How long do you think a trial/match should last (Ideally)

Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167
edited November 2021 in Polls


Just Brokenbones here again for another "I'm curious what people think" moment. It seems to be that nobody likes really quick games, but nobody likes games that drag on for too long either.

Basically, how long do you think average dbd matches should last? What's your ideal length of a match? What's your reasoning?

And do you think matches are too long or too short in general?

PERSONALLY - I think 5/6 minutes is the sweet spot for a match. Not too long, not too short.

That's all - thank you!

How long do you think a trial/match should last (Ideally) 43 votes

Under 3 minutes
5-6 minutes
BrokenbonesGarlicRice 2 votes
7-8 minutes
TapeKnotTaigaRoboMojobjorksnasHannonNoOneKnowsNovaGazgemauch[Deleted User] 8 votes
10+ minutes
GibberishSeiko300BlueberryVolantConch1719KaanaGcarraraGrandkuramaLeonardo1itamusstang62MrPenguinShapedSebaOutbreakMaxwellHippieDarkMagikFobboHex_LlamaGannTMVenusalav3 32 votes
Mandatory 'other' option


  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited November 2021
    10+ minutes

    5 minute matches definitely sounds too short, and that sounds like a match where either the Survivors gen rushed the hell out of the killer with very little opportunity for the killer to snowball pressure / momentum, or a match with a godly spirit / nurse or a killer with instantdown momentum pressure like Oni / Myers / Leatherface / Hillbilly that basically took the survivors completely by surprise and couldn't react quickly enough to what was going on.

    Neither of those matches are fun for the side that's losing, and arguably it isn't all that fun for the side winning either because they overwhelm their opponent(s) far too quickly.

    I'm not going to say that I've ever done the research where I've timed my own matches, but I will say most discussions I've been a part of regarding the length of an individual match usually say that on average matches last from 10-15 minutes. So I was surprised to see intervals lower than that as the listed poll options (is anybody really going to vote under 3 minutes? Why is that there??)

    And in the grand scheme of multiplayer gaming, 10 minute matches is really on the shorter end of match length / duration. When many games can easily go for 20, 30, or 40 minutes for a single match. But again, I'm not being scientific about this, I'm just kind of guesstimating off games I've played recently like Hunt: Showdown, Deep Rock Galactic, League, etc. 8 minutes is like the tournament timer for Smash Ultimate isn't it? In 1 v 1s you're probably talking about 5 minutes give or take for two players to go against each other with 3 stocks each, but of course that's shorter because it's literally only 2 people dueling it out.

    I would say once you get into the 5 minute range of matches you're talking about some truly faster paced gameplay and I just don't think that generally represents most of DBD (unless you're always going 100% hardcore sweaty- which I personally don't find fun but to each their own). You've got perks like Corrupt Intervention which last 2 minutes, or Deadlock which blocks the generator with the most progress for 30 seconds (activating 4 times that's another 2 minutes), and then aside from other slowdowns you've got the EGC- and if you got stomped survivors routinely feel compelled to gloat at the exit gate for the entire 3 minute EGC timer and hold killer hostage until they finally get their time in the sun or the timer runs out (not a rare occurrence).

    So I'm just thinking about all these different things in DBD that aren't uncommon which put game length into perspective, and I definitely don't think it's adding up to 5-6 minute matches, and barely the 7-8 option. The way I see it 10 minutes is really the time it takes for all the different DBD shenanigans to happen and I think that's fine.

    Things only really get frustrating when the match is prolonged without a hope of victory from the other side. IE 2 survivors crouching around for 5 entire minutes just on their own hiding around the map, or a killer who just pushes people off the final generators but can never commit to a chase to create pressure. (Obviously there's not much else they can do besides flat out give up and stand still, but that doesn't change the fact these situations aren't fun and only prolong the inevitable).

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167
    5-6 minutes

    Yeah the lower than 3 minutes thing was a typo, that was my B but I can't change it unfortunately :(

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566
    edited November 2021
    10+ minutes

    there should be atleast one hook per gen, its so hard to run around the map just to get DS'ed or DH and the same trick that got a down won't work twice, there's also too many safe pallets that i tend to waste time destroying just to get a hit, and then there's the COH. worst part is if they already have perfected the loop you'll take an extremely long time just to get a down. worst case scenario they have a flashlight and it will instantly go nowhere.

    Preventing gen rushing is impossible, and hooking 1 or 2 survivor without camping = instant loss. it just takes too much time to chase one survivor and there isn't really a way to put pressure now that they can heal twice the speed with COH.

    I say if they want to gen rush and still have a fair game without camping or tunneling, eliminate hook timer and implement BT as a survivor passive, but in exchange set the kill switch on the second hook. since everyone and their mothers run DS AND DH, there are too many second chances for survivors to avoid the 3rd hook meanwhile killers can only mess up once to lose all 5 gens.

    (perspective of an m1 based killer)

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    10+ minutes

    10 minutes, no more, no less.

  • AnObserver
    AnObserver Member Posts: 747
    10+ minutes

    Games where I've played "fair" (without pulling punches outside of deciding to leave the Hook) and everyone ends up with 20K+ BP usually end up being around 15 minutes. Typically lean more towards 3Ks in those matches though. So Survivors might not like it.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited November 2021
    10+ minutes

    Honestly 10 minutes is like the absolute bare minimum for a match to be fun. I would have even picked longer if it was available. Almost any match under 10 minutes isn't fun for either side.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047
    10+ minutes

    10+ Minutes means either im controlling the map well or am searching every locker in the world to try and find that damned claudette.