I dont get why survivors not get much bloodpoints

Often matches are shorter and you go out of a match faster.
Why survivors dont get much bloodpoints in general?
A killer gets more BP in every action. Also the categories are easier to do as a killer.
I mean, its frustrating after i got camped or tunneled out of a match and only get 3k BP.
But even when a killer has a bad match, he's still around 15 - 20k bloodpoints.
The categories are terrible aswell, especially if some guys die fast.
Team actions are often earned hard, cause you cant do much. Doing a gen together, healing or taking a hit. There aren't that much more.
The only category you get fast, is target. Generators and exit gates.
I mean, one of the categories for bloodpoints is survival. And mostly you get it trough skillchecks. Cause, camped or tunneled and its out.
Boldness depends on the killer. With boon totems it got a lot easier.
A killer gets 3 categories in one chase. For example, brutality hitting or destroying things. Using his power he gets Devioutness and Hunter for going after a survivor.
Event after the end, he gets the 4th categorie, sacrifice.
I think survivor bloodpoints or the bloodpoints in general should get tweaks.
Maybe also raise the cap from 8k to 10k? We have litterly over 100 perks, more bloodpoints in general wouldnt hurt anyone.
Especially new player or players that didnt play the whole time have a hard time.
Its probably so people have incentive to play killer more.
But I agree that survivor BP gain is a joke
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Hmm, its fairly common for video games to give less rewards when you play on easy mode.
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The reason is because as a team of 4 you are sharing actions and interactions between each other but a killer is in every action or interaction that gives point so they naturally get more plus alot of survivors prioritize gens over everything else so get no points for chase,healing,unhooking,taking protective hits,doing bones(jk),opening chests. There's actually alot survivors can do to earn BP but I do agree that they are low and should earn more.
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I understand your point, but killers get a lot more doing their objectives, while survivors only get 1/4 for their actual objectives.
Also doing chases just for bloodpoints is just not justified, cause your main goal is survive and not play with your killer.
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I do agree they should definitely get more but at the same time there is a clear advantage having 4 people vs 1 and I do believe that BP should still somewhat reflect that.
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I dont know what bloodpoints has to do with the ingame action. Its an old system. I mean even the BP farm perk is way better for killers with a better secondary effect.
Also theoretically you could farm BP on killer and give it to survivors. Or vice versa.
Also there are clearly more survivors and perks for survivors.
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You get BP for ingame actions. I agree that BBQ is much easier to stack but whats the other options,kicking a gen,hitting a survivor,downing a survivor, you could go sacrifice but that would just make it useless. I would like to see something like a pool system for survivors. I've been that guy thats ran the killer for 5 gens then got camped on hook for 5k BP and everyone else got out.
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Thats why i think the system overall is not good.
The categories are meh, especially if you are someone who maybe is the distraction. While killer do 1 thing chase, they get atleast 2 categories for it.
Survivor always get mostly only one categorie and even are getting out of the match faster.
It would atleast help, if survivor could atleast get 10k out of every match. After 3 matches with only 7k you have 21k. While most killers have 21k in a single match.
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Gotta love a facecamper get 20k + while the camped/tunneled 3 times in a row guy gets barely 5K.
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On a 4v1 the part of 1 needs to get higher rewards. But I agree facecamped/tunneled survivors should get more BP, something like 15k points for "Distraction".
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I agree its outdated but I don't think bhvr really has any other idea how to distribute points. The biggest problem imo is efficiency breaks this game on ever level
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He already gets more rewards, cause he is facing 4 guys. 4x more possible rewards.
But getting out of a match with 3k...
A killer already has more possibility to get 32k BP than a survivor. Never got 32k as a survivor. (Nearly impossible, especially if you cant do the objectives or dont get chases)
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Well, both sides can only get 32k max per match, it's just easier as killer for the reason I mentioned.
As I said I agree survivors who get tunneled/camped should have some compensation points.
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Why? If the average is 2k/2 escapes it feels better kill 2 survs than escape half of the matches, so survs should get more bps
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It's a 4v1. 1 person against a group of 4, of course the 1 needs a higher reward. I don't see how it is hard to understand this.
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Well it's more to do with having 4 Survivors doing something... And not being credited for it
Like Gen Repair while being chased (I think you should be rewarded for leading the Killer for a Gen)
but who am I but a player of this game
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It’s because of the “survival” category. You don’t get many points per match in that category.
