How the DBD Team came up with the Artist

This is obviously a joke, something my brain concocted while half-asleep seeing the Killer.

McCote: Alright guys, time to make a new Killer. We haven't had a female Killer in a while, so lets do that. Ideas?

Dev 1: Yeah, I got an idea. How about we give her the same type of backstory as half of our other female Killers?

McCote: Tragic events happening one after another with a near death experience, forcing a non-homicidal person to do it? Sure! Let's also make her at least B Tier to compensate, like nearly all our female Killers. Next?

Dev 2: Hey, remember the Black Vale? That Entity cult that tortured Victor and we were building up in our lore? How about we make a bunch of teasers for them... then show them as barely involved with the Killer?

McCote: Fantastic! But it has to be involved with the Entity somehow.

Dev 2: Uhhh.... *looks at notes and sees Spies from the Shadows* Crows! Lets make it a crow themed Killer.

McCote: And her power?

Dev 2: *sweating, looks over notes and laptop looking over horror games he was not playing during work* Uhhh... Remember Bendy and the Ink Machine? That was spooooooky! Lets give her ink powers.

McCote: Ink and crows... ok, sure. How is that going to look?

Dev 1: I know- what if the Other Mother from Coraline and a Skyrim Hagraven smashed?

McCote: Genius. Just a couple more details now...

Dev 1: They should be Hispanic, cause we don't have a Latino/Latina character ingame yet. How about Chile?

Dev 3: Uhh, I don't think there are any crows in Chile? Also, when are we going to talk about the hacker situation?

McCote: Shush, there's no hackers in DBD. And its genius- Crows in Chile, love it. Final thoughts?

Dev 2: Her name should be C. Mora. Flip the M and rearrange, its A Crow. Also, I wanna C Mora her- Vommy Mommy 2.0!!!

McCote: Pretty good job so far.