Would you enjoy passive abilities?

A: Survivor passives related to their perks/lore. tiny improvements to things Things like Ace being 3% luckier, Elodie finding better items 3% of the time, etc. Stuff between 1-5% better, depending on the strength.(nothing related to chase)
B: Killer passives, like fake wraith outlines in the distance, still frames of spirit's phasing appearing throughout the map, the ink splotches from the artist's map appearing on other maps when playing against her (much less, though), metal creaks against PH, etc.
Stuff that's toeing the line between giving away the killer and being a "wait, did I just see that?".
any ideas?
good point.
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This has been suggested so many times and the responses are about always the same, people are just gonna play the survivors with the best passives.
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O.K, forget the survivor passives.
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Not sure about passives, but one little thing I enjoyed about the Halloween Event was the pumpkins and how they would sometimes grant a little haste or hindered.
Maybe around the map there could be small pouches that, when broken, work the same, but with different effects. Haste and Hindered could be one. A temporary boost or reduction in aura reading could be another. A third idea could be a very short burst of a status effect, like endurance, blindness, undetectable or a reduction or increasw in sound for either survivor or killer.
Could add some interesting elements to the game, so long as either the effects are slight, or if they're stronger that they only last a few seconds.
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If they did survivor or killer passives I think they should make it be something like you have to equip all 3 teachables, and only those perks, for the passive to activate. Doing that people would need to chose meta load out or 3 teachables with passive, can't have both. This would also make it easier to balance the passive when it can only work with the 3 teachable perks.
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