Dragon Ball: The Breakers?

Do you guys see the new asymmetrical game taking away from DBD?
All platforms , and honestly just as iconic characters (Cell, Buu and Frieza).
One thing that DBD has over Breakers is original killers (or Raiders in Breakers).
VHS is coming as well, but I can easily see Breakers gaining big traction. I'm just curious as to how DBD will be able to keep up with these new games.
Can't wait for the big crossover collaboration where the Survivors in The Breakers have to team up with the Z Fighters to fight the Entity itself. Dead By Daylight will get a charm of a broken scouter lens.
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Exactly what does DBZ have to do with DbD? Might as well compare Final Fantasy to Battlefield.
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I'd play it instead.
It's totally goofy and ridiculous. I love it.
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With only a cinematic trailer there is nothing to really go on. The game needs to have a good gameplay loop for both sides, decent balance, and a player base that actually sticks with the game long term. As for VHS it might end up like HSH where its fine-ish now, but later things go side ways. It's really hard to compete in this space when dbd has a multiyear deathgrip on the genre and has soaked up a lot of licenses.
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Ya know this post should be in the off topic section TBH but I'll bite.......VHS is a very rough game. Concept wise it's good but is very rough and will look like a major money grab game, and giving the survivors weapons to kill the killers.....Last Year did the same thing and look where it's at right now.....fewer people play it or know of it. And a game based with DBZ characters doesn't seem like a fun game tbh because if its Asymmetrical it means it would be Freiza vs 4 people that cant really beat him.....in that sense which ever plays Frieza would always win because that's cannon to the universe.
For a game to dethrone DbD it would have to really have balance in mind that keeps it as the 1 is the power role while the 4 have to work together to win. That's where DbD is failing now, the 1 has been removed completely from the power role while the 4 have been placed into the power role.
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It's a new asymmetrical game where a raider has to hunt down and kill survivors. It's not FF vs. battlefield, but more like F13 vs. DBD.
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That's even worse F13 to me wasn't fun because how spread out everyone was. What it did have going is Jason always stayed in the power role and never left it. Only way to kill Jason is to call in the special character, get to his shack, steal mama's sweater, hope he survives, get a machete, remove Jason's Mask and then hopefully everyone that needs to survive does to do the instant kill.
That's alot of work but worth it and takes teamwork. That's what F13 has over DbD.....actual teamwork but they were always in the weaker role. But that was what made it fun, running from Jason trying to joke him hoping he had left to try to escape knowing I couldn't do anything to him made it fun.
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Cell for the new DBD killer
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From the promo that's what will happen with the survivors. They will fight against the raiders using weapons and powers and the goal is to escape through a time capsule. It's unique enough to differentiate, but similar enough to draw attention away from DBD.
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I want it cause it similar to prop hunt and dbd.
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Huge DB fan but I feel like its going to be beat up the monster type of thing because that's what DB is. VHS on the other hand I have only one really big problem with it
I'm on console.
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I wouldn't hold my breathe, there has been quite a few games that came out that people said would "Draw Away" from DbD but they sadly lost popularity or just died completely. I hope a game does come out that forced the Devs to pay attention finally and balance thier game but again....I'm not holding my breathe.