CoH isn't overpowered, uncapped healing speed is.

Just like the title says, I don't feel like CoH would be as powerful as it is with a cap on healing speed. If healing speed had a cap on how fast it can go, then I wouldn't feel as perturbed to see it in a lobby. Sure it's a welcome sight over DH, DS, BT, IW, and UB, but having a survivor with a good medkit healing in 7 seconds or less while in said Boon totem doesn't feel good.
For those that would default with "do bones" though, like I said, I'd be happy with CoH if healing speed was capped. I have no problem with the state of CoH or boon totems in general. My problem is with healing speeds being uncapped atm, to the point where if a killer uses Sloppy Butcher, then that perk is nullified. And I seem to recall BHVR not wanting perks to cancel each other out.
Personally I find the totems “potent” but not OP.
I think there is definitely room for changes. Like, for some reason part of me feels like the survivors should not be able to see the totem from anywhere on the map.
This would make it more interactive in trying to find its location and feel like you are rewarded for doing so. Just as an example.
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why are the buff values so high? Why do buffs above 50% even exist? At that point it fundamentally breaks the original system. E.G. A 16 second heal getting turned into a 4 second heal because 2 perks have a silly almost 150% buff. I could understand if you brought an entire loadout dedicated to healing but you don't even need that because 1 perk provides an insane 100% buff.
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Couldn't agree more. This is what I've been saying. The boon perks are not OP at all. It's just too much when stacked with med kits, other perks, etc.
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Healing in 4 seconds shouldn’t be happening. Completely busted.
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You have issue SWF vs SoloQ with this change...
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Honestly, it's both. Boons as is just do not fit the way the game works. Unless you get really lucky, it's far too easy wasting 20 seconds looking for the humming thing on killer, only to realize that it's on the floor below you, behind two walls. And 20 seconds of killer time is a lot more than 20 seconds for any one survivor.
However, if you leave it up, it's entirely possible to have someone healed to full in between the DS and you catching up to them.
This would just make it weaker in solo, which wouldn't solve the problem of CoH being completely broken on some killers when a SWF builds around it. I've had to basically just stop playing Wraith altogether.
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Dude have you seen my post? Survivors don't have to look hard for hex totems they're in plain sight and also has audio cues, and its easier for survivors since there's 4 of you, my hex ruin got instantly cleanse 20 seconds into the match and its not coming back.
meanwhile boon totems can be hard to snuff since you have to chase survivor in 5 different gens and also worry that they'll be able to hide in a corner and heal faster than you can chase them, and if you snuff 1 boon totem, rest assured there's atleast 3 of them waiting for you.