There is very little to do in a match that rewards points in the survival category. It either requires you to face a specific killer that rewards survival points (Trickster, Nemesis, Slinger, Trapper, Pinhead) or the only other things are healing yourself and unhooking yourself. Then using perks like Built to Last and DS also reward points in the survival category.
Escaping rewards 5000 points and if you escape as the obsession you get an extra 1500 points so unless you escape as the obsession, you probably aren’t maxing out.
You can easily max out points in the other three categories but the survival category will usually cause you to not get as many BP as killers do. That is why I use WGLF.
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Put up and play KILLER then. Lotsa fun Killers left...well a few I should say...
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I seen your name and I'm not to sure you believe your self lol
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To be fair, survivors need WAY less BP if you are smart about it. I mean, different survivors are just skins, bruh...
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I actually do it the other way around; killer is stressful, difficult and unrewarding for the effort put in, survivor is easier and I use those points to get the couple of perks for killer that actually allow them to be played against good survivors.
Plus once you have the meta build as one survivor there is very little reason to level another unless you prefer their look or cosmetics. You only really need DS and the rest is optional; and even then without DS the killer will still often respect that you have it if you don't. Same with BT. Unless you're playing at really low MMR where killers don't know to respect those perks yet?
Each killer requires certain perks to not have the game end in sub 5 mins with 1 or 2 hooks.
If killers and survivors earned the same Bloodpoints, what do you think the incentive is to play the more difficult and stressful role? Outside of challenges or masochism of course :)
If you want more Bloodpoints, you could always play killer - though I suspect the reasons above are why people don't. If its because you play in a group with friends well then its even easier and why would easier = more points?
There's a reason most of the daily challenges are killer all the damn time even if you don't want to play the role; because they need to encourage people to play that side so we have 5 people for a game.
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True until I get a new one and need perks for them too. It takes ages to get what I want.
But if I am not interested in anyone except the ones I own, I sit at cap if I only play survivor.
I think both sides should earn as much. People shouldn't be forced to play killer for bp, they should make the killers more appealing in other ways. Like nerfing pig for example.
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I have lowkey spent less to get Nancy all base perks than I have on just Leatherface. It is kind of insane. But in all seriousness I am sick of how overpowered Pig is, they need to nerf her a$ap or I will cry about how killer favored the game is on the forums.
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If you have a lot of survs teachables, it takes too long. Unless you get lucky.
Spent 3m on mikaela and I am still missing the perk I want.
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Because survival and Objective give you ######### for points. Boldness is pretty easy to max. Altruism can be as well. A bit harder, but still doable. Objective, unless you run Prove Thy Self you don't get jack. Survival unless you escape also gives you practically nothing.
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Why did you buy teachables you don't want on other characters?
Most of my killers have at least 1 or 2 teachable I haven't unlocked because its too expensive to have them polluting the bloodwebs of any other killers I want to 1 or 2 useful perks on lol :)
My Demogorgon didn't have any teachables unlocked until I was basically forced to because I was only unlocking 1 perk per level at lv50, because like most killer perks its are trash. Though at some point I had to buy 1 just so I could actually unlock proper perks on it, which eventually turned into 2 because the Entity always eats the non teachable unless its Monstrous Shrine or some trash.
Now Demogorgon has gone from the store they force unlocked the last crap teachable I didn't want so its another 3 times I have to buy it on every killer from now until the end of time if I ever want to see the 1 or 2 perks that most consider necessary for having a non sub 5 min game.
For both roles there's like less than 10 perks you'll almost ever see and its only for cosmetic reasons you would want to level up another survivor as opposed to each killer being completely different.
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Because I like playing different survivors and builds so I leveled them up.
But you are right I got every teachable to get the perks I wanted on them faster. Big mistake.
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Y'all are getting just as much BP, you're just not needed to be constantly interacting with others in the Trial like the Killer is.
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Why does killer get more bp? Because they're the only one on their team. Survivors have to get heals for altruism and chases for boldeness and unless you're a meta perk andy you get ######### bp
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Ah so cosmetic reasons then and totally not necessary unlike killers being completely different.
That's fine but don't think its grounds to ask for survivor bloodpoints to be the same as killer, even though they are if you play well anyway :)
I have more than 1 survivor levelled up though 1 is always my main that has everything I want unlocked on it so I can use that to play and get points to level up other things.
The same does not apply to killer who if you want to play the new and totally different powered character, have to level them up and go through every teachable you were forced to unlock on every other killer so as not to only get 1 or 2 perks at lv50.
When Mikaela came out, you didn't have to play her with no perks unlocked to experience the new killer power; you could play another survivor exactly the same but looking different to level up the new survivor you want to look like.
