Where's the outrage in regards to The Artist?

I seem to recall a bunch of clowns on here saying Trickster didn't look scary enough and how he ruined the integrity of the game with his more human design. Just ignore Legion, Huntress, Deathslinger, Pig, Myers, Bubba, Clown, and Ghostface. They wear a mask or make up and are instantly SpOoKy to the these posters!
Why so quiet about pretty lady who dipped her hands and feet in some ink and runs around making noises like a bird? She's pretty comical and even her pallet break animation is goofy as heck. Not sure how a stretched neck pretty lady wearing a red dress is so spooky, grim, and dark.
Or wait... was this all a bunch of people with shallow self esteem attacking a good looking male killer while simping for the female ones cause a pretty guy makes it gay while a pretty lady makes it... NSFW fan art gallery for your secret little save folder?
(Just annoyed at people acting like her design is amazing while she is one of the simplest and visually flat characters we have gotten. Even Twins has more character in their model than her.)
Don’t talk bad about my lady.
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Stop talking smack about my king!
I personally enjoy The Artist's addition, but I find it funny she isn't getting the flack Trickster STILL gets despite him having more going on in his design than she does.
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Who’s your king? Trickster?
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Of course. Most of the guys cover the face or need to have their face covered. Oni could of been handsome till you see him without the mask, like please... never take it off and spare us your ogre face.
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The Artist:
* Completely blackened irises and eyeballs (unnatural)
* Black liquid dripping from her eyes, forehead and mouth (unnatural)
* Dark mist dripping and emanating from her body (unnatural)
* Freakishly long and disfigured forearms and hands, made completely out of ink (unnatural)
The Trickster:
* A bit of blood on his face and chest (the same as any Prestiged Survivor and Killer)
* Yellow irises (most likely contacts as he had them pre Entity)
* ???
You can't compare them.
Take away the Trickster's bat, and he could easily pass as a Survivor wearing a Prestiged skin. He simply does not fit visually alongside the rest of the Killer's roster.
You could say the same about the Legion, but with them it's intentional (see their reveal trailer), and they wear masks regardless.
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In regards to Artist, I think she’s an absolute queen and a great horror figure. She’s one of those horror characters that I’d intentionally do dumb horror movie ######### just to get her to kill me because she’s a baddie.
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Tbh I though that Trickster was pretty cool take on mad artist theme. The way his insanity was depicted is pretty disturbing imo.
I guess it's because trickster is more flashy. Artist is depicted as tragic character who lost everything with a lot of depression baked into her lore and design. Trickster's insanity is is covered by his flashy looks and behaviour so his horror isn't as obvious.
Also his still has all his limbs and isn't covered in black goo of unknown origin.
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Ya, she has some black goop in places like some 12 year old's first spooky, scary monster character. She's a pretty lady in a red dress is 95% of her design and what you see chasing her. The elongated neck and black ink aspects are the other 5%. There is almost 0 character in her animations and personality to. She's kind of goofy looking and animated tbh.
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I like both of their art styles and designs a lot.
This thread is gonna be like watching mommy and daddy fighting for me isn't it?
I will say though, that Trickster ticks me off so badly just because his bouncing knives aren't base kit and he isn't balanced around that. Just imagine having a page of add-ons that alter bouncing knife effects. His power could actually start feeling trickster-y.
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Ok for as much as i like Trickster.
You can't really deny that ink blades and claws that replace her severed hands isn't a little scary
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I actually like her, I do find her a bit boring and one note in design though with some wonky animations. But overall, I like her. I just knew the pretty lady killer wouldn't get nearly as much hate and blind rage as the pretty male killer. How dare a guy look good in my video game?!? But please, more Spirit school uniforms...
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Everyone's a critic.
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I like both. Trickster fills the psychopath serial killer that hides his true identity behind a popular one, while Artist reminds me of some Bloodborne monster.
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Honesty I notice her red dress, pale skin/black hair, long legs, and her longer neck before I notice the arms. Her horror aspect to me is the background of her design while her being pretty and "longer than normal" is what is front and center.
