Some boon ideas, cuz they are my BESTIES

Here are some ideas I came up with💅
I especially love the last one 👁️👄👁️
Boon: Inner darkness - Whenever a pallet is dropped on the killer's head in the totem radius, it murders them instantly
Boon: Blackout - The killer can't use their ability in the totem radius
Boon: Swampy area- The killer's movement speed is reduced by 5% in the totem radius
Boon: Trap - The killer is hindered in a unique way after breaking a boon
Trapper: all traps are permanently snapped
Wraith: survivors can flashburn you by looking at you
Hillbilly: the chainsaw overheats 100% faster
Nurse: removes one blink
Huntress: hatchets now deal 1/2 damage
Shape: Terror radius is 64 meters
Hag: unables the teleport ability
Doctor : shock no longer prevents actions
Lf: chainsaw has 1 stack
Freddy: survivors can't fall asleep
Pig: The first jigsaw box 100% has a key
Clown: all bottles speed up survivors
Legion: 4,4 again
Plague: cleansing does not corrupt the fountain
Oni: survivors don't bleed while injured
Demo: is gone completely
Ghostface: exposed duration is reduced to 5 seconds
Deathslinger: reduces the chain length and speed by half
Phead: crossing a trench instantly heals survivors and removes all debuffs
Blight: 1 stack of blighted dash
Twins: victor can't leave further than 12 meters
Trickster: reverts the buffs
Nemesis: zombies attack nemesis, stunning him like pallets
Cenobite: chaining survivors causes cenobite to get chained as well
Artist: crows attack artist,blocking her pov and giving a permanent dark screen
Not powerful enough. All need Buffs.
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These all seem way too niche, let me show you how a REAL boon perk is supposed to look:
Boon: even the odds
Soft chimes ring in a 999m radius around the totem. If the killer picks up a survivor within the boons range the killer is stunned for 90 seconds, the survivor escapes the killer's grasp and gets 1000% bonus repair speed for that duration.
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It still wouldn't be enough
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excuse moi
(yes i know it's bait)
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Boon reverse ruin
Repairs gens at 200% in boon range
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Boon: calamity
When all players spawn in the entire realm instantly explodes and entity gets yeeted to narnia
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Boon: bail out
Whenever a totem is blessed, a hatchs spawn right beside it and instantly opens. The hatch respawns is another totem if blessed.