If you have ever played "these" sort of fantasy/roleplay games, let me ask you?
Okay so games where you make your own character, I am going with like Dragon Age Origions because I can't think of what I am currently playing that is like that lol. But, what do you like to play as? A warrior? Rogue? Mage? Archer? I usually like to play as a warrior in these types of games I like to just charge in and kill as many as I can do, I am no good as a Mage myself lol.
I'm all for stealth in those games, but I tend to play as a trickster of sorts.
So, for example, in Skyrim I'll use magics that allow me to cause confusing, such as the Dragon Shout that throws my voice, or conjure weapons or allies , whilst I fire arrows from a distance. Traps are also fun!
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I sooo can't do that! Mr Mushwin can, but why am I oddly good at all Assains Creed lol -thinks- but usually in such he is the bow and arrow or mage and I am a rogue or warrior it is usually warrior or brawler I just feel it's more me
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Then you'll be skilled at quick reflexes, close combat and fearlessness! My play is more cowardly, but I do like playing in unorthodox ways. Until my wife comes in and demands I kill everything with fire!