I need to think about stuff.
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It is not just that some people hold grudges or snipe or whatever.
I think my suggestion wouldn't hurt anyone. I understand some like seeing names to avoid toxic people for example but why is the killer the exception in the lobbies then?
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They can just message you on steam.
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Oh I see, Xbox doesn't have steam and the messaging is pretty time consuming imo so I probably haven't encountered it coz it'd be impossible to send messages fast enough to update killer without an MnK or something