Flashlight Clicks and Blinking at the Ground

Genuine question from someone who has only played Killer. Why do Survivors sometimes shine their flashlights at the ground when being chased? Or randomly click?
I ask because I still honestly find it confusing. Is it meant as a distraction technique? Or an in-game joke? Regardless, it seems never to help the Survivor.
"HA even though you're about to down me I'm declaring myself winner of the chase and will complain about something in post game chat to downplay your victory to luck/op build/op killer"
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They saw it from popular surv streamers.
Even if they go down it means they are cool.
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Don't listen to either of these people, they seem to be irritated at flashlights. It helps set you into position for a dead hard or a spin is what I've been told.
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If they’re doing it during a chase, they’re trying to bait a swing from you so they can deadhard and dodge your hit. You can also 360 easier by clicking because it immediately turns your body to the direction you clicked to
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Lol I play survivor mostly and why would I be irritated by someone using something in the game?
I played this game for years and people didn't do this before at all. Not to this extent. Sure it is not always useless but a lot of survivors do it even without dead hard to try to make a killer miss. Which fails against any decent one.
It is just a gimmick usually used by people who bm throughout the game from what I have seen. Not always tho.
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they do that for teabagging but less sacrificing their speed
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It probably is used by people who BM, since flashlights are used to BM. I was just saying that it's not really a BMing thing, it's the survivor desperately trying to spin the killer lol.
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Flashlights are just an item in the game, not everyone uses them to bm imo.
Even some people who try that "tech" don't neccessarily bm the killer. It is just my observation that most who do usually bm too. And I think it started from streamers.
I could be wrong of course. But I am not convinced it is something that works against experienced killers.
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Flashlights are very strong, Wraith can be brought out is power, can disarm hag traps, can extend a "stun" on a pallet (while they break it or actually got stunned), make window vaults more dangerous etc, etc.
I know that some use it to rotate their body a certain way to 360°, some accidentally click or for some reason (maybe bind thing, i remember that one survivor that was super sorry that it wasn't bm, but just trying to 360° me, no idea what they meant).
Many use it as it is a great attention tool, in their opinion. And some just want to bm. I think some do it because they always have done it
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Specifically the clicking of the flashlight is an animation and momentum reset allowing for hard pivoting for a spin or dead hard.