Boon Totem Nerf Ideas

SirJustSir Member Posts: 16
edited November 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I feel current boon totems with the way they work are annoying to deal with as killer. Not because of their effects but of their infinite use, blessing the same totem, not cleansing dull and hex totems, and having certain survivor and killer perks be worthless in matches. I have some ideas on what the nerfs could be like:

1. Blessing a totem removes DS since they touched a totem and it deactivates the perk.

2. Blessing a totem does not cleanse a hex totem, and instead moves it to another dull totem almost like Hex: Undying. That way survivors still have to cleanse hex totems.

3. After snuffing a boon totem, the totem changes to a different aura color that is seen by only survivors. That totem can’t be re-blessed by all 4 survivors until another boon totem has snuffed by the killer.


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,619

    1: Definitely agree. While blessing a totem isn't strictly progressing the game in the same way that most of the other deactivation requirements, I definitely don't think someone should get to bless in your face and get to use their DS if you choose to try and stop them. Reasonable change.

    2: Not the worst idea, but if there are no other dull totems then this won't really do anything. I think two better ideas (though there may be good reasons not to do either) would be to have hexes and boons linger on the same totem so survivors have to deal with the hex if they want the blessing, or to have snuffing a blessed hex temporarily reignite it until that totem is blessed again. A bit more decision making and back-and-forth.

    3: This is also pretty good, but it does encourage someone to go off where you aren't looking to go make use of their powerful perks. The worst case scenario right now is someone blessing where there's already a generator done and people scurrying off to use it so they can waste even more of the killer's time. Maybe more of a timer on the totem instead, so people can choose to wait it out and bless that totem again if they want to?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,242

    Just have totems destroyed when snuffed.

    Remove the killer notification when blessed so there's more time to make use of the 5 boons max per game.

    Simple solution and solves all boon issues.

    Why isn't anyone seeing this?

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    I mean, I feel like it needs to be a more simple. When a player's boon is snuffed, that player can't bless another totem for 60s.

    Killers breaking totems is unfair to killers running Plaything and NOED; Pentimento just needs functionality where a blessed totem can be overwritten (once) as if it were a destroyed totem.

    Blessing totems doesn't inherently move the game forward (where as cleansing a hex totem does), so I don't think that it's appropriate for it to remove DS.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,242
    edited November 2021

    Destroying boon totems is no different to a survivor cleansing a totem. Plaything and NOED don't need Boons to give them an edge.

    Make Bless = Cleanse and everything is fair. Just like Inner Strength/Healing.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    1 - I’m surprised to hear it blessing doesn’t already cancel DS. It sounds like an oversight they’ll eventually patch since it’s clearly an action similar to other things which cancel it.

    2 - I don’t think I like this idea. It’s a bit overly complicated, plus if a killer happens to being certain Hex heavy load outs it’s possible for there to be no dull totems on the map which would mean no Boons could ever be placeable.

    3 - Again, seems unnecessarily complicated, but I don’t see it breaking anything if it was implemented.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    There’s nothing inherently wrong with Boons being replaceable, and I think the devs intentionally want that in order to make it like a tug of war over totems as a secondary objective for both sides. Individual Boons just need to be balanced out with this system in mind. For example with the way they currently work it could be that Circle of Healing is too powerful, in which case they just need to reduce the healing speed Circle of Healing offers. Likewise if their stats indicated Shadowstep is overperforming they can reduce its radius of effect or tinker with making its aura or scratch suspension more sporadic (e.g. eliminating 90% of scratches instead of all scratches.)

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,242
    edited November 2021

    I get it, they wanted Boons to be something different, a new type of perk that works differently, so it's repeatable.

    Thing is, either the killer has enough pressure to keep snuffing it out, so having to repeatedly bless it wastes your time. Or the survivors are coordinating, and running the killer, in which case repeated snuffing is wasting the killers time. It swings wildly one way or the other, contributing to a snowball effect.

    As a killer, there's nothing more irritating than having to repeatedly snuff the same totem. It feels cheap, annoying, and eventually you just give up and put up with the survivors permanent Hex.

    The killer doesn't have time to play tug of war with totems, and if the survivors do, they've already won.

    So frankly, I don't really see the value in repeatable blessing, as survivor or killer. Either the survivors wear the killer down into submission with it and have way too much power, or youreonly getting one use of it per totem anyway because it's not worth the time to rebless.

    The former is not balanced gameplay, while the latter would be unchanged, if not buffed, if boon totems were one-time use.

    Not to mention, all of the nuance in boon-hex interraction, and all the perceived 'unfairness' in their comparison to Hexes, would be a non-issue, if snuffing destroyed the totem, and a bless was equal to a cleanse. Hexes wouldn't need to take longer to bless (they don't take longer to cleanse), and there wouldn't be this mutual exclusivity and opposition between cleansing and blessing. Instead of one robbing the other, they're just simply different options that share the finite 5 totem resource.

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