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whatever happened to that dilly dude?

EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
whatevr happened to that dilly dude from the friday the 13th fiasco.  at first, the whole thing looked like a classic case of blame shifting by gun media.  such as how they were bamning people for life for finding glitches.  a lot of people were on dilly's side but then it began to sound like he was indeed guilty of saying aome pretty bad stuff to a kid.

i wrote this shortly after "the event" and i am reposting with kind permission from myself.

"the deeper truth to the sqwuaking dingbats who are "in good with the big guys". these two women came into game with the primary purpose of getting in fights where they get to "be right". this, so that they may enjoy some sense of power that is sorely lacking in their personal life. to bolster their case of victimhood, they befriend a random child. if their cause were truly of altruism, they never would have exposed him to their own brand of screaming profanity. generally speaking, people that care enough about a random child, are usually conscientious enough to realize they are in public representing someone close to them and if they are going to invoke their name, they'd practice some type of morals.

this dude. while not angelic by any means, was goaded into this type of interaction."
