What You Wish You Would've Knew Before You Started Playing - Tips and Tricks Edition

What are some tips and tricks you wish you would've knew before you started playing? They can be simple or complicated. I'll start with a super simple one that I struggled with so hard.
While playing on the Xbox, when repairing a generator, hold down RB while pressing LB on skill check. This will save you many a shoo away from your team mates and shame locker cool downs.
Turn off end game chat
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That bloodpoints are capped at 1 million. I think lost a few missions worth of bp before I noticed it wasn’t giving me the full amount.
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Healthy survivors suck in their breath when you pass by a locker. Listen
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Don't assume playing as the killer is going to be less stressful.
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Take it easy, get in character, don't overcommit to chases.
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I did not know this! Thank you!
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Spine Chill is a non-directional indicator. Premonition gives you a directional indicator of where killer is.
If you are on a gen and you don't see/hear killer or see anybody being chased/injured within 2 minutes of match, be very aware as it's probably a stealth killer like GF, Wraith or Myers.
Go to the furthest gens possible when starting out. Most survivors spawn over there (unless you are on Haddonfield, then it's random)
If a survivor is looping you too long (45s or more), leave chase and pursue a different weaker survivor.
Don't be ashamed to run NOED as it is fun lol
Try not to camp. Hooks over Kills. It will not only generate more pressure it will make a more fun game for everybody
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You can unset the traps as survivors.
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From killer perspective:
- Gen regression is often less powerful than the pressure caused by hooking someone and chasing someone else.
- Learn what the difference between a 'safe' and 'unsafe' pallet is - mindgame the unsafe ones and break the safe ones ASAP.
- If you see a .TTV in the lobby, dodge.
- Don't try to play games of attrition against booners.
- Don't walk through paths with a pallet while carrying someone.
- Always look at a wall when you pick someone up.
- Always try to eliminate 1 player as early as possible.
- Don't overcommit to chases unless you are going to force a lot of pallet drops.
- On some maps, it's best to establish a 'zone' of maybe 4 gens and patrol them rather than trying to keep all the gens.
- On killers without anti-loop/traversal skills, there are still some pseudo-infinites in the game. Some can be made manageable with breakable walls (Badham houses) and some can't (Haddonfield).
- Always try to approach gens at an oblique angle in order not to set off Spinechill.
- Don't be afraid to slug if you can get another down easily.
- Learn what perks survivors have baseline and anticipate them.
- Sometimes, getting up onto a hill/structure can allow you to find your next chase easier than patrolling.
- If you get an instant queue into a group with fancy skins, dodge.
- Your 'desired' kill rate is two survivors per game. Anything else is gravy. You won't always be able to 4k.
From survivor perspective:
- Don't immediately go for the unhook unless you know where the killer is.
- If someone else is being chased, do gens.
- Flashlights are 4/5 times pretty useless against killers that know how to handle them.
- It's often better to just stay injured and do gens than slowly healing with self-care.
- Don't teabag or flicky flicky unless you want to be camped out.
- Don't abuse pseudo-infinites unless you want the killer to AFK.
- Always have an escape plan from wherever you are.
- Try to guess what perks the killer is running. If there is a 'blank' spot, anticipate NOED. Two blank spots often means NOED+NWO.
- Always pre-drop unsafe pallets.
- Try to game safe pallets to buy time.
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Invest in a VPN.
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Don’t die
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But actually, probably that some killers don’t have a terror radius sometimes
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What is the difference between a safe and unsafe pallet?
What does ttv mean?
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A safe pallet is a pallet with either large obstacles surrounding it on both sides, or walls. It means that the killer can't just walk around the edges and bop you one. An unsafe pallet, on the other hand, only really works if you predrop it - it has a small obstacle on one/both sides that the killer can just walk around.
.TTV is usually someone who streams their games on Twitch.
These tend to smurf a lot (sandbagging their MMR when they aren't streaming to face easier opponents in order to look better on stream) or at least tend to be really sweaty or BM.
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Only met one so far, they accused me of being a cheater who's hacking afterwards because they thought Hex: Plaything applied only to the first survivor hooked.
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How to level up characters. I haven’t gotten a character to level 2 weeks into me playing lol.
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On that note, teachable perks in general. I was so busy playing my one character and not even bothering with anybody else that I spent absolutely no bloodpoints on other survivors perks.
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Survivors can be really salty in postgame, but I'm hesitant to turn it off as I occasionally meet someone really pleasant/funny. If you crack a Dad joke in postgame, you'll have a friend for life.
I've been accused of/had report threats for:
- Wallhacking (often), usually it's Discordance, Retribution (I'm getting a lot of use out of Retribution+Plaything) or occasionally an addon.
- General 'reported for hacking' because I used LP/got lucky early/someone hid in a really obvious locker. A lot of survivors don't realize that you can see infected survivor's 'stink clouds' when they are in lockers.
- Deliberately focusing down people with pride pins/Claudettes (no chaps and chappettes, those things are not everything-proof shields, I will tunnel you if you get hooked first. I don't even see your avatars/pins mostly).
- 'Unsportsmanlike conduct' for not giving people free unhooks, using strong addons or - most commonly - 'not giving them a chance when they had an early DC'.
- 'Holding the game hostage' when I do give them a chance after they have a DC.
My all time favorite 'wut' moment though went something like this.
About a year ago, I played Hag as my first 'main' (I just love her tactical style).
Postgame went something like this.
Player: U wyt?
Me: What?
Player: U wyt?
Me: I have no idea what that means. Am I alright?
Player: R U white?
Me: Yeah?
Player: wypipo shouldn't play hag. It's not right.
That one left me scratching my head, I'll say that much.
This is excellent advice. If I could go back and do one thing differently in DbD it would be to focus on unlocking BBQ and a few other perks on all the killers I want to play first before clogging up my trees with garbo perks. I've put easily 2 million BP into some killers and still haven't unlocked Retribution etc. I refuse to Prestige anyone for this reason.
Some killers earn BP much faster than others. I find Plague and Wraith to be worse earners than Doctor, Hag or Cenobite. Most killers also earn BP faster than most survivors, so it can be better to farm up BP on an 'earner' and then pour those into what you want.