Killer Concept (With Concept Image), The Illusionist (Edited)

Power: Mind Games.
At Tier 1, Standing within 10 meters of a survivor, the Illusionist can hold the ability button to drain his prey, making them more vulnerable to his illusions and leaving them insane. (Draining survivors fills the Mind Games meter)
At Tier 2 the Illusionist gains the ability to summon and send out a projection of his physical form that travels 30 meters, carrying his red stain and terror radius. If this projection comes in contact with a survivor, their grip on reality begins to slip, their location is revealed to the killer and their insanity increases. (Illusionist becomes invisible for 5 seconds after sending out a projection, this does not stack when sending out multiple projections) (Use of the projections drains the Illusionists powers, requiring him to drain more survivors) The Illusionist may also place a projection where he stands (This projection remains for 10 seconds)
At Tier 3 the Illusionist gains access to Reality Warp. After 5 seconds of charging Reality Warp, the Illusionist sends out a map wide wave causing all survivors to lose their grip on reality entering Tier 3 of insanity. (This fully drains the Illusionist slowing him for 3 seconds and resetting him to Tier 1. Projections do damage in this Tier, but drain much more energy. (Tier 3 is difficult to reach, similar to Myers with both iridescant add ons)
Creator Note: Reality Warp is meant to give the killer a choice of making his illusions be at their strongest (But him at his weakest), or use his projections to deal damage with the trade off of having to drain more survivors.
Survivors Insanity:
At Tier 1 survivors will intermittently see a red stain moving towards them.
At Tier 2 survivors perception of reality is effected. While healing, or repairing generators, survivors will randomly receive a red skill check, hitting this skill check or attempting to hit this skill check will cause the survivors to scream out revealing their location to the killer and cause the generator to lose 5% of it's progress.(False skill checks go through 3 stages, getting harder to discern from normal skill checks the closer the survivor is to Tier 3) (Missing the false skill check does not effect the survivor) Projections of the Illusionist will intermittently chase the survivor.
(Creator Note: I've given the false skill checks 3 stages as opposed to slowly fading to white. Instead they will be red like old ruin skill checks at the start of tier 2, halfway to tier 3 they will appear pinker, and tier 3 they will look like normal skill checks)
At Tier 3 survivors perception of reality is shattered. The survivors view of the world will begin to intermittently become fuzzy, Generators that have progress will appear to have more than it actually does, Dull totems will appear lit, dropped pallets will appear raised & vice versa, and projections of the Illusionist will intermittently chase the survivor. (Collision with these projections reveals your location to the killer) The world will appear darker and the sky will turn red.
Friends help us hold on to what is real. being within 4 meters of another survivor will cause your insanity to decrease. (Insanity decreases faster when around more survivors) Alternatively a survivor can find a mirror on the map, interacting with this mirror will help survivors come back to reality, this takes longer than being around other survivors (Does not stack, choose your friends or the mirror, if your friends are still alive)
Illusionists Perks:
- Misdirection: "The tricks of a magician are not easily forgotten" You gain the ability leave your red stain where you last stood for 5/7/9 seconds, Misdirection has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.
- Alakazam: "The crowds were always on the edge of their seat, awaiting the explosive finale" While preforming a repair or healing action, missed skill checks will cause a further 6/8/10% regression penalty.
- Now You Don't: "A magician must be able to sneak around the stage, unseen by prying eyes" Whenever you hook a survivor, you become undetectable for 5/10/15 seconds. (Nerfed from 30 because camping would be an issue)
Edit: I've made some changes to his perks, altered his power, and altered how insanity affects survivors. Hopefully these changes will set him apart from the rest a bit more. I also have been informed that making this concept look like it'd be in the game that it actually takes away making it harder to understand, so I've added some more context to things that might be confusing. Any constructive criticism is very welcome. Big thank you to @QTASTIC for the amazing feedback on a live stream they held!
Lastly ideas for killers perks and powers aren't my strong suits whereas art is, so possibly expect me updating this with a concept design 😉.
Like I said art is more my thing. Here's the Illusionist!
The idea of trick skill checks is great.
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I would combined survivor tiers 1 and 2 together and make tier 3 number 2 and think of a harder hitting third tier I am currently going over this live on my stream 11/11if you want to stop b its the first 53 mins
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Tried looking for your stream but couldn't find it. How'd it go?
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it went decently well kinda got off topic at the end but things are well here's the link
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It was something I hadn't seen before in a concept, so I figured I'd take that and build the killer from there.
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The concept art is finally done