What do you most wish victor could do?

any other ideas?
I forgot to mention snuffing boons/closing hatch, so I'll lump that in with vaulting and doing other basic killer things.
Also, obviously, victor cosmetics are a must. If victor doesn't get shades, we riot.
What do you most wish victor could do? 16 votes
My wish is for The Twins to get a Legendary skin where Victor is an evil Ventriloquist dummy in a tuxedo. When are the evil ventriloquists going to get their killer representation in DbD?!
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He should be able to snuff boons.
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oops, I meant to add that.
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I feel it's an issue with Twins in general, that you down someone but then still have to plod across half the map to pick them up, in which time they move, can be healed, can use the stupid new boon to pick themselves up easily, etc, etc.
It's fun to play as Victor but the many, many cooldowns and downtimes ruin the experience of Twins as a whole.
Maybe don't let Victor pick people up, but I feel like while you're in control of Victor, Charlotte should move like a Nemesis zombie at slow movement speed in Victor's direction. It would greatly reduce their ability to camp, while greatly reducing their need to slug by always having her closer than you left her when you return.
They're just way too easily punished. No other killer has a semi-skillshot that, when missed, puts them half the map away and guarantees your safety as survivors.
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I agree, but I don't know about being out of control of Charlotte while controlling Victor. I enjoy that agency, personally.
Maybe being able to summon Charlotte around Victor after getting a down? That would have the risk of being busted, but it'd be fun.
also, is it just me, or is it weird that victor's m1 while in ready to pounce and charlotte's M2 while victor is deployed are both unused binds?
Maybe charlotte's m2 could be used to recall Victor?
Maybe victor's m1 could be used contextually to hide in lockers/chests/gens for ambushes?
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I don't think he should be able to directly hook BUT I can think of something that would work. You can have Victor maul survivors on the ground which would mori survivors on its own timer. The way to get him off would be to just kick him off. It's a system that would allow the twins to really be two places at once. I can see camping be an issue but if you're too close then it slows down the timer. Little tweaks like that to make it work without securing kills for free.
It's risk reward too. You lose Victor for a short amount of time but also you can take a survivor out of the game potentially. It lets them spread pressure instead of just having to slug the whole team or having survivors get up before you can reach them.
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maybe victor could have his own tiny little hooks that the survivors only stay on to be polite?
or, more seriously, Maybe victor could send survivors to some sort of cage of atonement style thing. (maybe a sacrificial slab or a flaming box as a reference to how he died?)
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I want to be able to kick him farther and watch him ragdoll across the map like a tiny soccer ball
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bp addon