Multiple Killers.

How would you all feel if BEHAVIOUR created multiple killers? Like for example, you have a tag team, like Jason Vorhees and Pamela Vorhees, or Pin Head and the Centibites.

But if you play as a killer, you will obviously have to pick one.

I think that would make the game more complicated. But exciting since as a survivor, you now have to escape from multiple killers.

What do you all think about that?


  • IWFreak
    IWFreak Member Posts: 252

    As in, multiple killers, at the same time, in a trial?

    It would be funny as some party game, or as an option in Custom Game. But in Live? No, I don't think that is gonna work, when the game isn't even balanced with only one killer...

    There are videos on YouTube about having multiple killers in a game. Sadly, it breaks the whole trial...