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They're both hot
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Agreed, but only one of them causes people to stomp their feet around here and say he ruined the game cause "Oh no, he's hot!"
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Well you must admit, trickster is good looking with no physical disfigurement or defects.
Every single female killer is either covered or terribly disfigured. Not a single female killer is on the same level of visual appeal as trickster.
Once such female killer releases (if ever), we'll see if there will be a storm of complains about how they look. So far, only female killers that have resemblence of feminine features but in the end, they're either dismembered, rotting full of maggots, gritty and covered, dead or combinations of each.
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I had a friend, she was scared of crows. The new killer reminds me of a nightmarish version of her.
So yes, the new killer scares me.
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Exactly lol
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Well its more a matter of perspective
most people when they think killer don't usually think of a guy with an open yellow jacket no undershirt, purple pants and lavender hair
on the other hand a crow lady missing both her arms and in their place ink that takes the shape of wings to attack survivors with, that kinda sounds like something I could picture in a horror game
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Sounds like a Shillster problem to me. #Down with Trickster players.
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Maybe exactly because trickster set up a precedent case and created an acceptance after the outrage (since it obviously has died down)?
Edit: Together with the other arguments that she unlike trickster isn't a perfectly normal human appearance wise.
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I love tricksters design.
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You sound mad. Are you mad?
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This. Trickster just doesn't look like he belongs in the game. He isn't scary at all, just goofy looking.
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You leave "Zirael" alone
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Scary is subjective.
I find trickster more scary than most killers. The laugh and his devilish eyes while still resembling a human being is scary to me.
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You sound sad. Are you sad? Sad little man.
Nemesis looks goofy as hell, like some sort of Saturday morning cartoon space villain stomping the ground as he floats about moving in slow motion. (while Bubba moves like Sonic while making baby steps)
Bird woman is goofy. Some long neck lady screeching like a bird while Naruto running at people.
Blight slamming his face into walls is a ridiculous and laughable power. How is that even fitting an alchemist?
Twins has Human Shrek giving out boob gremlins to kick.
Legion is a bunch of teens that get headaches after running for a few seconds.
This game is goofy.
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Trickster is way worse than any of the other killers you mentioned... He even winks in the lobby, lol.
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Looks wise yea probably not
how he acts yea I guess thats more inline with this game
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gonna just ignore the ring of fingers on his side I guess
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The Artist:
Hands cut off
Magic ink formed hands
Unnaturally tall
Bird feet
Weird bird head movements
Unique pallet break animation
Unique vaulting animation
Conjures magic ink bird heads that can shoot across the full map
Surrounds survivors in birds
No shirt
Throws knives
Wears contact lenses
Laughs sometimes
I don't see how you can even compare the 2; 1 is just a regular person with a bat, the other is completely unique in both her design and power.
Edit to add that its pretty sad seeing all these comments that if you don't like Trickster it must be because he is Asian, male and pretty; can't possibly dislike the design as its just a normal person. I honestly dislike Legion for the same reason and not because of the characters' nationality, gender or attractiveness.
Side note to say that I think Trickster would suit the name better if the Trick Blades were default so you were actually doing trick shots <3
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Trickster deserves a fortnite skin.
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Oh yeah I forgot about that.
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He would need some burnt face half part and his outfit burnt someparts.It would be lore wise.
Btw killer doesnt have to seem such unnatural.
On identity V despite being child game there are some human guys like the nun with the cat and the Photographer (the most close to the trickster character on that game)
I feel it fits this game is not a kind of terror very common as ur enemy is human but its cool.
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I mean trickster doesn't look scary at all lmao. At least with the artist she's a bit scary.
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I think the Trickster received backlash because he's misunderstood. He's supposed to be the maniacal homicide hidden behind a nice mask, but apparently people didn't like that.
The Artist though is quite unique, she is half woman half bird with that wierd ink stuff coming out of her stumps.