When Mikaela came out all I had to do was level her to unlock the new teachables and then they instantly appear on my main with everything; when the new killer comes out I can either play survivor to unlock the killers perks, play a different killer than the new one everyone wants to play against, or play the new killer with no perks and get stomped by survivors doing what I do to unlock new perks on them.
Killers need to put in more effort, get more bloodpoints, but also need to use more and are more reliant on perks than survivors - outside of personal cosmetic choices which should be viewed as similar to Prestige cosmetics.
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I play killer too you know. I understand you need more bp because you really need add ons. As a survivor I don't really use or need items.
I still don't see why is it a problem if survivors get more bp. Some people want to bring items every game, play different characters, try different builds. Not everyone wants to play only one character like yourself.
Survivors getting more bp doesn't hurt killers unless we are in vs mindset like most of the community.
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To encourage playing the game. If you gained good BP for crouch walking edges and running turbo gen as a team of 4, then killer player numbers would deteriorate more than they already do now.
Survivors also do still get a lot of BP, they just have to be actively unhooking while they interact. Their fail scenario has a full reversal for BP, Killer does not. Killer's success hinges on maximum interaction, if Survivor hinged on minimal then it's boring for survivor and frustrating for killer.
Not to mention, you only need BP on new characters for their teachables, survivors are basically just skins. You can accumulate them easily, especially when there's a hyper-meta loadout already on the table you can use to get it.
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XBOX Crossplay off BOOBAH MAIN! I'm LOVIN IT he is so fun! Spirit and Wraith took some nerfs. Just goofed off with Clown for a daily he ain't bad with STBFL+Nemesis+Play With your Food. I just goof around. Freddy will be sweaty with Scourge's hook of pain instead of BBQ&C.
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There isnt and doesnt need to be an argument if which side is easier or works more. BP should be awarded on an individual basis and not appear reduced based on what your team mates do. Survivors get such a massive BP disadvantage it is unfair.
I have literallty gone AFK as a killer and scored almost as much as the survivors by standing there in getting in and out of chases. Meanwhile the survivors did all their objectives, opened chests etc and got barely any more!
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Why does Jesus not exist? We just don't need to know we believe in THE HORROR! OH THE HORRRRRROOOOORRRRRRRR!
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There is a simple answer to this and that is because a lot of killer players cry about everything that does not suit.
Survivors escape - Gens are too fast.
Have to camp at 4/5 gens - Survivors can loop too easy.
Have to tunnel - Survivors have DH
General thinks:
- Mikaela's Boon Totems
- Med Kits
- Flashlights
- Tool kits
- Any survivor perk
- Having four survivors and 16 perks.
- They have no good perks, nothing like "Ruin", "Barbeque and Chilli", "Corrupt Intervention", "Pop", "Tinkerer" and the rest.
Simple solution if you want to level up a survivor, play a few games of killer, load up with perks, get a few hooks, let the survivors leave and get over double the amount if you would get if you do all five gens and exit.
I play killer a lot of the time and get loads of BP even without addons, when I play survivor I do a lot, exit and wonder why, even with perks and addons to help, never get much BP.
Most I got as killer is about 95K, most I got as a survivor is about 35K. Won both games and did the same amount of work.
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As someone who plays both sides myself, that's why I can't understand your position on this one as someone who plays both sides yourself.
You say survivors getting more BP isn't a problem, that they might like to use it to bring more items and addons; yet you also say that it hurts killers if they are in the vs mindset like most of the community.
If most of the community has that mindset, and survivors getting more BP would hurt killers who have that mindset and are 'most of the community', why would you endorse this?
If it will hurt most of the community, its probably a bad idea right? Or do you want to play against people who only put their Bloodpoints into 1 main survivor and everything else earned if not playing killer to need it there, would be put back into the main who has everything perk wise already and would only be getting more items and addons, which survivors already don't need to make the killers life miserable.
I thought anything that makes killer a little less miserable (mostly at high level) and survivor a little more challenging would be a welcome addition?
Surely increasing Bloodpoint gain to help newer survivors would have the knock on effect of making high level play more miserable as there would be more abundance? Same as what happens when you balance for low level play, high level play becomes miserable?
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Because buffing killers would be a better solution than making grind harder for one side. Or better yet making maps smaller/nerfing tiles for start.
I understand how miserable killer is atm trust me but survivor getting more bp wouldn't hurt killer as much as you think.
