The Makings of a True Monster

Entinaty Member Posts: 165
edited November 2021 in Creations

Considering that we are now 5 years and change into DBD's lifespan I find that it is time to truly shake things up. This is just a bit of a project for me but I based my ideas off of one premise. The game is currently five years old and still hasn't produced a killer on the level of the Nurse or surpassed her since. Even the newest killer to the motley crew, The Artist, seems fun but is not on the same level as a skilled Nurse that can get you no matter what.

After kicking around the idea for a while and crunching the numbers I am trying to find a killer concept that is more fun and challenging that can supplant the Nurse's position as the number one killer while still being fair and escapable when the Survivor plays well. Ladies and Gentleman, I introduce my revised Killer Concept #1: The Changeling.

A being born from the shadows of the Entity itself that only exists to bring suffering and misery to everyone. Needless to say, it has become Death.

For this killer I decided to come up with a concept with a killer that defies all logic, as a being born from the Entity should.

Killer Power:

Amalgamation: The Killer is granted ultimate power by the Entity itself. The Shade can shift between 3 different forms.

Assault Mode: The Killer's form for speedy attacks. This form allows for the Killer to move at 115% movement speed to deliver hits. Also allows the Killer to mark Survivors as possessed when they fill their power gauge, similar to the Ghostface mechanic. The survivor that is marked for Possession ends up switching places with the Killer at the Killer's command.

Ballista Mode: The Killer's form for ranged attacks. Allows the Killer to fire an Orb of Darkness that damage for a health state. Is stopped by walls and other obstructions. But when downed by an Orb of Darkness traps the Survivor in a ball of darkness exactly where they were hit and will continue to weaken them until death unless rescued.. Similar to Pyramid Head's Cage of Atonement.

Camouflage Mode: The Killer's Stealth form for spying. Allows the Killer to transverse the map as a Shadow. Unseen and cannot attack while traveling in the shadows and doesn't have a terror radius. Has the power to employ Shadow Illusions, up to the number of remaining Survivors, that are able to patrol the map and attack Survivors that cross their path. Base speed is the same as the Survivors walking speed. Can be destroyed by flashlights and pallets, and the Killer themselves.

Shifting forms has a 2 minute cooldown while powers used in either form have a 30 second cooldown. Marking a Survivor as possessed takes about 5 seconds to fill the gauge.

Killer Perks

Entity's Isolation: You are obsessed with one Survivor. The Entity has chosen you to be the recipient of torture. The Obsession starts the make away from any other Survivor and is Broken and Exhausted for 50/55/60 seconds.

Overwhelm: You exist as an agent of chaos and misery to others blessings. Blessed totems are rendered useless while within your terror radius. While within the terror radius the Survivors cannot use the abilities of any Blessed Totem. Also Totems that are snuffed cannot be relit for the next 50/55/60 seconds.

False Hope (Hex Perk): You love nothing more than snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. When 5 generators are powered if there are two or more dull totems remaining then 3 generators will instantly break and the Survivors will have to power the final generator to power the Exit gates.

This is just a concept of ideas that I was throwing together. All constructive ideas and criticism is welcome in terms of balancing or editing this idea. As I said before, I want a Killer that can supplant the Nurse for the Number 1 spot but still be fair. Let the madness begin.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Shenlong1904
    Shenlong1904 Member Posts: 293

    This will never happen, but your idea is the ultimate hybrid killer

    Ghostface's/Plague's ability to individually mark a survivor

    Nurse's/freddy's ability to teleport (with added survivor teleport)

    Deathslinger's shooting mechanic

    Pyramid head's unique hooks

    Wraith's stealth and speed

    Nemesis' zombies