New "creative" Pig build

Since the recent "buff" to Pig this is the first time I've seen Video Tape being useful:
Pig basically camps one box at the start of the game, hoping that on average 1 survivor will die and some will disconnect out of boredom. When all the boxes pop or are removed, then she starts playing the game.
In case anyone is interested in her complete build here you go. Seems effective for getting a lot of kills without putting much effort if you have the spine and patience to play like this, I might at least try it once.
Barring solo que you should only really get 1 kill with this. Still dumb imo
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Yeah, the smart thing to do is 99 all gens. But nobody will do that if not on coms.
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"Here at BHVR we care about players' fun."
They really said that.
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I mean ggs but you got 11k bp, wouldnt get out my bed for that. Whatever floats your boat though.
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Remembering when someone did this with Amanda's Letter and Last Will (before the change to addons) and basically sentenced one of us to death immidiately.
Made sense lore wise, hated facing it.
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I did that once. I knew it was her last box because there was only one box on that side of the map and she was running towards it. It was hilarious, but the survivor got really upset so I kinda felt bad for doing that. But it was so worth it xd
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the traps probably should be disabled if the pig is next to a jigsaw box. that doesn't seem fair.
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Ran into this a couple days ago. Of course I was the one unlucky enough to need the box that she blocked. What an incredibly boring playstyle.
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I would have more fun wiping my Granny's ass than doing this. Needless to say I won't be doing either. I swear people will do anything these days.
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Not that i could get much more, one survivor had his head popped, the other dc'd and i had to rescue the last one off the hook while she was facecamping. The point of this post was just to share this build since i found it very unique, not to cry for nerfs or anything.
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I actually saw a clip on Reddit a few days ago where a solo team did exactly that. Let me see if I can find it.
Pig camped my box, solo squad knew what to do : deadbydaylight (
Of course, most solo teams are going to kill you by waiting at the gate and tbagging if you even got that far, but it's nice to see that it's possible.
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I wouldn't say it seems like a way to get a lot of kills -- maybe one or two, if you're lucky. I wouldn't want to play that way, but they're kind of ruining the game for themselves as much as anyone else.