To Mods,
Do you really have to read every single post? How often are you on the forums? Do you get paid for being a mod because of how often you guys are on here you surely have no time for a job. Maybe?
I respect what you guys do, I couldn’t possibly be a mod here. Thanks for all your work!
The moderators are volunteers and are here in their free time.
As for reading all threads, we pretty much get through them all yes, I specifically go through certain sections - feedback, bug reports etc.
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How do you become a mod?
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When we have positions open we advertise here and on our social media, it's an application process.
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if it was a more casual thing, I'd probably get involved.
are there any other ways I can help?
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Related to that, how do some people become “Trusted?”
1 - more information is here with regards to the Trusted programme.
It's in the process of being reworked which is why there's not much happening there right now, there's a few changes that I'm intending to implement and with the new things that I have planned (which will take some months to implement sadly), the programme will be more viable to sustain.
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And I apologize for any migraines I’ve caused. You’re doing the Lord’s work, please have a cookie. 🍪
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One final question if I may, Why do some users have different colored icons. As in I know trusted have red, but I’ve seen some users with silver colored icons. Why is that?
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Silver coloured? you mean bars across their profile?
If that is what you mean, those users are jailed, which means they're on the 2nd level of our warning system for behaviour on the forums.
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No, thats not what I’m talking about.
for a quick example, on GoodBoyKaru’s activity page on the top there is a person who talked on the activity and their icon is silver.
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ahh that was something that we did specially for Cheers, who was a beloved member of the forum who sadly lost their life. It was done by us as a mark of respect.
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I see, that was a good thing to do.
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Ok, I know I said that was the last one but I forgot to ask this. This one is real simple.
What does the BHVR read thing on everyones profile mean? I’m pretty sure you’ve read my comments so I want to know how it works.
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It's used under specific circumstances, I tend to only use it when I'm going through feedback from changes we've made etc.
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We should do a scavenger hunt for the mods sometime.
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Thats just when people post bug reports in the general discussions