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If survivors got as many bloodpoints as killer then there'd be even less reason to play killer.
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You literally answered your own question in the first sentence you wrote.
"Often matches are shorter and you go out of a match faster."
Just like the Killer you need to focus on 4 different categories but actively compete to get the points such as limited number of gen repairs to be made, limited number of survivors to unhook, totems to break, ect.
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But buffing killers also makes things harder for survivors, particularly solo survivors; its why we recently saw so many undeserved nerfs.
Theres plenty of things they could try to make balance better, but until then giving more BP to survivors to use on items and addons they don't really need while the game heavily favours survivor at the higher levels seems like an awful idea until the balance is more even.
But how do you balance for the same players but one time the survivors use no items but the killer uses Iri addons and meta perks etc, vs killers using things that are more fun but weaker against the same players but using the best medkits, toolboxes and addons they can buy.
The more BP involved the more the balance is going to be difficult to manage imo, but thats another debate altogether I think :)
My worry is half and half; half it would hurt killer, and half it takes away one of the few remaining draws of playing the role if you aren't already suffering through playing the role right now.
I think encouraging people to play both sides is a noble goal and one that would massively benefit the game and community, but so many only play survivor and giving the same BPs would give them even less reason to even try it out let alone suffer through what can be a very miserable experience at all levels of play.
Hmm how about some sort of bonus BP when you play survivor if you played a killer game previously, or a BP multiplier that builds up while you play whatever the more needed role is at that time and can carry over to your matches on the other side. This way players get more BP but have to experience the other side more than just throwing the game for 1 daily challenge or a Tome challenge thats blocking your route to the Epilogue.
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Because BPs isn't worth the pain and stress that killers has to endure every game, and if killers doesn't get paid properly for playing against 4 man team(who has just to press shift+w the whole match and do gens) who also tbags at the gate while their only contribution is spamming the pallets the whole game, Killers would abandon the role and play something else.
I'm not getting paid enough to babysit 4 survivors who doesn't know how to play the game while giving them free exits or having to deal with toxic SWF who tbags at every pallet drop.
Also Survivors will become op if they can bring red add ons every game and it would be heck of unbalance more than it already is.
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Not just killers experience bad behaviour. I got plenty of toxic killers. Also i dont get what behaviour has to do with BP.
Survivors wouldnt get OP just because they get more BP. I mean if killers and Survivors would have sepperate BP, then that statement would be true. Otherwise, you can farm on killer and still be "OP".
Most guys here only see one side. I also presented the overall, the BP system is for both sides not good. Also i said that we should put the categories for everyone (both sides) to 10k, so we have 40k Limit instead of 32k.
I understand too that a power role maybe needs more bp in compensate, but game wise it doesnt make much sense, but for playing killer maybe. But only getting 3k, versus 15k (in the worst case) is just a joke.
Also again, why do killer have a way better BP perk (BBQ) with a much better effect, while survivors dont?
It wouldnt hurt if ALL could get more BP, maybe double BP weekends or just rework the system. I mean why perks have tiers anyway?
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maybe just have it so there's no bp cap for either side?
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Sorry, but going faster in games isn't a compensation at all.
You wait for a lobby, you wait at lobby, you wait at loading screen, for a game where you get camped or killed fast, which doesnt make fun, to get 3k BP. And then being in a loading screen and endscreen.
You think repeating that step is compensation cause "it goes faster"? Cause it doesnt. Also would just encourage DC's ingame.
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I mean would be a solution, but farmers would abuse that. I guess.
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oh, true.
I hadn't thought of that.
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Really? Cause I can go screw around on Legion and go out of my way not to kill and get 50k+ BP with out trying at all.
You chose to play sweaty and raise your MMR to play against the sweaty. You raised the difficulty yourself and get less BP for the effort.
Don't try to say this game is hard for killer. You're being severely disingenuous. All difficulty is of your own making.
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Thats actually a good point. I think overall, with higher MMR the BP Reward should be higher for everyone.
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They don't. Not really.
Killer gets more BP on losing games, because:
- Killers don't get free addons from chests. They have to spend BP on these.
- Killers are not expected to 4k every match.
- Killer is the more challenging role.
However, this is also an issue of the 'hold M1, hide, hold 'W' as required' style of survivor play right now. In games where survivors give me chases or we are having a fun back-and-forth, they'll frequently end up with a similar BP score to mine, even if they don't survive.
The issue is essentially: survivors that get killed early probably need a bit more BP. Survivors need to stop trying to 0k the killer if they want their BP to be decent.