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Played SWF for the first time

Member Posts: 1,551

And I am even more convinced most people playing this game have no idea what camping/tunneling actually means heck even the game in general. I have heard people call a killer camping for securing a kill when there's no more generator left? It's been a circle jerk of people trash talking the killer in the communication. It's the killer fault always period never their own inexperience with the game nothing but excuses even calling out speed hacks because maybe it's the hip thing to do in the community since it's an occurring problem.

Now I'm not saying all SWF does this but this is just my experience in joining several random swf because I was bored playing alone. You can probably make a case study on this on how people react when they have a defined target to pour out their complains to lol.

To a chill people playing this game, you're a legend.

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  • Member Posts: 1,685

    Did you win most of your games?

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    Yeah pretty easy to do if you have communication(Actually not even talking since I don't feel like using mic when it's just filled with negative energy). People are pumping generators left and right and I'm in a team filled with inexperienced survivors just really good at holding M1.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    This is why the game can’t be balanced. People constantly whining about every possible thing that gives them a challenge and then post in the feedback section that it’s too strong and needs a nerf. Devs should really stop catering to survivors and killers that are like that.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I play swf once (4 matches). Eventhough they were generally nice. But I felt like we bullied killers in match. Even if the matches were 2k. But definitely Killers sweat alot from constant flashlight save and super coordination play.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    9/10 times I see people call the killer a camper/tunneling he wasn't. It's usually the survivors making a bad play and killer punishes them for it. People like to make excuses by nature.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    I'm still trying to work out why tunnelling is called bad. The most effective thing a killer can do to increase their chance of winning is decrease the number of survivors working on gens. The best way to do that is to kill people off sequentially. Only a few ramping/snowball builds benefit from spreading the focus across multiple survivors.

    Why wouldn't you, all other things being equal (not going to extreme lengths to do it etc.), hook one person three times rather than three people once?

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2021

    Tunneling someone out would be the smartest play to win. We typically just try not to because we want everyone to have a fun match. Ironically this mentality is typically not reciprocated by many survivors.

    There's a survivor rule book killers are expected to follow but there isn't one for survivors. It's a double standard.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    I play with a SWF group more often than not, ranging from a duo to a full-on 4-person group. Out of the people I SWF with, I'm the only one who plays killer on a regular basis.

    None of us are "toxic" -- no teabagging, flashlight spamming, etc. -- and I've made it a rule that no one engages in any of that while we're playing together (I stream, so I don't want to promote that type of play). Thankfully, it's not an issue, as everyone in our group is pretty chill when it comes to games.

    That said, I've had to correct my teammates at times when they've complained about something a killer does, simply pointing out to them that, from my own killer experience, the killer in these instances was only playing the way they should in those moments. I distinctly remember someone on our team complaining they were being "tunneled", and I had to point out that the killer had hooked everyone else on the team since they'd be hooked last, which was the exact opposite of tunneling, lol. Their lack of experience in the role definitely shows at times, as they don't realize that some of what happens in the game isn't a result of what the killer is doing, but what we/they are doing.

    I definitely am of the belief that, unless you play significant time in both roles, you'll never have the perspective needed to understand what is "bad" form on your opponents' parts and what's simply optimal gameplay -- and that goes both ways (for killer players who never play survivor too).

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    If the killer being looped for a few minutes whilst all gens are gone is supposed to be fun because of chases, then the actual act of being tunnelled should be fun on the other side, no? And once you're dead, either your team isn't amazing (and the game is likely to end soon because of reduced gen ability and increased killer pressure) or they are (and it's likely to end soon because they do the gens), but it's not going to be an eternity.

    And it seems bizarre to ask anyone on either side to specifically sabotage their gameplay for a notional even amount of fun. If you play a game where you can die, you're going to spend time dead and not doing anything. FPS's have respawn timers and endless running back to where you died etc.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2021

    Well it's interesting as well to compare the match results of playing normally and playing super campy/tunneling. I've been doing some sample runs going for full camp/tunnel to compare the results. Oddly enough you will end up with way more wins playing full camp/tunnel than you will playing normally. You will occasionally get the good group that just does the gens and leaves the guy on hook, but that's the rarity.

    Ideally we'd like a balanced system where playing the more fun way for both sides (not camping/tunneling) was the most effective.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    To dissuade tunnelling, you'd need the rewards for hooking different people in sequence to be worth more than the 25%/33%/50% (25%/50%/75% cumulative) reduction in survivor actions for eliminating one person. Obviously, getting multiple people hooked simultaneously is best, but how would you give incentive to just spread it around? The best thing so far seems to be stuff like DH, where you can get abilities that can close out a match despite the survivors not being severely impeded... but then that's strong enough it's put on a Hex and can just be kicked down, which negates the point.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Same. In every group, it seems like there's one person who has a high-stress personality and invents the feeling that they're being hassled even when they're not. There's just this constant commentary about how they hate everything the killer player does, and it's stupid, and it's not how you're supposed to play, etc, etc, and meanwhile everyone else is being calm and nothing's actually happening.

  • Member Posts: 277

    There's a certain streamer on ttv which literally plays to show off y'know, running backwards, going behind the killer with flashlight , making superb saves along with his teammates, everyone getting up from the ground when they're all downed, it's like they're all harrassing the killer for the sake of entertainment,laughing and mocking every single killer and most interesting is the fact that they literally choose when to work on gens, cause they know when they want the game to end. It's like : "hey, you go do a gen and I'll go behind my partner all the time".

    This is why I skip streamers playing SWF. As a solo Q, it literally doesn't help me since I don't have the same comms that they do.

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